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Converts Guide: Chapter 5 - The Value of Secret Prayer

By John Hames

      "That Daniel, which is of the children of the captivity of Judah, regardeth not thee, O king, nor the decree that thou hast signed, but maketh his petition three times a day." (Dan. 6:13)

      There is no phase of devotion more rudely opposed by the devil than secret prayer. No doubt when we get to eternity and behold the things unseen, we will discover Satan and his rebel host spent more time striving to prevent the children of God from praying in secret than at anything else in earth or hell.

      It is astonishing the various methods Satan uses to destroy our relish for secret devotion. Some of them are as follows: Sending us an undue amount of company; stirring us up to go traveling and "globe trotting;" overtaxing us with fine homes, fine furniture, and worldly cares. We know not of a more destructive instrument to secret prayer and a heavenly mind than an automobile. It may be alright in its place; however, there is something tremendously infatuating about it that swallows people up soul and body, so to speak.

      Reader, if you desire a good experience and a close walk with God you must not neglect the secret prayer life. What fertilizer and showers are to vegetation, secret prayer is to the Christian's life. How soon the flowers fade and droop their heads when the dew and showers are withheld; just so does the soul when the showers of secret prayer and meditation are withheld.

      No one will ever backslide while he keeps up the secret prayer life. Satan can endure an abundance of sweet singing, fine sermons and nice testimonies, but volley after volley of secret prayer will rout him every time. Secret prayer prevents spiritual stagnation, keeps the soul tender and passive, develops faith and confidence in God, helps to surmount difficulties, brings us into better acquaintance with God and keeps every grace of the Spirit flourishing in our souls.

      Dear convert, if you would be successful in the divine life, never allow business, company or worldly cares to destroy your relish for secret devotion, for when it is once gone it will require no small amount of prayer and fasting to regain it.

      Hundreds of church members are void of the spirit of prayer today because they misused and abused it in the earlier part of their religious experience.

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See Also:
   Chapter 1 - Getting Properly Started
   Chapter 2 - Paul's Conversion
   Chapter 3 - Satan's First Attack
   Chapter 4 - Walking by Faith
   Chapter 5 - The Value of Secret Prayer
   Chapter 6 - The Danger of Being Sidetracked
   Chapter 7 - Untempered Zeal
   Chapter 8 - Obeying the Checks
   Chapter 9 - When and How to Seek Holiness
   Chapter 10 - Carnality
   Chapter 11 - The Double Portion Blessing
   Chapter 12 - How to Listen to a Straight Sermon
   Chapter 13 - How to Treat Doubtful Things
   Chapter 14 - Beware of Jesting
   Chapter 15 - "Taking Up the Cross"
   Chapter 16 - On Being True
   Chapter 17 - How to Determine Our Calling
   Chapter 18 - How to Keep Free in the Meeting
   Chapter 19 - The Curse of Disobedience
   Chapter 20 - Going Back to the Altar
   Chapter 21 - Untimely Matrimony
   Chapter 22 - How to Treat Inspiration
   Chapter 23 - The Change from Joy to Soul-Burden
   Chapter 24 - What to Expect
   Chapter 25 - The Chastening of the Lord
   Chapter 26 - Planted in the Proper Soil
   Chapter 27 - "The Evil Day"
   Chapter 28 - Beginning the Day with God
   Chapter 29 - What to Do When Tied Up
   Chapter 30 - Spiritual Lessons from the Trees
   Chapter 31 - Bringing Christianity into Disrepute
   Chapter 32 - Administering and Receiving Reproof
   Chapter 33 - Seed Thoughts
   Chapter 34 - The Starting Promise
   Chapter 35 - Why Some Are More Spiritual Than Others
   Chapter 36 - The Ear of God
   Chapter 37 - Hidden Manna
   Chapter 38 - The Little Child Spirit


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