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J.G. Bellet

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      Our moral corruption is very deep. It is complete. But at times it will betray itself in very repulsive shapes, from which, with all the knowledge of it which we have, we instinctively shrink, confounded at the thought that they belong to us. Privileges under God's own hand may only serve to, develop instead of curing this corruption. The love of
ArticleJonah - Musings
      All that I desire to do upon the Book of Jonah the prophet is, to suggest a few things which have struck my own mind with interest, leaving the subject to the further meditations of my brethren, trusting withal, that to whatever measure of knowledge we may, any of us, attain, it may prove to be the nurture and strength of the kingdom of God within
       Gen. 37 - 47. He "that was separated from his brethren." For judging the history of Joseph to be typical or allegorical, like that of Hagar and Ishmael and a thousand others in scripture, we have clear warrant of the Holy Ghost. See Acts 7. But without this warrant, the use which in the New Testament is made of the Old Testament narratives, m
ArticleJoseph the Patriarch
       Genesis 37 - 50. Joseph becomes principal in the narratives of the book of Genesis as soon as we reach Gen. 37, and so continues, I may say, to the end. So that I now propose to close with this paper on "Joseph," referring to the others, entitled "Enoch," "Noah," "Abraham," Isaac. "Jacob," as if they had been already read. Joseph's story ha
ArticleJourneys to Jerusalem
      The journey of the Wise Men of the East, as we read it in Matthew 2, and the journey of the Queen of the South, as we have it in 2 Chronicles 9, shine with something of kindred beauty and significance before us. They, all of them, go to Jerusalem--but the Wise Men of the East began their journey under the sign or preaching of the Star; the Queen of
ArticleJustification by Faith
      In the dispensation of His grace, God provides the sinner with an answer to His own demands upon him. He gives him security in the day of the judgment of righteousness. For He judges sin. Surely He cannot pass it by. Righteousness calls for the judgment of it. But He, in grace, provides the sinner with an answer and a shelter: and it becomes the du
ArticleKing Saul
       1 Samuel 8 - 10. There is not in Scripture a character that furnishes more solemn warning than that of King Saul. As we pass on from stage to stage through his history, it fills the soul with very awful thoughts of the treachery and corruption of the heart of man; and as we are sure that it has been written for our learning (Rom. 15: 4), we may
ArticleLatter Times and Last Days
      It is sorrowful to have to look at departures from God and His truth. It has been said of the Lord, that His soul tasted some of its bitterest grief, when He looked on the treachery of Judas; and ours should be thus affected when we think of the corruptions of Christendom, which are as the kiss and the treason of that apostle again. The "mystery o
LetterLetter Extract
      "Israel after their return from Babylon was Israel still. They had not the ark, the glory, nor the Urim, nor did they affect that to which such things were needed; but they fully recognized themselves as God's Israel. As far as they could they did the services of such, and behaved themselves as such; but they never did anything in any other charact
      Malachi closes the writings of the minor prophets, as they are called, and with them the volume of the Old Testament. This suggests and warrants a short review of things in the previous story of Israel. From the beginning the Lord had been, in various ways, testing and proving that people, whom He had made His people. After having delivered them f
      The incorrigibleness of man under all persuasions becomes the ground of the necessity, and the vindication of the righteousness, of God's judgment. Isaiah says, "Why should ye be stricken any more? Ye will revolt more and more." And Jeremiah had to say of the generation in his day, "Thou has stricken them, but they have not grieved;" and again, "I
ArticleMary and Martha
       Luke 10: 10: 38-42. The little scene which closes this chapter is peculiar to Luke, serving his general purpose of instructing us in great principles of truth. The two sisters here introduced were differently minded; and, being brought to the trial of the mind of Christ, we get the judgment of God on matter of much value to us. The house which
ArticleMatthew 21, 22, 23
      That the Lord came to deliver the house of Israel out of the hand of their enemies, and then to reign over them, appears from the promises, generally, of God to His people by the prophets. But most especially and distinctly is this the subject of that noble strain of prophecy which commences with the 7th chapter, and closes with the 7th verse of th
ArticleMatthew 24, 25
      Our Lord had withdrawn from Jerusalem, and is followed to the Mount of Olives by His disciples, where this discourse takes place. They began the conversation by asking Him certain questions, which admitted the truth of a sentence He had just pronounced on the stones of the temple, though they themselves the moment before had been vainly admiring th
Meditations on the Psalms - Table of Contents
       Short Meditations on the Psalms, Chiefly in their Prophetic Character "All things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning Me."--Luke 24: 44. "David speaketh concerning Him."--Acts 2: 25. Introduction . The Book of Psalms is a collection of Meditations, Prayers, and Prai
      This prophet is mentioned and quoted in Jer. 26: 18. He was called to be one of the Lord's watchmen, much at the at time with Isaiah, and it was a marked time. The history of things in Judah was taking a peculiar character, and things in Israel were ripening for the sickle of the Assyrian. It was a day in importance only second to the day of the Ch
ArticleMillennial Glory
       Mark 9: 15. The mind of Peter on the hill was very much that of Jacob at Bethel. In one sense it was delight to him beyond expression, so that he might have said, "There was no more spirit in him." "Master, it is good for us to be here," tells the unforced necessary joy and satisfaction which the spot and occasion inspired. But then the occasion
      God is the great minister. He serves all His creatures in their place and according to their order. He serves out the rain and sunshine and fruitful seasons, filling the heart with food and gladness. And when the need came, He spared not the Son of His love. The Lord, the Son, is the personal or manifested minister. In every passage of His life He
ArticleMoses's Heavenly Glory
      In the previous paper I have meditated on Moses's loss of Canaan. I would now trace the testimony to his heavenly glory. For though he lost the one, the Lord through abounding grace had prepared for him the other. From Acts 7, we learn that the rejection of the Lord Jesus Christ by the earth was the occasion (I speak, of course, as remembering tha
ArticleMoses's Loss of Canaan
      Moses had his ordinary shepherd's rod in his hand, when God called him to feed Israel (Ex. 4). It then, became God's rod, for God made it the symbol and instrument of Moses's authority and grace in Israel. He was thenceforth to take it, that by it he might do his wonders in Egypt and in the wilderness, for judgment on the enemy, and for blessing on

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