WHY should the children of a king
1 WHY should the children of a king
Go mourning all their days?
Great Comforter, descend, and bring
The tokens of thy grace!
2 Dost thou not dwell in all thy saints,
And seal the heirs of heaven?
When wilt thou banish my complaints,
And show my sins forgiven?
3 Assure my conscience of its part
In the Redeemer's blood;
And bea ...read
WITH broken heart and contrite sigh,
L.M. Luke xviii. 13.
1 WITH broken heart and contrite sigh,
A trembling sinner, Lord, I cry;
Thy pardoning grace is rich and free;
O God! be merciful to me.
2 I smite upon my troubled breast,
With deep and conscious guilt oppressed;
Christ and his cross my only plea;
O God! be merciful to me.
3 Far off I stand with tearful eyes,
Nor ...read
WITH glorious clouds encompassed round,
1 WITH glorious clouds encompassed round,
Whom angels dimly see,
Will the Unsearchable be found,
Or God appear to me?
2 Will he forsake his throne above,
Himself to worms impart?
Answer, thou Man of grief and love,
And speak it to my heart!
3 In manifested love explain
Thy wonderful design;
What meant the suffering Son of man, ...read
WITH glorious clouds encompassed round,
1 WITH glorious clouds encompassed round,
Whom angels dimly see,
Will the Unsearchable be found,
Or God appear to me?
2 Will he forsake his throne above,
Himself to worms impart?
Answer, thou Man of grief and love,
And speak it to my heart!
3 In manifested love explain
Thy wonderful design;
What meant the suffering Son of man, ...read
WITH glory clad, with strength arrayed,
L.M. Psalm xciii.
1 WITH glory clad, with strength arrayed,
The Lord, that o'er all nature reigns,
The world's foundations strongly laid,
And the vast fabric still sustains.
2 How sure established is thy throne,
Which shall no change or period see!
For thou, O Lord, and thou alone,
Art King from all eternity.
3 The floods, O Lord, ...read
WITH joy we meditate the grace
1 WITH joy we meditate the grace
Of our High-priest above;
His heart is made of tenderness,
His bowels yearn with love.
2 Touched with a sympathy within,
He knows our feeble frame;
He knows what sore temptations mean,
For he hath felt the same.
3 He in the days of feeble flesh
Poured out his cries and tears;
And, though exalte ...read
WOE is me! what tongue can tell
7s & 6s. The Good Samaritan. Luke x. 30.
1 WOE is me! what tongue can tell
My sad afflicted state,
Who my anguish can reveal,
Or all my woes relate?
Fallen among thieves I am,
And they have robbed me of my God,
Turned my glory into shame,
And left me in my blood.
2 O thou good Samaritan!
In thee is all my hope;
Only thou canst succour ...read
WOE to the men on earth who dwell,
1 WOE to the men on earth who dwell,
Nor dread the Almighty's frown,
When God doth all his wrath reveal,
And shower his judgments down!
2 Sinners, expect those heaviest showers,
To meet your God prepare;
For, lo! the seventh angel pours
His phial in the air.
3 Lo! from their seats the mountains leap,
The mountains are not foun ...read
WONDROUS power of faithful prayer!
6-8s. Exodus xxxii. 10.
1 WONDROUS power of faithful prayer!
What tongue can tell the almighty grace?
God's hands or bound or open are,
As Moses or Elijah prays:
Let Moses in the Spirit groan,
And God cries out, "Let me alone!
2 "Let me alone, that all my wrath
May rise the wicked to consume!
While justice hears thy praying faith,
I ...read
WORSHIP, and thanks, and blessing,
7 7, 4 4, 7. 7 7, 4 4, 7.
1 WORSHIP, and thanks, and blessing,
And strength ascribe to Jesus!
Jesus alone
Defends his own,
When earth and hell oppress us.
Jesus with joy we witness
Almighty to deliver;
Our seals set to,
That God is true,
And reigns a King for ever.
2 Omnipotent Redeemer,
Our ransomed souls adore thee;
Our Saviour th ...read
WOULD Jesus have the sinner die?
