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D.L. Moody

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DevotionalBlind Bartimeus
      The apostle was going into Jericho for the last time. By the wayside he finds a poor, blind beggar who asks for a farthing, and he says, "Silver and gold have I none, but I can tell you of a great physician in Israel who can cure you." "Can cure me?" he says. "I was born blind." "Yes, but I have talked to a man in Jerusalem who says he was born bli
AnecdoteBreaking the Tumblers
      A lady once told me she was in her pantry on one occasion, and she was surprised by the ringing of a bell. As she whirled around to see what it was, she broke a tumbler. Her little child was standing there, and she thought her mother was doing a very correct thing, and the moment the lady left the pantry, the child commenced to break all the tumble
DevotionalCast Your Cares
      "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you" (1 Peter 5:7). A great many people seem to embalm their troubles. I always feel like running away when I see them coming. They bring out their old mummy, and tell you in a sad voice: "You don't know the troubles I have!" My friends, if you go to the Lord with your troubles, He will
      -The prodigal son got down very low, but he did not get down low enough to beg; he went to work. -I've lived nearly forty years, and I've learned one thing if I've learned nothing else; that no man or woman who treats disrespectfully father or mother ever prospers. -The most devoted love on earth is the love of a mother for her child; but wha
AnecdoteChild Friendship, how Durable
      I heard some time ago of a little book upon a passage of Scripture, I didn't know there was such a passage; which occurred in the story of David and Mephibosheth. You know, one day Jonathan and David were together, and Jonathan said, "David, I want you to make a vow." I suppose it had been revealed to Jonathan that he was to take his place. Inst
SermonChrist All in All
      Colossians 3:11- "Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all. CHRIST is all in all to every one who has truly found Him. He is our Savior, Redeemer, Deliverer, Shepherd, Teacher, and also sustains toward us many more offices, to which I desire to call
SermonChristian Love
      IT speaks in Galatians about love, the fruit of the Spirit being love, joy, peace, gentleness, long suffering, meekness and temperance. The way this writer has put it -- and I think it is very beautiful -- is that joy is love exultant, peace is love in repose, and long suffering is love enduring. It is all love, you see, a gentleness is love in soc
SermonCome Thou and All Thy House Into the Ark.
      I want to call your attention to a text that you will find in the seventh chapter of Genesis, first verse. When God speaks, you and I can afford to listen. It is not man speaking now, but it is God. "The Lord said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark." Perhaps some sceptic is reading this, and perhaps some church member will join
      Do not shrink from the thought of living in full communion with God. Be decided to let God draw nearer and nearer and put His holy finger on every detail of your daily life, on every detail of your daily work, on every detail of your daily habits, of your conversation, your reading, your writing. Very small things can hinder full communion with
ExcerptContrast between Genesis and Revelation
      GENESIS REVELATION Gen. 1:1 Earth created New heavens & new earth Rev. 21:1,2 Gen. 1:5 Night created No night Rev. 22:5 Gen. 1:10 Seas created No more sea Rev. 21:1 Gen. 1:16-17 Sun & Moon created No need of the sun Rev. 20:3 Gen. 2:5-23 Garden home for man City home for nations Rev. 21:10 Gen. 2:18 Bride of 1st Adam Bride of 2nd
DevotionalDelivered From Sin
      "And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people...and I am come down to deliver them..." (Exod. 3:7-8). We all have some weak point in our character. When we would go forward, it drags us back, and when we would rise up into higher spheres of usefulness and the atmosphere of heaven, something drags us down. Now I have no symp
AnecdoteDinna ye Hear Them Comin'?
      There is a story told of an incident that occurred during the last Indian mutiny. The English were besieged in the city of Lucknow, and were in momentary expectation of perishing at the hands of the fiends that surrounded them. There was a little Scotch lassie in this fort, and, while lying on the ground, she suddenly shouted, her face aglow wit
SermonDoes God Answer Prayer?
      I suppose there has been no word on Christians' lips so frequently at this time as the word "prayer," and there is not one in this hall who has not thought often, during the last forty-eight hours, of the importance of prayer. During this week of prayer, they are a great many not only thinking about it, but talking about it. When there is a spec
AnecdoteDr. Booth's Story
      Dr. Booth of New York, who has lost all his children-I say lost, but they are not lost; they are all in heaven-was telling me about being in an eastern country some time ago, and he saw a shepherd going down to a stream, and he wanted to get his flock across. He went into the water and called them by name, but they came down to the bank and blea
AnecdoteDr. Chalmers' Story
      There is a story of Dr. Chalmers. A lady came to him, and said, "Doctor, I cannot bring my child to Christ. I've talked, and talked, but it's of no use." The doctor thought she had not much skill, and said, "Now, you be quiet, and I will talk to her alone." When the doctor got the Scotch lassie alone he said to her, "They are bothering you a good d
AnecdoteEmma's Kiss
      A gentleman one day came to my office for the purpose of getting me interested in a young man who had just got out of the penitentiary. "He says," said the gentleman, "he don't want to go to the office, but I want your permission to bring him in and introduce him," and I took him by the hand and told him I was glad to see him. I invited him up t
AnecdoteEmma's New Muff
      I remember one time my little girl was teasing her mother to get her a muff, and so one day her mother brought a muff home, and, although it was storming, she very naturally wanted to go out in order to try her new muff. So she tried to get me to go out with her. I went out with her, and I said, "Emma, better let me take your hand." She wanted t
SermonEnduement for Service
      Mr. Moody on the Special Gift of the Holy Spirit - Experience of the Apostles - Repeated Anointing - Why we Lack Power - The Great Need of Modern Christians - Are we "Filled with the Spirit," and Ready to Go Anywhere? I SUPPOSE if I could put the question and ask those who are filled with the Spirit to respond, very few if any would be heard fr
SermonExternal Foes
      What are our enemies without? What does James say? "Know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God." And John? "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him." Now, people want to
DevotionalFailure Without Christ
      "Whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith" (1 John 5:4). Notice that everything human in this world fails. Every man the moment he takes his eye off God, has failed. Every man has been a failure at some period of his life. Abraham failed. Moses failed. Elijah failed. Take

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