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Reuben Archer Torrey

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BookHow to Work for Christ: Book 1: Personal Work, Chapter 10
      HOW TO DEAL WITH BACKSLIDERS One of the largest classes found in the inquiry room, and in all personal work in our day, are those who are, or call themselves, backsliders. They are not all alike by any means, and they ought not all to have the same treatment. There are two classes of backsliders: I. CARELESS BACKSLIDERS, THOSE WHO HAVE NO GRE
How to Work for Christ: Book 1: Personal Work, Chapter 11
      HOW TO DEAL WITH PROFESSED SKEPTICS AND INFIDELS There are various classes of skeptics, and it is not wise to use the same methods in dealing with all. I. SKEPTICS WHO ARE MERE TRIFLERS. A very lange share of the skeptics of our day belong to this class. Their professed skepticism is only an excuse for sin, and a salve for their own consci
How to Work for Christ: Book 1: Personal Work, Chapter 12
      HOW TO DEAL WITH THOSE WHO WISH TO PUT OFF A DECISION UNTIL SOME OTHER TIME Oftentimes when you have swept away every difficulty, and the way of salvation is made as clear as day, still the inquirer is not ready to decide then and there. He wishes to put off a decision until some future time. There are several classes of those who wish to put of
How to Work for Christ: Book 1: Personal Work, Chapter 13
      HOW TO DEAL WITH THE DELUDED I. ROMAN CATHOLICS. 1. Very few Roman Catholics have assurance of salvation, indeed very few understand that it is our privilege to know that we have forgiveness of sins and eternal life. A good way then to deal with a Roman Catholic is to ask him if he knows that his sins are forgiven. Very likely he will say t
How to Work for Christ: Book 1: Personal Work, Chapter 14
      HOW TO DEAL WITH CHRISTIANS WHO NEED COUNSEL, REBUKE, ENCOURAGEMENT, OR COMFORT. It is often necessary to do personal work with those who are really Christians, but whose Christian experience for one cause or another is unsatisfactory. I. CHRISTIANS WHO ARE NEGLECTING THE OPEN CONFESSION OF CHRIST. There are many who are professing Christi
How to Work for Christ: Book 1: Personal Work, Chapter 15
      SOME HINTS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR PERSONAL WORK A few general suggestions that will be helpful to the personal worker remain to be made. I. AS A RULE, CHOOSE PERSONS TO DEAL WITH OF YOUR OWN SEX. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule. One should always be looking to the Holy Spirit for His guidance as to whom to approach, and He may l
BookHow to Work for Christ: Book 2: Methods of Christian Work, Chapter 1
      HOUSE TO HOUSE VISITATION I. ITS IMPORTANCE AND ADVANTAGES. 1. IT IS APOSTOLIC. The Apostle Paul was a house to house visitor. In Acts 20:20 he calls to the minds of the Ephesian elders the fact that he had taught them not only publicly, but also "from house to house." Many of us feel above this work, but the Apostle Paul, the prince of pre
How to Work for Christ: Book 2: Methods of Christian Work, Chapter 2
      COTTAGE MEETINGS I. THEIR IMPORTANCE AND ADVANTAGES. 1. YOU CAN REACH PEOPLE WHO CANNOT BE REACHED IN ANY OTHER WAY. (1) People who cannot go to church on account of family duties. There are a great many people in every city, and still more in the country, for whom it is absolutely impossible to go to church. A mother may have a large fa
How to Work for Christ: Book 2: Methods of Christian Work, Chapter 3
      PARLOR MEETINGS Parlor meetings are much the same in thought and in method as cottage meetings, with this difference, that cottage meetings are intended to reach people of the middle classes and the poor, while parlor meetings are intended to reach the rich. There are many who think there is no use trying to reach the rich with the Gospel. This
How to Work for Christ: Book 2: Methods of Christian Work, Chapter 4
