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A Collection of Hymns

Showing 341 to 360 of 825 items.


HymnJEHOVAH, God the Father, bless,
      C.M. Numbers vi. 24 - 26. 1 JEHOVAH, God the Father, bless, And thy own work defend! With mercy's outstretched arms embrace And keep us to the end! Preserve the creatures of thy love, By providential care Conducted to the realms above, To sing thy goodness there. 2 Jehovah, God the Son, reveal The brightness of thy face; And all thy
HymnJEHOVAH'S Fellow, and his Son,
      6-8s. Luke ii. 34. 1 JEHOVAH'S Fellow, and his Son, What numbers fall by thee and rise! Precious, elect, and corner-stone, Built on thy strength we reach the skies, Or by thy cross ourselves o'erthrow, And sink into eternal woe. 2 Thine anger casts the sinner down, That lifted up by pardoning grace He may his Prince and Saviour own,
HymnJESU! Redeemer! Saviour, Lord,
      C.M. SECOND PART 1 JESU! Redeemer! Saviour, Lord, The weary sinner's friend, Come to my help, pronounce the word, And bid my troubles end. 2 Deliverance to my soul proclaim, And life, and liberty; Shed forth the virtue of thy name, And Jesus prove to me! 3 Faith to be healed thou know'st I have, For thou that faith hast given; Th
HymnJESU, friend of sinners, hear,
      7s & 6s. 1 JESU, friend of sinners, hear, Yet once again I pray; From my debt of sin set clear, For I have nought to pay; Speak, O speak, the kind release, A poor backsliding soul restore! Love me freely, seal my peace, And bid me sin no more. 2 For my selfishness and pride Thou hast withdrawn thy grace, Left me long to wander wide,
HymnJESU, if still the same thou art,
      6-8s. 1 JESU, if still the same thou art, If all thy promises are sure, Set up thy kingdom in my heart, And make me rich, for I am poor: To me be all thy treasures given, The kingdom of an inward heaven. 2 Thou hast pronounced the mourners blest, And lo! for thee I ever mourn: I cannot, no, I will not rest, Till thou, my only rest, ret
HymnJESU, if still thou art to-day
      C.M. 1 JESU, if still thou art to-day As yesterday the same, Present to heal, in me display The virtue of thy name. 2 If still thou goest about to do Thy needy creatures good On me, that I thy praise may show, Be all thy wonders showed. 3 Now, Lord, to whom for help I call, Thy miracles repeat; With pitying eyes behold me fall A l
HymnJESU, in whom the weary find
      6-8s. 1 JESU, in whom the weary find Their late, but permanent repose, Physician of the sin-sick mind, Relieve my wants, assuage my woes; And let my soul on thee be cast, Till life's fierce tyranny be past. 2 Loosed from my God, and far removed, Long have I wandered to and fro, O'er earth in endless circles roved, Nor found whereon t
HymnJESU, let thy pitying eye
      7s & 6s. 1 JESU, let thy pitying eye Call back a wandering sheep False to thee, like Peter, I Would fain, like Peter, weep: Let me be by grace restored, On me be all long-suffering shown; Turn, and look upon me, Lord, And break my heart of stone. 2 Saviour, Prince, enthroned above, Repentance to impart, Give me, through thy dying love
HymnJESU, Lover of my soul,
      8-7s. 1 JESU, Lover of my soul, Let me to thy bosom fly, While the nearer waters roll, While the tempest still is high: Hide me, O my Saviour, hide, Till the storm of life be past! Safe into the haven guide, O receive my soul at last! 2 Other refuge have I none, Hangs my helpless soul on thee; Leave, ah! leave me not alone, Still sup
HymnJESU, my Advocate above,
      L.M. 1 JESU, my Advocate above, My friend before the throne of love, If now for me prevails thy prayer, If now I find thee pleading there, If thou the secret wish convey, And sweetly prompt my heart to pray; Hear, and my weak petitions join, Almighty Advocate, to thine. 2 Fain would I know my utmost ill, And groan my nature's weight t
