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A Collection of Hymns

Showing 261 to 280 of 825 items.


HymnHAIL, thou once despised Jesus!
      8s & 7s. 1 HAIL, thou once despised Jesus! Hail, thou Galilean King! Thou didst suffer to release us; Thou didst free salvation bring. Hail, thou agonizing Saviour, Bearer of our sin and shame! By thy merits we find favour; Life is given through thy name. 2 Paschal Lamb, by God appointed, All our sins on thee were laid; By almighty lo
HymnHAPPY man whom God doth aid!
      8-7s. 1 HAPPY man whom God doth aid! God our souls and bodies made; God on us, in gracious showers, Blessings every moment pours; Compasses with angel-bands, Bids them bear us in their hands; Parents, friends, 'twas God bestowed, Life, and all, descend from God. 2 He this flowery carpet spread, Made the earth on which we tread; God r
HymnHAPPY soul that free from harms
      8-7s. 1 HAPPY soul that free from harms Rests within his Shepherd's arms! Who his quiet shall molest? Who shall violate his rest? Jesus doth his spirit bear, Jesus takes his every care; He who found the wandering sheep, Jesus still delights to keep. 2 O that I might so believe, Steadfastly to Jesus cleave, On his only love rely, Smi
HymnHAPPY soul who sees the day,
      8-7s. Isaiah xii. 1 HAPPY soul who sees the day, The glad day of gospel grace! Thee, my Lord (thou then wilt say) Thee will I for ever praise; Though thy wrath against me burned, Thou dost comfort me again; All thy wrath aside is turned, Thou hast blotted out my sin. 2 Me, behold! thy mercy spares, Jesus my salvation is: Hence my doub
HymnHAPPY the man that finds the grace,
      L.M. Prov. iii. 13 - 18. 1 HAPPY the man that finds the grace, The blessing of God's chosen race, The wisdom coming from above, The faith that sweetly works by love. 2 Happy beyond description he Who knows, The Saviour died for me, The gift unspeakable obtains, And heavenly understanding gains. 3 Wisdom divine! Who tells the price
HymnHAPPY the souls that first believed,
      L.M. Primitive Christianity. 1 HAPPY the souls that first believed, To Jesus and each other cleaved, Joined by the unction from above In mystic fellowship of love. 2 Meek, simple followers of the Lamb, They lived, and spake, and thought the same; They joyfully conspired to raise Their ceaseless sacrifice of praise. 3 With grace abund
HymnHAPPY the souls to Jesus joined,
      C.M. 1 HAPPY the souls to Jesus joined, And saved by grace alone, Walking in all his ways they find Their heaven on earth begun. 2 The church triumphant in thy love, Their mighty joys we know; They sing the Lamb in hymns above, And we in hymns below. 3 Thee in thy glorious realm they praise, And bow before thy throne, We in the kin
HymnHARK the herald-angels sing
      7s. 1 HARK the herald-angels sing "Glory to the new-born King, Peace on earth, and mercy mild; God and sinners reconciled." 2 Christ, by highest heaven adored, Christ, the everlasting Lord, Late in time behold him come, Offspring of a virgin's womb! 3 Veiled in flesh the Godhead see; Hail the incarnate Deity! Pleased as man with
HymnHARK! a voice divides the sky,
      8-7s. 1 HARK! a voice divides the sky, Happy are the faithful dead! In the Lord who sweetly die, They from all their toils are freed; Them the Spirit hath declared Blest, unutterably blest; Jesus is their great reward, Jesus is their endless rest. 2 Followed by their works, they go Where their Head hath gone before; Reconciled by grac
HymnHARK, how the watchmen cry,
      S.M. 1 HARK, how the watchmen cry, Attend the trumpet's sound! Stand to your arms, the foe is nigh, The powers of hell surround: Who bow to Christ's command, Your arms and hearts prepare! The day of battle is at hand! Go forth to glorious war! 2 See on the mountain-top The standard of your God! In Jesu's name I lift it up, All sta
