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Converts Guide: Chapter 16 - On Being True

By John Hames

      "We are true men" (Gen. 42:11).

      The word true is used as an adverb when establishing a fact, statement, or declaration, but here in the text it is used as an adjective, referring to principle, genuineness, uprightness and sincerity.

      We are well acquainted with what it means to have an untrue timepiece, untrue mirror or untrue friend, etc. Some of these things have, no doubt, caused many of us quite a bit of trouble and disadvantage.

      In the following lines will be found a few of the characteristics of a true Christian.

      1. One face. The business, the political, the social and the religious world, today, are so honeycombed with dishonesty and falsity that it is quite difficult to find a really true, reliable person. We are glad to say, however, that the grace of God is a perfect cure for dishonesty and guile. It will take all of the deceit and two-facedness out of people and make them the same everywhere.

      2. A true Christian cannot be bribed or turned away from what he honestly believes to be right for all the money on the globe.

      3. As far as he has light and understands, all that he does is worthy of imitation. His life and conduct are as straight as a string. From the time he was saved there is a clean, straight record clear up to the present moment.

      4. All of his purposes, intentions and thoughts are of the class that could be placed upon a billboard for the inspection of three worlds. He at no time entertains a thought that he would be ashamed to entertain in church or in heaven on the front seat. Of course, Satan sometimes suggests evil things to his mind but he at once repels them by lifting his heart to God in prayer, therefore, he is kept pure and holy continually.

      5. The next characteristic of a Christian is that he is fully turned over to Jesus without the least reserve. He is consecrated to work, give, suffer and die for the cause of Jesus Christ. Strictly speaking, he claims nothing upon earth as his own, and yet through Christ he is heir of all things.

      6. At the present moment he is as much in the center of God's will as he knows how to be. He is ready to go to heaven today as he ever expects to be.

      "Where duty calls or danger,
      He's never wanting there."

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See Also:
   Chapter 1 - Getting Properly Started
   Chapter 2 - Paul's Conversion
   Chapter 3 - Satan's First Attack
   Chapter 4 - Walking by Faith
   Chapter 5 - The Value of Secret Prayer
   Chapter 6 - The Danger of Being Sidetracked
   Chapter 7 - Untempered Zeal
   Chapter 8 - Obeying the Checks
   Chapter 9 - When and How to Seek Holiness
   Chapter 10 - Carnality
   Chapter 11 - The Double Portion Blessing
   Chapter 12 - How to Listen to a Straight Sermon
   Chapter 13 - How to Treat Doubtful Things
   Chapter 14 - Beware of Jesting
   Chapter 15 - "Taking Up the Cross"
   Chapter 16 - On Being True
   Chapter 17 - How to Determine Our Calling
   Chapter 18 - How to Keep Free in the Meeting
   Chapter 19 - The Curse of Disobedience
   Chapter 20 - Going Back to the Altar
   Chapter 21 - Untimely Matrimony
   Chapter 22 - How to Treat Inspiration
   Chapter 23 - The Change from Joy to Soul-Burden
   Chapter 24 - What to Expect
   Chapter 25 - The Chastening of the Lord
   Chapter 26 - Planted in the Proper Soil
   Chapter 27 - "The Evil Day"
   Chapter 28 - Beginning the Day with God
   Chapter 29 - What to Do When Tied Up
   Chapter 30 - Spiritual Lessons from the Trees
   Chapter 31 - Bringing Christianity into Disrepute
   Chapter 32 - Administering and Receiving Reproof
   Chapter 33 - Seed Thoughts
   Chapter 34 - The Starting Promise
   Chapter 35 - Why Some Are More Spiritual Than Others
   Chapter 36 - The Ear of God
   Chapter 37 - Hidden Manna
   Chapter 38 - The Little Child Spirit


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