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Godly Meditations: Chapter 15 - Graven Images

By John Bradford

      Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven Image, &c.

      As the first commandment teaches me, that thou art my God, and what God thou art, and therefore I ought to have none other gods but thee. That is, I should hang on thee alone, trust in thee, love thee, serve thee, call upon thee, obey thee, be thankful to thee, so because thou did reveal thyself visibly, that thou might visibly be worshipped, this commandment is concerning thy worship, that in worshipping thee, in no point I should follow the device or intent of any man, saint, angel, or spirit, but should consider all such to be idolatry and image-service, be it ever so glorious. And why? Forsooth because thou would I should worship thee, as thou hast appointed by thy word; for if service is acceptable, it must be done according to the will of him to whom it is done, and not of him who does it; but inasmuch as none knows the will and pleasure of a man but his spirit, except he reveal the same by word or sign; much more, O Lord, none knows thy will, except thy Spirit, and they to whom thou dost reveal the same. And therefore all those things which are abominable in thy sight, are in most force and estimation with men, because they are not according to thy word; so that the meaning of this precept is, that as in the first I should have none other gods but thee, so I should have no worship of thee, but such as thou appoints. Hereby therefore I see great cause of thankfulness for this commandment, since thou would have mine outward service, and that after thy appointment; lest I should busy my brain how best to serve thee. Good Lord, thou needs not my service: thou was perfect before I was in existence, therefore it is for my own advantage, that thou commands me, yea, even for my own wealth. Thou might have let me stand all day idle; but such is thy love, that thou would I should go into thy vineyard, that with thy servants I might receive the hire of blessedness. And how great a benefit is it, to deliver me from so great a burden, wherewith I should have been cambered, if I should have served thee in any point after my wit and reason, But, alas! I, not considering what a promotion thy service is, nor what an easy service it is, and (for one may well know what to do, and when he pleases thee, namely, when he serves thee as thou host appointed) simple as I am, and always have been unthankful; so I am, and always have been, a grievous transgressor of this thy law. For as in times past, when I did not know this commandment, I was an image-worshipper of stocks, stones, &c., yea, of bread and wine; so now I am a worshipper of mine affections, offering to them the service due unto thee, though not thereby to worship thee, as I thought when I kneeled to stocks and stones, bread and wine, &c., yet with no less transgression of thy law: for which I have deserved, and do deserve, everlasting damnation. Of thy goodness and great mercy, dear Father, I beseech thee forgive me, for Christ's sake, whom thou did give to be the fulfilling of the law, to all them that should believe. O Father, I believe, help mine unbelief. As thou hast of thy goodness hitherto spared me, though transgressing this thy holy precept; so of thy goodness forgive me, as well mine idolatry done in time past, as that which of late time I have committed, and do commit. And as thou by this commandment hast delivered me from the one, that is, from bowing myself to stocks and stones, so, dear Father, deliver me from all other bowing myself after mine oven will, to mine own affections; that I may have none other God in my heart but thee, nor do service to any other, but only to thee, and for thee, after thy word, as thou commands. Oh! open mine eyes, to see thy will in this thy gracious precept. Give me a will to love it heartily, and a heart to obey it faithfully, for thy dear Son's sakes Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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See Also:
   To the Reader
   Chapter 1 - Instructions to be Observed Concerning Prayer
   Chapter 2 - Our Father
   Chapter 3 - Which art in Heaven
   Chapter 4 - Hallowed be Thy Name
   Chapter 5 - Let Thy Kingdom Come
   Chapter 6 - Thy Will be Done
   Chapter 7 - Give us this Day our daily Bread
   Chapter 8 - Forgive us our Debts
   Chapter 9 - Lead us not into Temptation
   Chapter 10 - For Thine is the Kingdom
   Chapter 11 - I Believe in God the Father
   Chapter 12 - I believe in Jesus Christ
   Chapter 13 - I believe in the Holy Ghost
   Chapter 14 - Upon the Commandments: I am God
   Chapter 15 - Graven Images
   Chapter 16 - God's Name in Vain
   Chapter 17 - Keep the Sabbath Holy
   Chapter 18 - Honour thy Father and Mother
   Chapter 19 - Thou Shalt do no Murder
   Chapter 20 - Thou Shalt not Commit Adultery
   Chapter 21 - Thou Shalt not Steal
   Chapter 22 - No False Witness
   Chapter 23 - A Meditation concerning Prayer
   Chapter 24 - Another Meditation
   Chapter 25 - A Meditation on Judgement
   Chapter 26 - A Meditation on Life
   Chapter 27 - Another Meditation to the Same Effect
   Chapter 28 - Exercise of our Mortification
   Chapter 29 - The Providence of God
   Chapter 30 - A Meditation of the Presence of God
   Chapter 31 - A Meditation of God's Power
   Chapter 32 - A Meditation on Death
   Chapter 33 - A Meditation on Christ's Passion


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