HymnJESU, my God and King,
      2-6s & 4-7s. 1 JESU, my God and King, Thy regal state I sing! Thou, and only thou, art great, High thine everlasting throne; Thou the sovereign Potentate, Blessed, immortal, thou alone. 2 Essay your choicest strains, The King Messiah reigns! Tune your harps, celestial choir, Joyful all your voices raise; Christ, than earth-born monarc
HymnJESU, my Saviour, Brother, Friend,
      L.M. 1 JESU, my Saviour, Brother, Friend, On whom I cast my every care, On whom for all things I depend, Inspire, and then accept, my prayer. 2 If I have tasted of thy grace, The grace that sure salvation brings, If with me now thy Spirit stays, And hovering hides me in his wings. 3 Still let him with my weakness stay, Nor for a mom
HymnJESU, my Truth, my Way,
      S.M. 1 JESU, my Truth, my Way, My sure, unerring light, On thee my feeble steps I stay, Which thou wilt guide aright. 2 My Wisdom and my guide, My Counsellor thou art; O never let me leave thy side, Or from thy paths depart! 3 I lift my eyes to thee, Thou gracious, bleeding Lamb, That I may now enlightened be, And never put to sha
HymnJESU, shall I never be
      7s. Philippians ii. 5. 1 JESU, shall I never be Firmly grounded upon thee? Never by thy work abide, Never in thy wounds reside? 2 O how wavering is my mind, Tossed about with every wind! O how quickly doth my heart From the living God depart! 3 Jesu, let my nature feel, Thou art God unchangeable: JAH, JEHOVAH, great I AM, Speak in
HymnJESU, Shepherd of the sheep,
      6-7s. 1 JESU, Shepherd of the sheep, Pity my unsettled soul! Guide, and nourish me, and keep, Till thy love shall make me whole: Give me perfect soundness, give, Make me steadfastly believe. 2 I am never at one stay, Changing every hour I am; But thou art, as yesterday, Now and evermore the same; Constancy to me impart, Stablish with
HymnJESU, take my sins away,
      7s & 6s. 1 JESU, take my sins away, And make me know thy name! Thou art now, as yesterday And evermore, the same; Thou my true Bethesda be; I know within thine arms is room, All the world may unto thee, Their House of Mercy, come. 2 Mercy then there is for me, (Away my doubts and fears!) Plagued with an infirmity For many tedious yea
HymnJESU, the Life, the Truth, the Way,
      C.M. Matthew vi. 10 1 JESU, the Life, the Truth, the Way, In whom I now believe, As taught by thee, in faith I pray, Expecting to receive. 2 Thy will by me on earth be done, As by the choirs above, Who always see thee on thy throne, And glory in thy love. 3 I ask in confidence the grace, That I may do thy will, As angels, who behol
HymnJESU, the sinner's friend, to thee,
      L.M. 1 JESU, the sinner's friend, to thee, Lost and undone, for aid I flee, Weary of earth, myself, and sin, Open thine arms and take me in. 2 Pity, and heal my sin-sick soul; 'Tis thou alone canst make me whole; Fallen, till in me thine image shine, And cursed I am, till thou art mine. 3 Awake, the woman's conquering Seed, Awake
HymnJESU, the very thought of thee
      C.M. 1 JESU, the very thought of thee With sweetness fills my breast; But sweeter far thy face to see, And in thy presence rest. 2 Nor voice can sing, nor heart can frame, Nor can the memory find A sweeter sound than thy blest name, O Saviour of mankind! 3 O hope of every contrite heart, O joy of all the meek, To those who fall how
HymnJESU, the word of mercy give,
      C.M. 1 JESU, the word of mercy give, And let it swiftly run; And let the priests themselves believe, And put salvation on. 2 Clothed with the spirit of holiness, May all thy people prove The plenitude of gospel grace, The joy of perfect love. 3 Jesus, let all thy lovers shine Illustrious as the sun; And, bright with borrowed rays d

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