Lectures on the Epistle to the Ephesians: Lecture 3: Ephesians 3
In the first chapter there were two things especially the apostle wanted these Ephesians to know. First, What was the hope of the calling of the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory? God had so used the brightness of the light of His Son to shine into their souls, that they knew they were called by Him. Then there was a certain hope co ...read
Lectures on the Epistle to the Ephesians: Lecture 4: Ephesians 4
Down to the 10th verse of the 2nd chapter, the apostle is looking at the counsels of God to be made good in a people on the earth through that mighty power by which Christ was raised from the dead. From Eph. 2: 11, to the end of Eph. 3, we get him looking at the change that had taken place upon earth, from the time that Christ went up rejected by I ...read
Lectures on the Epistle to the Ephesians: Lecture 5: Ephesians 6:10-24
There are three parts in the redemption of Israel out of Egypt. There was, first of all, the making a way through the Red Sea; getting them on the road with God on the other side. Then, there was a certain school-time, when God had them in the wilderness, where He had them in training; and they were to take possession of the land and dwell in it. T ...read
Letters of G. V. Wigram 1
Switzerland, November 18th, 1853.
Your letter, dear brother in the Lord, was very acceptable to me. It followed me from London, and found me in one of the more remote parts of this land, among the poor brethren in the mountains. I think I have delayed to answer it, as also many others, from a pressure of work, which tied me up to imperative du ...read
Letters of G. V. Wigram 2
Canada West, August 7th, 1867.
NOTHING happens without the Lord, not even the fall to earth of one sparrow. This gives to God His proper place in all things occurrent and happening; not only is He, in being, before all, but in all that occurs His hand is the most important feature in the case. Satan could not act against Job or Paul without divi ...read
Letters of G. V. Wigram 3
Yet a little while, and He that shall come will have come; then Himself will have the joy of being surrounded by us, as fruits of the travail of His soul, and we shall then know how great a deliverance and how full a portion we owe to Him.
Shall we meet again here below, my dear -, ere we have seen Abba's house and -- better than it or the golde ...read
Letters of G. V. Wigram 4
Christchurch, New Zealand.
MY DEAR -, -- Yours of 20th ult. reached me here today, the 6th April, so I write at once, not to lose a mail.
Having come out with New Zealand on my heart and mind, I must do what I feel I can, under God, do here, ere I pass on.
The expression you refer to, "The Lord's body was broken," I will (D.V.) write you u ...read
Letters of G. V. Wigram 5
Saturday, August 3rd.
MY DEAR -, -- I feel my letter yesterday was too much of myself. After it was gone I judged, "God at the helm" ought to have been more boldly spoken out for; and yourself, who know His saving power, and how Satan is watching everything whereby to dishonour Him, and make us look like mere men, a little more cautioned by me. ...read
Notes of a Gospel Address
Psalm 32.
It is remarkable how individual the experience given in this psalm is. The writer of it had been taken up by God as a shepherd boy, and put on the throne. There he committed three of the most awful sins that the law of God condemned -- adultery, murder, and corruption. He used the very throne to which he had been raised from the shee ...read
Notes of a Reading on 2 Corinthians
This is gleanings from G.V.W.'s ministry in Dublin in 1872. Ed. 16. The breaking of all that is outward.
17. Afflictions rolling in.
18. There it is God working for blessing for us. Very gracious of the Lord to put one like Paul as a bell-wearer for the flock, to show how far the life of Christ could be carried out consistently in such ...read
Notes of an Address
Thursday afternoon, 22nd, October, 1868, at Edinburgh by G. V. W.
(Bound with other addresses by J. N. Darby.)
I would read a few Scriptures in connection with the appeal to our consciences as to the truth of our being part of that Church -- how it really affects us -- how it lays hold of us. First, as a practical test, set yourselves indiv ...read
Notes of Three Lectures in Georgetown: Lecture 1
God makes everything of the Lord Jesus Christ, and nothing of the creature. In the work of the Lord Jesus on the cross, He was everything. I have got to be practically consistent with the place in which I am set; to walk down here as Jesus Christ walked; the future glory of the Lord before us and our glory with Him. For thirty-three and a half year ...read
Notes of Three Lectures in Georgetown: Lecture 2
The Scripture is clear that from the beginning God has made Israel the centre of government in the earth. These great kingdoms, in number four, were raised up -- through the unfaithfulness of Israel -- to be their oppressors till the time when God shall put them all down. On the one hand God showed to the great Assyrian Monarch there were to be fou ...read
Notes of Three Lectures in Georgetown: Lecture 3
Daniel explains the four kingdoms to be great in energy and power to the end of the days. When fully developed, another king will come out, when Israel will figure on the earth. It was too much for Nebuchadnezzar, his heart was filled up. The Assyrian monarchy, Persian, Grecian, and Roman, went on till judgment was brought forth in the end. Then a ...read
Notes on Scripture
*This section is transcribed from the writer's note-book, written during his last illness, and although fragmentary, the notes bear traces of repeated correction and revision. -- ED.
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep." (Gen. 1: 1, 2.)
On Heresy
Heresy is not departing from the figure of truth, but from the Spirit of truth, and it is the spirit of the heretic we are called upon to judge as a work of the flesh more than the fruit in the form of doctrine.
The Scriptures are given to us by God as "a complete depository and standard of truth"; they contain all we need to know as Christians, ...read
One God and Father
"One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all." Eph. 4: 6.
The Son of God is called Son in two senses: one, as Son of the Father, independent of incarnation; another, as Son of the Highest, as born of the Virgin Mary by the Holy Ghost. It was in the latter sense He could say, "My God;" He came as a servant -- He ...read
Our Extremity is God's Opportunity
In 2 Corinthians 4: 6 we have life coming into death, the almighty power of God speaking light, where there was darkness; bringing in life, where there was death. In Ephesians 2 we have the state and circumstances of those to whom He gave life. We find there the entire absence of anything good in the creature. We see in verses 1-3 the pit from wh ...read
Paul as a Pattern
Acts 26; 1 Timothy 1.
The apostle Paul is the pattern of all who are called and converted now, though they may not come up to the pattern. All the feebleness of Christian life is traceable to want of perfectness of foundation; it is not according to the pattern. A great many saints who are wishing to get on, and do not, would find out why, if ...read
Paul's Gospel
On parts of Philippians 1 - 3.
At the time of the Reformation man did not get beyond justification by faith. They did not know Paul's gospel, which was the glory of the Christ of God shining down into the heart, even of the persecutor, and filling his whole being with its blessed power. This was the root of his walk; his walk was in the power ...read