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A Collection of Hymns

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HymnRAISE the psalm: let earth adoring,
      8s & 7s. Psalm xcvi. 1 RAISE the psalm: let earth adoring, Through each kindred, tribe, and tongue, To her God his praise restoring, Raise the new accordant song. Bless his name, each farthest nation; Sing his praise, his truth display: Tell anew his high salvation With each new return of day. 2 Tell it out beneath the heaven, To each
HymnREGARDLESS now of things below,
      6-8s. 1 REGARDLESS now of things below, Jesus, to thee my heart aspires, Determined thee alone to know, Author and end of my desires; Fill me with righteousness divine: To end, as to begin, is thine. 2 What is a worthless worm to thee? What is in man thy grace to move? That still thou seekest those who flee The arms of thy pursuing lov
HymnREJOICE evermore With angels above,
      10s & 11s. 1 REJOICE evermore With angels above, In Jesus's power, In Jesus's love: With glad exultation Your triumph proclaim, Ascribing salvation To God and the Lamb. 2 Thou, Lord, our relief In trouble hast been; Hast saved us from grief, Hast saved us from sin; The power of thy Spirit Hath set our hearts free, And now we inherit Al
HymnREJOICE for a brother deceased,
      8s. 1 REJOICE for a brother deceased, Our loss is his infinite gain; A soul out of prison released, And freed from its bodily chain; With songs let us follow his flight, And mount with his spirit above, Escaped to the mansions of light, And lodged in the Eden of love. 2 Our brother the haven hath gained, Out-flying the tempest and wind
HymnREJOICE, the Lord is King!
      4-6s & 2-8s. 1 REJOICE, the Lord is King! Your Lord and King adore, Mortals, give thanks, and sing, And triumph evermore; Lift up your heart, lift up your voice, Rejoice, again I say, rejoice. 2 Jesus the Saviour reigns, The God of truth and love; When he had purged our stains, He took his seat above: Lift up your heart, lift up your
HymnREMEMBER, Lord, the pious zeal
      L.M. Psalm cxxxii. 1 REMEMBER, Lord, the pious zeal Of every soul that cleaves to thee, The troubles for thy sake they feel, Their eager hopes thy house to see. 2 Arise, O Lord, into thy rest, Thou, and thy ark of perfect power; God over all, for ever blessed, Thee, Jesus, let our hearts adore. 3 Thy priests be clothed with righteous
HymnRETURN, O wanderer, to thy home!
      C.M. 1 RETURN, O wanderer, to thy home! Thy Father calls for thee; No longer now an exile roam In guilt and misery. 2 Return, O wanderer, to thy home! 'Tis Jesus calls for thee; The Spirit and the Bride say, "Come;" O now for refuge flee! 3 Return, O wanderer, to thy home 'Tis madness to delay; There are no pardons in the tomb,
HymnRIGHTEOUS God! whose vengeful phials
      8s & 7s. 1 RIGHTEOUS God! whose vengeful phials All our fears and thoughts exceed, Big with woes and fiery trials, Hanging, bursting o'er our head; While thou visitest the nations, Thy selected people spare; Arm our cautioned souls with patience, Fill our humbled hearts with prayer. 2 If thy dreadful controversy With all flesh is now
HymnROCK of ages, cleft for me,
      6-7s. Isaiah xxvi. 4. 1 ROCK of ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee; Let the water and the blood, From thy wounded side which flowed, Be of sin the double cure, Save from wrath and make me pure. 2 Could my tears for ever flow, Could my zeal no languor know. These for sin could not atone; Thou must save and thou alone: In my
HymnSALVATION! O the joyful sound!
