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Converts Guide: Chapter 1 - Getting Properly Started

By John Hames

      "He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness In himself" (1 John 5:10)

      The starting-point in the way of Christianity has proved to be the weal or woe point to thousands of immortal souls. Therefore, the greatest care is to be taken here. The one thing that should concern every person at this point more than anything else in the world is that he obtain a clear, definite witness from God that his many sins are all forgiven and under the blood.

      The Holy Scriptures not only insist that men firmly believe that they are accepted of God, but that they positively know it beyond a shadow of doubt.

      In 1 John 4:13, we find the following statement: "Hereby know we that we dwell in Him and He in us, because He hath given us of His Spirit."

      It is not sufficient evidence that we are saved, because we have confessed our sins, turned over a new leaf, joined the church and are living a better life. All of these things are good and commendable but will never take the place of the "New Birth."

      Jesus said to His moral inquirer, "Ye must be born again" (John 3:7). There are hundreds contenting themselves with the fact that they have joined the church and are enjoying a degree of the rest of conscience, but this is by no means to be taken for the "New Birth" or for the witness of the Spirit mentioned in our text.

      Many good, honest people are told to just believe that Jesus is the Son of God and join the church and they are saved, but Satan never forged a greater lie. No one is a Christian who has not received a definite witness that he is accepted of God. What saith the Scriptures on this point? "Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His" (Rom. 8:9). Every one who has received the "New Birth" bears the following earmarks: He has realized a definite change; he has a hatred for all sin and worldliness; he has a hearty relish for truth and righteousness, and a growing love for every man and woman in the world.

      If he is wanting in these fruits, his Christianity is false no matter how piously he lives or zealously he labors for the cause of Christ.

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See Also:
   Chapter 1 - Getting Properly Started
   Chapter 2 - Paul's Conversion
   Chapter 3 - Satan's First Attack
   Chapter 4 - Walking by Faith
   Chapter 5 - The Value of Secret Prayer
   Chapter 6 - The Danger of Being Sidetracked
   Chapter 7 - Untempered Zeal
   Chapter 8 - Obeying the Checks
   Chapter 9 - When and How to Seek Holiness
   Chapter 10 - Carnality
   Chapter 11 - The Double Portion Blessing
   Chapter 12 - How to Listen to a Straight Sermon
   Chapter 13 - How to Treat Doubtful Things
   Chapter 14 - Beware of Jesting
   Chapter 15 - "Taking Up the Cross"
   Chapter 16 - On Being True
   Chapter 17 - How to Determine Our Calling
   Chapter 18 - How to Keep Free in the Meeting
   Chapter 19 - The Curse of Disobedience
   Chapter 20 - Going Back to the Altar
   Chapter 21 - Untimely Matrimony
   Chapter 22 - How to Treat Inspiration
   Chapter 23 - The Change from Joy to Soul-Burden
   Chapter 24 - What to Expect
   Chapter 25 - The Chastening of the Lord
   Chapter 26 - Planted in the Proper Soil
   Chapter 27 - "The Evil Day"
   Chapter 28 - Beginning the Day with God
   Chapter 29 - What to Do When Tied Up
   Chapter 30 - Spiritual Lessons from the Trees
   Chapter 31 - Bringing Christianity into Disrepute
   Chapter 32 - Administering and Receiving Reproof
   Chapter 33 - Seed Thoughts
   Chapter 34 - The Starting Promise
   Chapter 35 - Why Some Are More Spiritual Than Others
   Chapter 36 - The Ear of God
   Chapter 37 - Hidden Manna
   Chapter 38 - The Little Child Spirit


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