1 WOULD Jesus have the sinner die?
Why hangs he then on yonder tree?
What means that strange expiring cry?
(Sinners, he prays for you and me)
"Forgive them, Father, O forgive,
They know not that by me they live!"
2 Adam descended from above,
Our loss of Eden to retrieve,
Great God of universal love,
If all the world through thee ...read
WRETCHED, helpless, and distrest,
7s & 6s. Revelation iii. 17.
1 WRETCHED, helpless, and distrest,
Ah! whither shall I fly?
Ever gasping after rest,
I cannot find it nigh:
Naked, sick, and poor, and blind,
Fast bound in sin and misery,
Friend of sinners, let me find
My help, my all, in thee!
2 I am all unclean, unclean,
Thy purity I want;
My whole heart is sick of sin ...read
YE faithful souls, who Jesus know,
L.M. Colossians iii. 1-4.
1 YE faithful souls, who Jesus know,
If risen indeed with him ye are,
Superior to the joys below,
His resurrection's power declare.
2 Your faith by holy tempers prove,
By actions show your sins forgiven,
And seek the glorious things above,
And follow Christ, your Head, to heaven.
3 There your exalted Saviou ...read
YE neighbours, and friends Of Jesus, draw near:
10s & 11s.
1 YE neighbours, and friends Of Jesus, draw near:
His love condescends by titles so dear
To call and invite you His triumph to prove,
And freely delight you In Jesus's love.
2 The Shepherd who died His sheep to redeem,
On every side Are gathered to him
The weary and burdened, The reprobate race;
And wait to be pardoned Throug ...read
YE ransomed sinners, hear,
4-6s & 2-8s.
1 YE ransomed sinners, hear,
The prisoners of the Lord,
And wait till Christ appear,
According to his word:
Rejoice in hope, rejoice with me,
We shall from all our sins be free.
2 Let others hug their chains,
For sin and Satan plead,
And say, from sin's remains
They never can be freed:
Rejoice in hope, rejoice with me,
YE simple souls that stray
1 YE simple souls that stray
Far from the path of peace,
That lonely, unfrequented way
To life and happiness,
Why will ye folly love,
And throng the downward road,
And hate the wisdom from above,
And mock the sons of God?
2 Madness and misery
Ye count our life beneath;
And nothing great or good can see,
Or glorious, in our death ...read
YE thirsty for God, To Jesus give ear,
10s & 11s. John vii. 37 - 39.
1 YE thirsty for God, To Jesus give ear,
And take, through his blood, A power to draw near;
His kind invitation Ye sinners embrace,
Accepting salvation, Salvation by grace.
2 Sent down from above, Who governs the skies,
In vehement love To sinners he cries,
Drink into my Spirit, Who happy would be,
And all t ...read
YE virgin souls, arise,
4-6s & 2-8s.
1 YE virgin souls, arise,
With all the dead awake
Unto salvation wise,
Oil in your vessels take;
Upstarting at the midnight cry,
"Behold the heavenly Bridegroom nigh!"
2 He comes, he comes, to call
The nations to his bar,
And raise to glory all
Who fit for glory are;
Made ready for your full reward,
Go forth with joy t ...read
YES, from this instant now, I will
6-8s "Wilt thou not from this time cry unto me, My father?" Jeremiah iii, 4.
1 YES, from this instant now, I will
To my offended father cry;
My base ingratitude I feel,
Vilest of all thy children, I,
Not worthy to be called thy son;
Yet will I thee my father own.
2 Guide of my life hast thou been,
And rescued me from passion's power? ...read
YIELD to me now, for I am weak,
1 YIELD to me now, for I am weak,
But confident in self-despair;
Speak to my heart, in blessings speak,
Be conquered by my instant prayer;
Speak, or thou never hence shalt move,
And tell me if thy name is Love.
2 'Tis Love! 'tis Love! thou diedst for me!
I hear thy whisper in my heart;
The morning breaks, the shadows ...read