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Converts Guide: Chapter 22 - How to Treat Inspiration

By John Hames

      "Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew Thee that Thou art a hard man, reaping where Thou hast not sown, and gathering where Thou hast not strewed" (Matt 25:24).

      There are two lamentable features found among the Christians of these days. One is, they are entirely too slow in recognizing their God-given inspirations; and secondly, too slothful in performing their divine appointments. In nearly every other profession in life the young man is quick to sense his calling and to immediately qualify himself for the performance of that profession, and when he has reached the age of twenty-five he is ready to launch his bark upon the sea of prospect with every sail unfurled to the breeze of worldly success. These men are so deeply interested in their particular profession that it becomes a part of them, therefore, they abandon all other pursuits and follow that one profession with delight. They believe that he who would succeed should be a man of one work.

      But when it comes to gospel workers they are entirely too slow in catching on. There are numbers of religious people engaged in secular labor today that are in possession of gospel talent of the highest order and inspirations akin to those that heaved in the breast of St. Paul, but they are too slow in finding it out.

      We often hear people pray and talk about the old-time power which "subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens." The modern Christians fail to realize that they have in their midst the very same seed that produced that mighty power in former days but they are too slothful to cultivate it.

      May God help us and stir us up for Jesus' sake!

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See Also:
   Chapter 1 - Getting Properly Started
   Chapter 2 - Paul's Conversion
   Chapter 3 - Satan's First Attack
   Chapter 4 - Walking by Faith
   Chapter 5 - The Value of Secret Prayer
   Chapter 6 - The Danger of Being Sidetracked
   Chapter 7 - Untempered Zeal
   Chapter 8 - Obeying the Checks
   Chapter 9 - When and How to Seek Holiness
   Chapter 10 - Carnality
   Chapter 11 - The Double Portion Blessing
   Chapter 12 - How to Listen to a Straight Sermon
   Chapter 13 - How to Treat Doubtful Things
   Chapter 14 - Beware of Jesting
   Chapter 15 - "Taking Up the Cross"
   Chapter 16 - On Being True
   Chapter 17 - How to Determine Our Calling
   Chapter 18 - How to Keep Free in the Meeting
   Chapter 19 - The Curse of Disobedience
   Chapter 20 - Going Back to the Altar
   Chapter 21 - Untimely Matrimony
   Chapter 22 - How to Treat Inspiration
   Chapter 23 - The Change from Joy to Soul-Burden
   Chapter 24 - What to Expect
   Chapter 25 - The Chastening of the Lord
   Chapter 26 - Planted in the Proper Soil
   Chapter 27 - "The Evil Day"
   Chapter 28 - Beginning the Day with God
   Chapter 29 - What to Do When Tied Up
   Chapter 30 - Spiritual Lessons from the Trees
   Chapter 31 - Bringing Christianity into Disrepute
   Chapter 32 - Administering and Receiving Reproof
   Chapter 33 - Seed Thoughts
   Chapter 34 - The Starting Promise
   Chapter 35 - Why Some Are More Spiritual Than Others
   Chapter 36 - The Ear of God
   Chapter 37 - Hidden Manna
   Chapter 38 - The Little Child Spirit


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