      C.M. Isaiah lii. 10. 1 SALVATION! O the joyful sound! What pleasure to our ears! A sovereign balm for every wound, A cordial for our fears. Glory, honour, praise, and power, Be unto the Lamb for ever: Jesus Christ is our Redeemer: Hallelujah, Praise the Lord. 2 Salvation! let the echo fly The spacious earth around; While all the armie
HymnSAVE me, O God; for thou alone
      C.M. 1 SAVE me, O God; for thou alone My tower of refuge art; Thou art my Lord, my only good; I bless thee from my heart. 2 The Lord alone shall be my cup, And mine inheritance: And thou art he that guards my lot From every evil chance. 3 The fields wherein my lot is cast In loveliness excel, And in her pleasant heritage My soul d
HymnSAVIOUR from sin, I wait to prove
      6-8s. 1 SAVIOUR from sin, I wait to prove That Jesus is thy healing name; To lose, when perfected in love, Whate'er I have, or can, or am: I stay me on thy faithful word, "The servant shall be as his Lord." 2 Answer that gracious end in me For which thy precious life was given, Redeem from all iniquity, Restore, and make me meet for
HymnSAVIOUR of all, to thee we bow,
      L.M. Revelation iii. 20. 1 SAVIOUR of all, to thee we bow, And own thee faithful to thy word; We hear thy voice, and open now Our hearts to entertain our Lord. 2 Come in, come in, thou heavenly guest, Delight in what thyself hast given; On thy own gifts and graces feast, And make the contrite heart thy heaven. 3 Smell the sweet odour
HymnSAVIOUR of all, what hast thou done,
      6-8s. 1 SAVIOUR of all, what hast thou done, What hast thou suffered on the tree? Why didst thou groan thy mortal groan, Obedient unto death for me? The mystery of thy passion show, The end of all thy griefs below, 2 Thy soul, for sin an offering made, Hath cleared this guilty soul of mine; Thou hast for me a ransom paid, To change my
HymnSAVIOUR of sinful men,
      S.M. 1 SAVIOUR of sinful men, Thy goodness we proclaim, Which brings us here to meet again, And triumph in thy name; Our safeguard and our tower; Hath saved us from the world, and sin, And all the accuser's power. 2 Jesus take all the praise, That still on earth we live, Unspotted in so foul a place, And innocently grieve! We shall
HymnSAVIOUR of the sin-sick soul,
      7s. 1 SAVIOUR of the sin-sick soul, Give me faith to make me whole! Finish thy great work of grace, Cut it short in righteousness. 2 Speak the second time, "Be clean!" Take away my inbred sin; Every stumbling-block remove, Cast it out by perfect love. 3 Nothing less will I require, Nothing more can I desire; None but Christ to me
HymnSAVIOUR, cast a pitying eye,
      6-7s. 1 SAVIOUR, cast a pitying eye, Bid my sins and sorrows end; Whither should a sinner fly? Art not thou the sinner's friend? Rest in thee I gasp to find, Wretched I, and poor, and blind. 2 Haste, O haste, to my relief! From the iron furnace take; Bid me of my sin and grief, For thy love and mercy's sake; Set my heart at liberty,
HymnSAVIOUR, I now with shame confess
      L.M. Isaiah lvii. 18, 19. 1 SAVIOUR, I now with shame confess My thirst for creature happiness; By base desires I wronged thy love, And forced thy mercy to remove. 2 Yet would I not regard thy stroke; But when thou didst thy grace revoke, And when thou didst thy face conceal, Thy absence I refused to feel. 3 I knew not that the Lord
HymnSAVIOUR, if thy precious love
      8-7s. 1 SAVIOUR, if thy precious love Could be merited by mine, Faith these mountains would remove; Faith would make me ever thine: But when all my care and pains Worth can ne'er create in me, Nought by me thy fulness gains; Vain the hope to purchase thee. 2 Cease, O man, thy worth to weigh, Give the needless contest o'er; Mine thou
HymnSAVIOUR, on me the grace bestow
      6-8s. 1 SAVIOUR, on me the grace bestow To trample on my mortal foe; Conqueror of death with thee to rise, And claim my station in the skies, Fixed as the throne which ne'er can move, A pillar in thy church above. 2 As beautiful as useful there, May I that weight of glory bear, With all who finally o'ercome, Supporters of the heavenl

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