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Godly Meditations: Chapter 12 - I believe in Jesus Christ

By John Bradford

      I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, &c.

      Thy servants, O Christ Jesus, and thy people, know by faith, that as thou art almighty and God with the Father, by whom all things were made and are ruled; for thou art God eternal, co-equal and co-substantial with the Father and the Holy Ghost; so also thou art man, and hast taken our nature upon thee by the operation of the Holy Ghost in the womb of the Virgin Mary, and art become the blessed seed who hast bruised the serpent's head, (Gen. iii.;) the blessed seed in whom all nations are blessed, (Gen. xxii.;) the prophet whom Moses prophesied of, (Deut. xviii.;) the pattern he saw in the mount, (Exod. xxv.;) the truth and body of all the types, figures, and shadows of the old law; the Messias, Christ, and Saviour of thy people; the Advocate and Redeemer; the pacifier of God's wrath for sins, the opener of heaven, and the giver of everlasting life.

      This they know thou brought to pass in thy human nature, by thy incarnation and nativity, by thy being here on earth, by thy living, teaching, fasting, praying, especially by thy suffering under Pontius Pilate; by thy deaths; burial, resurrection, ascension into the heavens, and reigning on the right hand of the Father, from whence thou shall come to judge both the quick and the dead. And as they know this, so by faith they apply it also to themselves, that for their sake thou hast made man, did pray, fast, was tempted, did die, did rise again, and ascend into heaven; and there art set their Advocate, Bishop, and High priest, always appearing in God's sight for them, from whence they look for thee, knowing that thou wilt not enter into judgment with them to condemn them, who did suffer condemnation thyself for them.

      By this faith they feel these affections in themselves, namely, the hatred of sin, the fear of God, the love of God, trust in thee, and love to thy church. The hatred of sin they feel, because it is so foul a thing that it could not be washed away with any other thing than with than precious blood-sheddingothe fear of God, because his anger is so great against sin, that no less price could pacify his wrath than their most painful deathothe love of God, because he has so loved them, that he would not spare thee, his dear Son, for them, even when they were his enemiesotrust in thee, because thou had no respect to thyself, but most willingly gave thyself wholly to be our Saviour and servantolove to thy people and church, because generally and particularly in every member of the same they see how dear they are to thee, and therefore they cannot but be so to them. Oh how they imitate and follow thy footsteps! How they rejoice when they are by affliction made like to thee! Oh how they lament their sins, ingratitude, unbelief; how they love thee, and wholly yield themselves up to thee! Whereas I, O gracious God, and dear Saviour, Jesus Christ, though I say I believe in thee, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, yet, alas! I do but babble this, for nothing is in me but unbelief. Of thy power and love, of thine anger and mercy, I have but an opinion, as my insensibleness and unthankfulness declare.

      If a man should show me friendship but in a trifle, or suffer anything at all for me, I could not but be thankful: thou, besides my creation, hast redeemed me, and brought me into the number of God's children, than which nothing is greater, and lo! I am unthankful.

      Thou hast suffered much for me; from heaven thou came into earth to fetch me into heaven, but I, alas, regard it not.

      Thou did bear my sins on thy back, suffering a most bitter death; but I am so far from thankfulness, that I loath thee still more and more.

      Thou would enter into communion with me, taking my nature unto thee, concerning the substance thereof, that I might enter into communion with thee concerning the qualities wherewith in thyself thou hast endued it, but I consider it not.

      Thou did die to deliver me from death, but I still more and more give thee cause to die, so ungrateful am I.

      Thou did rise to justify me, but I with the Jews would still keep thee down, because I would not leave my wickedness.

      Thou ascended to heaven to take possession for me there, to be always in the sight of thy Father for me, to send me down gifts, and to pray for me; but I daily am pulling thee down again, as much as I am able. I am altogether earthly; I hide myself out of thy sight by forgetting thee; I reject and abuse thy gifts; I neglect prayer.

      Thou art now in readiness to come to judge both quick and dead, but I tremble not at this, nor beseech thee before thou comes to be merciful unto me, and not to enter into judgment with me. Yea, I think nothing at all of thy coming: the wicked consider not the end, they think not on thy judgments.

      Thou would bring me to thy Father, that I might find grace; but I put this off, and therefore am worthy to feel thee a Judge, who refuse to feel thee a Saviour.

      Now the cause of all these things is unbelief, which though it is natural, by reason of the corruption of our nature, yet I have augmented the same maliciously, in not labouring against it, and by continuing in all sin and wickedness, by reason whereof I deserve most justly thy anger thereon, even rejection from thy face for ever.

      Long hast thou mourned, even with displeasure and anger, the incredulity of my heart; calling me therefrom, and offering me thy grace, which I have neglected and rejected, and therefore am never worthy to have it any more offered unto me; much more, then, I am unworthy to have grace given me to receive thy mercy.

      Alas! what shall I do? Shall I despair, or, as long as I can, keep unmindful of my misery? O Saviour Christ Jesus, wilt not thou be merciful unto me? Thou did die for me when I deserved it not, and is thy mercy now shortened? Wilt not thou give me thy grace, and take from my heart this horrible unbelief? Shall I never love thee? Shall I never hate sin? Shall I never, as with my mouth I say, I believe in Jesus Christ, so in heart say the same? Shall Satan possess me for ever? O Christ Jesus, who hast led captivity captive, wilt not thou help me? Though I desire it not as I should, yet give me to desire when thou wilt.

      Thou did appear to destroy the work of the devil. Thou sees his work in me; good Christ, destroy his work, but not thy work. Save me, for thy great mercies' sake. Give me to believe in thee, in thy death, resurrection, and ascension. Pardon me my sins, and now mortify in me my corrupt affections. Raise me up and justify me. Regenerate me daily more and more. Give me faith of immortality, and the resurrection of this body. Give me faith to ascend into heaven, and to be certain that thou hast already taken possession of me there. Give me to look for thy coming, and to be ready for thy coming! to find mercy to everlasting life.

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See Also:
   To the Reader
   Chapter 1 - Instructions to be Observed Concerning Prayer
   Chapter 2 - Our Father
   Chapter 3 - Which art in Heaven
   Chapter 4 - Hallowed be Thy Name
   Chapter 5 - Let Thy Kingdom Come
   Chapter 6 - Thy Will be Done
   Chapter 7 - Give us this Day our daily Bread
   Chapter 8 - Forgive us our Debts
   Chapter 9 - Lead us not into Temptation
   Chapter 10 - For Thine is the Kingdom
   Chapter 11 - I Believe in God the Father
   Chapter 12 - I believe in Jesus Christ
   Chapter 13 - I believe in the Holy Ghost
   Chapter 14 - Upon the Commandments: I am God
   Chapter 15 - Graven Images
   Chapter 16 - God's Name in Vain
   Chapter 17 - Keep the Sabbath Holy
   Chapter 18 - Honour thy Father and Mother
   Chapter 19 - Thou Shalt do no Murder
   Chapter 20 - Thou Shalt not Commit Adultery
   Chapter 21 - Thou Shalt not Steal
   Chapter 22 - No False Witness
   Chapter 23 - A Meditation concerning Prayer
   Chapter 24 - Another Meditation
   Chapter 25 - A Meditation on Judgement
   Chapter 26 - A Meditation on Life
   Chapter 27 - Another Meditation to the Same Effect
   Chapter 28 - Exercise of our Mortification
   Chapter 29 - The Providence of God
   Chapter 30 - A Meditation of the Presence of God
   Chapter 31 - A Meditation of God's Power
   Chapter 32 - A Meditation on Death
   Chapter 33 - A Meditation on Christ's Passion


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