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A Collection of Hymns

Showing 581 to 600 of 825 items.


HymnOUR Jesus is gone up on high,
      L.M. Acts ii. 1 OUR Jesus is gone up on high, For us the blessing to receive; It now comes streaming from the sky, The Spirit comes, and sinners live. 2 To every one whom God shall call The promise is securely made; To you far off; he calls you all; Believe the word which Christ hath said; 3 "The Holy Ghost, if I depart, The Comfor
HymnOUT of the deep I cry,
      2-6s & 4-7s. 1 OUT of the deep I cry, Just at the point to die, Hastening to infernal pain, Jesus, Lord, I cry to thee; Help a feeble child of man, Show forth all thy power in me. 2 On thee I ever call, Saviour and friend of all; Well thou know'st my desperate case; Thou my curse and sin remove, Save me by thy richest grace, Save me
HymnOUT of the depth of self-despair,
      C.M. Psalm cxxx. 1 OUT of the depth of self-despair, To thee, O Lord, I cry; My misery mark, attend my prayer, And bring salvation nigh. 2 If thou art rigorously severe, Who may the test abide? Where shall the man of sin appear, Or how be justified? 3 But O forgiveness is with thee, That sinners may adore, With filial fear thy good
HymnOUT of the depths I cry to thee,
      8 6, 8 6, 8 8 7. 1 OUT of the depths I cry to thee, Lord God! O hear my prayer! Incline a gracious ear to me, And bid me not despair: If thou rememberest each misdeed, If each should have its rightful need, Lord, who shall stand before thee? 2 'Tis through thy love alone we gain The pardon of our sin; The strictest life is but in vain
HymnPARTNERS of a glorious hope,
      8-7s. 1 PARTNERS of a glorious hope, Lift your hearts and voices up, Jointly let us rise, and sing Christ our Prophet, Priest, and King: Monuments of Jesu's grace, Speak we by our lives his praise; Walk in him we have received, Show we not in vain believed. 2 While we walk with God in light, God our hearts doth still unite; Dearest f
HymnPASS a few swiftly-fleeting years,
      L.M. 1 PASS a few swiftly-fleeting years, And all that now in bodies live Shall quit, like me, the vale of tears, Their righteous sentence to receive. 2 But all, before they hence remove, May mansions for themselves prepare In that eternal house above; And, O my God, shall I be there?
HymnPEACE be on this house bestowed,
      8-7s. 1 PEACE be on this house bestowed, Peace on all that here reside! Let the unknown peace of God With the man of peace abide. Let the Spirit now come down; Let the blessing now take place! Son of peace, receive thy crown, Fulness of the gospel grace. 2 Christ, my Master and my Lord, Let me thy forerunner be; O be mindful of thy wo
HymnPEACE, doubting heart! my God's I am;
      6-8s. Isaiah xliii. 1,2. 1 PEACE, doubting heart! my God's I am; Who formed me man, forbids my fear; The Lord hath called me by my name; The Lord protects, for ever near; His blood for me did once atone, And still he loves and guards his own. 2 When passing through the watery deep, I ask in faith his promised aid, The waves all awful d
HymnPIERCE, fill me with an humble fear;
      L.M. 1 PIERCE, fill me with an humble fear; My utter helplessness reveal! Satan and sin are always near, Thee may I always nearer feel. 2 O that to thee my constant mind Might with an even flame aspire, Pride in its earliest motions find, And mark the risings of desire! 3 O that my tender soul might fly The first abhorred approach o
HymnPLEASANT are thy courts above,
      8-7s. 1 PLEASANT are thy courts above, In the land of light and love; Pleasant are thy courts below, In this land of sin and woe. O! my spirit longs and faints For the converse of thy saints, For the brightness of thy face, For thy fulness, God of grace! 2 Happy birds that sing and fly Round thy altars, O most High! Happier souls that
