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A Collection of Hymns

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HymnTHEE, Jesus, full of truth and grace,
      C.M. 1 THEE, Jesus, full of truth and grace, Thee, Saviour, we adore, Thee in affliction's furnace praise, And magnify thy power. 2 Thy power, in human weakness shown, Shall make us all entire; We now thy guardian presence own, And walk unburned in fire. 3 Thee, Son of man, by faith we see, And glory in our guide; Surrounded and u
HymnTHEE, O my God and King,
      2-6s & 4-7s. Luke xv 20 - 24. 1 THEE, O my God and King, My Father, thee I sing! Hear, well-pleased, the joyous sound, Praise from earth and heaven receive; Lost, I now in Christ am found, Dead, by faith in Christ I live. 2 Father, behold thy son, In Christ I am thy own; Stranger long to thee, and rest, See the prodigal is come: Open
HymnTHERE is a book who runs may read,
      C.M. Romans i.20. 1 THERE is a book who runs may read, Which heavenly truth imparts; And all the lore its scholars need, Pure eyes and Christian hearts. 2 The works of God, above, below, Within us, and around, Are pages in that book, to show How God himself is found. 3 Two worlds are ours; 'tis only sin Forbids us to descry The my
HymnTHERE is a fountain filled with blood
      C.M. 1 THERE is a fountain filled with blood Drawn from Immanuel's veins; And sinners, plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains. 2 The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day; And there may I, though vile as he, Wash all my sins away. 3 O dying Lamb, thy precious blood Shall never lose its power, Till
HymnTHIS, this is he that came
      S.M. 1 John v. 6. 1 THIS, this is he that came By water and by blood! Jesus is our atoning Lamb, Our sanctifying God. 2 See from his wounded side The mingled current flow! The water and the blood applied Shall wash us white as snow. 3 The water cannot cleanse, Before the blood we feel, To purge the guilt of all our sins, And our f
HymnTHIS, this is the God we adore,
      8s. THIS, this is the God we adore, Our faithful, unchangeable Friend; Whose love is as great as his power, And neither knows measure nor end. 'Tis Jesus, the First and the Last, Whose Spirit shall guide us safe home; We'll praise him for all that is past, And trust him for all that's to come.
HymnTHOU art gone up on high
      2-6s & 4-7s. 1 THOU art gone up on high Our Saviour in the sky, Principalities and powers Thou hast spoiled, and captive led, Conquered all thy foes and ours, More than conquered in our stead. 2 Mysterious gifts unseen Thou hast received for men, Gifts for a rebellious race Streaming from thy throne above, Contrite grief, and pardonin
HymnTHOU art the Way; by thee alone
      C.M. "I am the Way, the Truth, and the life." John xiv, 6. 1 THOU art the Way; by thee alone From sin and death we flee: And he who would the Father seek Must seek him, Lord, by thee. 2 Thou art the Truth; thy word alone True wisdom can impart; Thou only canst inform the mind, And purify the heart. 3 Thou art the Life; the rending
HymnTHOU bidd'st me ask, and with the word
      C.M. Matthew vii. 7. 1 THOU bidd'st me ask, and with the word Dost give the power to pray; I ask the mercy of my Lord To take my sins away; The sins with which I cannot part I pray thee to remove, And calm, and purify my heart By thy forgiving love. 2 If my obduracy impede The current of thy grace, If unlamented crimes forbid, And w
HymnTHOU God of glorious majesty,
      8s & 6s. 1 THOU God of glorious majesty, To thee, against myself, to thee, A worm of earth, I cry; A Half-awakened child of man; An heir of endless bliss or pain; A sinner born to die! 2 Lo! on a narrow neck of land, 'Twixt two unbounded seas I stand, Secure, insensible; A point of time, a moment's space, Removes me to that heavenly
HymnTHOU God of truth and love,
      4-6s & 2-8s. 1 THOU God of truth and love, We seek thy perfect way, Ready thy choice to approve, Thy providence to obey: Enter into thy wise design, And sweetly lose our will in thine. 2 Why hast thou cast our lot In the same age and place? And why together brought To see each other's face? To join with softest sympathy, And mix our
HymnTHOU God that answerest by fire,
      412 1 Kings xviii. 1 THOU God that answerest by fire, On thee in Jesu's name we call; Fulfil our faithful hearts' desire, And let on us thy Spirit fall. 2 Bound on the altar of thy cross, Our old offending nature lies; Now, for the honour of thy cause, Come, and consume the sacrifice! 3 Consume our lusts as rotten wood, Consume ou
HymnTHOU God unsearchable, unknown,
      6-8s. 1 THOU God unsearchable, unknown, Who still conceal'st thyself from me, Hear an apostate spirit groan, Broke off, and banished far from thee; But conscious of my fall I mourn, And fain I would to thee return. 2 Send forth one ray of heavenly light, Of gospel hope, of humble fear, To guide me through the gulf of night, My poor de
HymnTHOU great mysterious God unknown,
      8s & 6s. 1 THOU great mysterious God unknown, Whose love hath gently led me on, Even from my infant days, Mine inmost soul expose to view, And tell me if I ever knew Thy justifying grace. 2 If I have only known thy fear, And followed with a heart sincere Thy drawings from above, Now, now the further grace bestow, And let my sprinkled
HymnTHOU great Redeemer, dying Lamb,
      C.M. Hebrews vi. 20. 1 THOU great Redeemer, dying Lamb, We love to hear of thee; No music's like thy charming name, Nor half so sweet can be. 2 O may we ever hear thy voice In mercy to us speak! And in our Priest we will rejoice, Thou great Melchizedek! 3 Our Jesus shall be still our theme While in this world we stay: We'll sing
HymnTHOU hidden God, for whom I groan,
      C.M. 1 THOU hidden God, for whom I groan, Till thou thyself declare, God inaccessible, unknown, Regard a sinner's prayer! A sinner weltering in his blood, Unpurged and unforgiven; Far distant from the living God As far as hell from heaven. 2 An unregenerate child of man, To thee for faith I call; Pity thy fallen creature's pain, An
HymnTHOU hidden love of God, whose height,
      6-8s. 1 THOU hidden love of God, whose height, Whose depth unfathomed, no man knows, I see from far thy beauteous light, Inly I sigh for thy repose; My heart is pained, nor can it be At rest, till it finds rest in thee. 2 Thy secret voice invites me still The sweetness of thy yoke to prove; And fain I would; but though my will Seems fi
HymnTHOU hidden source of calm repose,
      6-8s. 1 THOU hidden source of calm repose, Thou all-sufficient Love Divine, My help and refuge from my foes, Secure I am, if thou art mine; And lo! from sin, and grief; and shame, I hide me, Jesus, in thy name. 2 Thy mighty name salvation is, And keeps my happy soul above; Comfort it brings, and power, and peace, And joy, and everlasti
HymnTHOU Judge of quick and dead,
      S.M. 1 THOU Judge of quick and dead, Before whose bar severe, With holy joy, or guilty dread, We all shall soon appear; Our cautioned souls prepare For that tremendous day, And fill us now with watchful care, And stir us up to pray: 2 To pray, and wait the hour, That awful hour unknown, When, robed in majesty and power, Thou shalt fr
HymnTHOU Lamb of God, thou Prince of peace,
      L.M. 1 THOU Lamb of God, thou Prince of peace, For thee my thirsty soul doth pine, My longing heart implores thy grace; O make me in thy likeness shine! 2 With fraudless, even, humble mind, Thy will in all things may I see; In love be every wish resigned, And hallowed my whole heart to thee. 3 When pain o'er my weak flesh prevails,

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