      THE CHURCH PRAYER MEETING I. IMPORTANCE AND ADVANTAGES. The prayer meeting ought to be the most important meeting in the church. It is the most important meeting if it is rightly conducted. Of course the church prayer meeting in many churches is more a matter of form than a center of power. The thing to do in such a case is not to give up the
How to Work for Christ: Book 2: Methods of Christian Work, Chapter 5
      THE USE OF TRACTS Comparatively few Christians realize the importance of tract work. I had been a Christian a good many years, and a minister of the Gospel several years, before it ever entered my head that tracts were of much value in Christian work. I had somehow grown up with the notion that tracts were all rubbish, and therefore I did not ta
How to Work for Christ: Book 2: Methods of Christian Work, Chapter 6
      OPEN-AIR MEETINGS I. THEIR IMPORTANCE AND ADVANTAGES. 1. THEY ARE SCRIPTURAL. Jesus said, "Go out quickly INTO THE STREETS and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind." Every great preacher of the Bible was an open-air preacher. Peter was an open-air preacher, Paul was an open-air preache
How to Work for Christ: Book 2: Methods of Christian Work, Chapter 7
      TENT WORK I. ITS IMPORTANCE AND ADVANTAGES. 1. YOU CAN REACH PEOPLE BY THE TENT YOU CAN REACH BY NO OTHER METHOD. People that you cannot get inside of a church or mission hall, people that will not even listen to the preaching from a Gospel wagon, people that you could not step up to and talk with personally, will come into a tent. The tent
How to Work for Christ: Book 2: Methods of Christian Work, Chapter 8
      THE USE OF AUTOS, TRAILERS, ETC. The Christian worker should always watch for new methods and new means of presenting the gospel. The message is changeless, but we must not be blind to the changes in our civilization which offer the possibility of fresh approach with our message. I. MEANS OF REACHING THE PEOPLE. 1. TRAILER EVANGELISM. No
How to Work for Christ: Book 2: Methods of Christian Work, Chapter 9
      COLPORTAGE WORK I. COLPORTAGE WORK DEFINED. What is Colportage work? By Colportage work we mean the distribution of religious literature from house to house. As a rule, the literature thus distributed is sold, sometimes for its full value, sometimes at less than cost. II. ITS IMPORTANCE AND ADVANTAGES. 1. PEOPLE WHO FAIL IN OTHER LINE
How to Work for Christ: Book 2: Methods of Christian Work, Chapter 10
How to Work for Christ: Book 2: Methods of Christian Work, Chapter 11
      ORGANIZING AND CONDUCTING A GOSPEL MISSION I. IMPORTANCE OF GOSPEL MISSIONS. 1. In every large city, and in many of our smaller cities, there are great masses of the people that the churches are not reaching. The reasons why they are not being reached by the church are various. First of all because of the location of the churches. The churc
How to Work for Christ: Book 2: Methods of Christian Work, Chapter 12
      MEETINGS IN JAILS, HOSPITALS, POORHOUSES, ETC. Jails, hospitals, poorhouses and other public institutions offer a very important and much-neglected field of operations for the devoted soul winner. I. IMPORTANCE AND ADVANTAGES. 1. MANY OF THE INMATES OF THESE INSTITUTIONS MUST BE REACHED WHILE THERE, OR NOT AT ALL. Many of them in fact sp
How to Work for Christ: Book 2: Methods of Christian Work, Chapter 13
      REVIVAL MEETINGS By revival meetings we mean consecutive meetings, day after day and night after night, for the quickening of the life and activity of the church, and for the salvation of the lost. We speak of them as revival meetings because such meetings result from new life either in individuals or in the church as a whole, and if properly co
How to Work for Christ: Book 2: Methods of Christian Work, Chapter 14
      THE AFTER MEETING I. IMPORTANCE AND ADVANTAGES. In successful soul-winning work the after meeting is of the highest importance. Every tent meeting, mission meeting and revival service should be followed by an after meeting. The wise and active pastor will also follow up every Sunday evening service with an after meeting. Many a mighty preache

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