HymnPLUNGED in a gulf of dark despair
      C.M. 1 PLUNGED in a gulf of dark despair We wretched sinners lay, Without one cheerful beam of hope, Or spark of glimmering day. 2 With pitying eyes, the Prince of peace Beheld our helpless grief; He saw, and - O amazing love! He flew to our relief. 3 Down from the shining seats above With joyful haste he sped; Entered the grave in
HymnPRAISE the Lord! who reigns above,
      7s & 6s. Psalm cl. 1 PRAISE the Lord! who reigns above, And keeps his court below, Praise the holy God of love, And all his greatness show; Praise him for his noble deeds, Praise him for his matchless power: Him from whom all good proceeds Let earth and heaven adore. 2 Publish, spread to all around The great Jehovah's name, Let the t
HymnPRAISE the Lord! ye heavens, adore him,
      8s & 7s. 1 PRAISE the Lord! ye heavens, adore him, Praise him, angels in the height; Sun and moon, rejoice before him; Praise him, all ye stars and light; Praise the Lord! for he hath spoken; Worlds his mighty voice obeyed; Laws, that never shall be broken, For their guidance he hath made. 2 Praise the Lord, for he is glorious; Never s
HymnPRAISE ye the Lord! 'tis good to raise
      L.M. Psalm cxlvi. 1 PRAISE ye the Lord! 'tis good to raise Your hearts and voices in his praise: His nature and his works invite To make this duty our delight. 2 He formed the stars, those heavenly flames, He counts their numbers, calls their names, His wisdom's vast, and knows no bound, A deep where all our thoughts are drowned. 3
HymnPRAISE, O praise our God and king!
      7s. Psalm cxxxvi. 1 PRAISE, O praise our God and king! Hymns of adoration sing; For his mercies still endure Ever faithful, ever sure. 2 Praise him that he made the sun Day by day his course to run; For his mercies still endure Ever faithful, ever sure: 3 And the silver moon by night, Shining with her gentle light; For his mercies
HymnPRAYER is the soul's sincere desire,
      C.M. 1 PRAYER is the soul's sincere desire, Uttered or unexpressed; The motion of a hidden fire, That trembles in the breast. 2 Prayer is the burden of a sigh, The falling of a tear; The upward glancing of an eye, When none but God is near. 3 Prayer is the simplest form of speech That infant lips can try; Prayer the sublimest stra
HymnPRISONERS of hope, arise,
      S.M. 1 PRISONERS of hope, arise, And see your Lord appear; Lo! on the wings of love he flies, And brings redemption near; Redemption in his blood He calls you to receive: "Look unto me, the pardoning God; Believe," he cries, "believe!" 2 The reconciling word We thankfully embrace; Rejoice in our redeeming Lord, A blood-besprinkle
HymnPRISONERS of hope, lift up your heads,
      6-8s. 1 PRISONERS of hope, lift up your heads, The day of liberty draws near! Jesus, who on the serpent treads, Shall soon in your behalf appear, The Lord will to his temple come, Prepare your hearts to make him room. 2 Ye all shall find, whom in his word Himself hath caused to put your trust, The Father of our dying Lord Is ever to Hi
HymnPURE baptismal Fire divine,
      8-7s. Matthew iii. 11. 1 PURE baptismal Fire divine, All thy heavenly powers exert, In my deepest darkness shine, Spread thy warmth throughout my heart; Come, thou Spirit of burning come, Comforter through Jesus given; All my earthly dross consume, Fill my soul with love from heaven. 2 Love in me intensely burn, Love mine inmost essenc
HymnQUICKENED with our immortal Head,
      L.M. 2 Timothy i. 7. 1 QUICKENED with our immortal Head, Who daily, Lord, ascend with thee, Redeemed from sin, and free indeed, We taste our glorious liberty. 2 Saved from the fear of hell and death, With joy we seek the things above; And all thy saints the spirit breathe Of power, sobriety, and love. 3 Power o'er the world, the fie

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