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Godly Meditations: Chapter 13 - I believe in the Holy Ghost

By John Bradford

      O Holy Spirit, the third person in the Trinity, who did descend upon Christ our Saviour in his baptism in the likeness of a dove; thy children know that with the Father and the Son thou made and rules all creatures, visible and invisible; they know thee in their redemption to be no less willing and loving than the Father and the Son; for thou did always declare Christ to be the Son of God, and gayest testimony inwardly in the hearts of thy elect to believe and embrace the same; and outwardly, by miracles and wonders, they know thee to be the conformer and governor whom Christ promised in his corporeal absence to teach, rule, keep, comfort, and govern his church and people.

      Again, as in the former part of their belief they consider the works of creation and redemption; so in this part they consider the place where the same is most effectual and takes place, even thy holy church, which is catholic; that is, extending itself to all times, to all places, to all kinds of people.

      For in this church alone they know that as all things were made, so the work of redemption was taken in hand, that the blessed Trinity might in this church be praised, magnified, served, and worshipped for ever.

      This church is nothing but a communion and society of saints; that is, not only a society of all such as are, have been, or shall be thy people, but also a society or partaking of Christ Jesus, who is the Head of the same. Yea, by him of thee, O blessed Father! who art the Head of Christ, and of thee, O Holy Ghost! who now shadows and sits upon the same, to hatch and cherish it, as the hen her chickens, by the extending of thy wings, not only to defend them from their enemies, but also to cover their sins, and to remit them in this life. Beginning also here the resurrection of the flesh and everlasting life, which thou wilt consummate in the end of the world so that they shall not need to be covered for sin; for then shall they be pure and have glorious bodies immortal and spiritual, which shall have the fruition of eternal joy, life everlasting, and glory, such as the eye has not seen, the ear has not heard, nor the heart of man can conceive. For then Christ Jesus shall give up his kingdom to God the Father, that God may be all in all; concerning the governance of it by the ministration of his word, and other means, whereby now he governs it, that it may be his Father's kingdom, we being become like unto him, (1 John iii. :) that is, as the Godhead is united to the manhood of Christ, and is all in all without any other means; even so God shall be in us, assuming not only in the person of Christ the human nature, but also all the human nature of his church, who are members of Christ; the wicked and reprobate being separated from this communion, and cast into eternal perdition with Satan and antichrist, there to be in torments and horror for ever.

      By reason of this their faith they are thankful to thee, O Holy Spirit, who hast taught them this, and given them to believe it.

      By reason of this faith they pray, love, and help thy church here militant, and labour to be holy.

      By reason of this faith they confess themselves sinners, they desire and believe the pardon of their sins, they are risen and rise daily concerning the inward man, and feel the life eternal begun in them, more and more labouring, praying, wishing for, and desiring the same, wholly and perfectly.

      Whereas, O Lord God and most gracious Holy Spirit, thou knows that it is otherwise with me. I do but babble with my lips in saying I believe in the Holy Ghost, for I am unthankful for calling me into thy church; I do not live holily; I confess not, I lament not my sins, I pray not for remission of them, I stand in doubt thereof, I feel not myself risen from a sinful life as I should be. I feel not life begun in me as it is in thy dear children, and I doubt hereof, whether I have pardon of my sins, whether I am regenerate, whether I truly feel everlasting life: this most displeases thee, and yet with my tongue I say, I believe in the Holy Ghost. Oh, I beseech thee, good Holy Spirit, for thy love's sake, which moved thee to agree and be willing to pacify and open the goodness, not only in the work of creation (Gen. i. ii.; but also in the work of redemption, and therefore did descend and abide not only upon Christ in his baptism, but also on the apostles and church, in fiery tongues, visibly, the fiftieth day after Christ's resurrection; as now thou dost invisibly, generally, and particularly, sit upon thy church and children, being the consoler, the comforter, the teacher, and leader, the guider and governor of us all.

      For this thy love's sake, I say, I beseech thee to be merciful unto me, and forgive me my doubting, unbelief, and horrible monstrous uncleanness and sin, and utterly take them from me. Bring me into thy church which thou guides; that is, guide me, make me holy, and by faith unite me to Christ, by charity to thy people; that is, give me the communion of saints with thy saints, overshadow my sins, raise me up to righteousness, begin in me everlasting life, and give me now more and more to expect and look for all these great mercies, and at length to possess eternal felicity with thee, O blessed Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, three persons and one almighty eternal, most just, wise, and good God; to whom be all glory, power and dominion, now and for ever!

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See Also:
   To the Reader
   Chapter 1 - Instructions to be Observed Concerning Prayer
   Chapter 2 - Our Father
   Chapter 3 - Which art in Heaven
   Chapter 4 - Hallowed be Thy Name
   Chapter 5 - Let Thy Kingdom Come
   Chapter 6 - Thy Will be Done
   Chapter 7 - Give us this Day our daily Bread
   Chapter 8 - Forgive us our Debts
   Chapter 9 - Lead us not into Temptation
   Chapter 10 - For Thine is the Kingdom
   Chapter 11 - I Believe in God the Father
   Chapter 12 - I believe in Jesus Christ
   Chapter 13 - I believe in the Holy Ghost
   Chapter 14 - Upon the Commandments: I am God
   Chapter 15 - Graven Images
   Chapter 16 - God's Name in Vain
   Chapter 17 - Keep the Sabbath Holy
   Chapter 18 - Honour thy Father and Mother
   Chapter 19 - Thou Shalt do no Murder
   Chapter 20 - Thou Shalt not Commit Adultery
   Chapter 21 - Thou Shalt not Steal
   Chapter 22 - No False Witness
   Chapter 23 - A Meditation concerning Prayer
   Chapter 24 - Another Meditation
   Chapter 25 - A Meditation on Judgement
   Chapter 26 - A Meditation on Life
   Chapter 27 - Another Meditation to the Same Effect
   Chapter 28 - Exercise of our Mortification
   Chapter 29 - The Providence of God
   Chapter 30 - A Meditation of the Presence of God
   Chapter 31 - A Meditation of God's Power
   Chapter 32 - A Meditation on Death
   Chapter 33 - A Meditation on Christ's Passion


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