HymnHE comes! he comes! the Judge severe,
      L.M. 1 HE comes! he comes! the Judge severe, The seventh trumpet speaks him near; His lightnings flash, his thunders roll, How welcome to the faithful soul! 2 From heaven angelic voices sound, See the almighty Jesus crowned, Girt with omnipotence and grace! And glory decks the Saviour's face. 3 Descending on his azure throne, He cl
HymnHE dies! the friend of sinners dies!
      L.M. 1 HE dies! the friend of sinners dies! Lo! Salem's daughters weep around! A solemn darkness veils the skies; A sudden trembling shakes the ground: Come, saints, and with your tears bedew The sufferer, bruised beneath your load, He poured out cries and tears for you, He shed for you his precious blood. 2 Here's love and grief beyo
HymnHE wills that I should holy be,
      L.M. 1 HE wills that I should holy be, That holiness I long to feel; That full divine conformity To all my Saviour's righteous will. 2 See, Lord, the travail of thy soul Accomplished in the change of mine, And plunge me, every whit made whole, In all the depths of love divine. 3 On thee, O God, my soul is stayed, And waits to prove
HymnHEAD of thy church, whose Spirit fills
      L.M. Revelation xxii. 17. 1 HEAD of thy church, whose Spirit fills And flows through every faithful soul, Unites in mystic love, and seals Them one, and sanctifies the whole; 2 "Come, Lord," thy glorious Spirit cries, And souls beneath the altar groan; "Come, Lord," the bride on earth replies, "And perfect all our souls in one."
HymnHEAR thou my prayer, O Lord,
      S.M. Psalm cxliii. 1 HEAR thou my prayer, O Lord, And listen to my cry: Remember now thy faithful word, And graciously reply. Do not in judgment rise Thy servant's life to scan; For righteous in thy spotless eyes Is found no living man. 2 I stretch my longing hands Towards thy holy place, With soul athirst, like weary lands, For thy
HymnHEARKEN to the solemn voice,
      7s & 8s. 1 HEARKEN to the solemn voice, The awful midnight cry; Waiting souls, rejoice, rejoice, And see the Bridegroom nigh; Lo! he comes to keep his word, Light and joy his looks impart; Go ye forth to meet your Lord, And meet him in your heart. 2 Ye who faint beneath the load Of sin, your heads lift up; See your great redeeming God
HymnHEAVENLY Father, sovereign Lord,
      8-7s. Isaiah xxxv. 1 HEAVENLY Father, sovereign Lord, Ever faithful to thy word, Humbly we our seal set to, Testify that thou art true. Lo! for us the wilds are glad, All in cheerful green arrayed, Opening sweets they all disclose, Bud and blossom as the rose. 2 Hark! the wastes have found a voice, Lonely deserts now rejoice, Gladsome
HymnHEAVY on me, O Lord, thy judgments lie:
      10 10, 10 10, 10 10, 10 6. Psalm lxxxviii. 1 HEAVY on me, O Lord, thy judgments lie: And curst I am, for God neglects my cry; O Lord, in darkness, in despair I groan; And every place is hell; for God is gone! O Lord arise, and let thy beams control These horrid clouds that press my frighted soul, O rise and save me from eternal night! Thou
HymnHELP us, Lord! each hour of need
      C.M. Matthew xv. 25. 1 HELP us, Lord! each hour of need Thy heavenly succour give; Help us in thought, and word, and deed, Each hour on earth we live. 2 O help us when our spirits bleed With contrite anguish sore; And when our hearts are cold and dead, O help us, Lord, the more! 3 O help us, through the prayer of faith More firmly t
HymnHELP, Lord! the busy foe
      S.M. In a hurry of business. 1 HELP, Lord! the busy foe Is as a flood come in! Lift up a standard, and o'erthrow The soul-distracting sin: This sudden tide of care Roll back, O God, from me, Nor let the rapid current bear My soul away from thee. 2 The praying Spirit breathe, The watching power impart, From all entanglements beneath

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