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The Life of Jesus

By J.R. Miller

Table of Contents

   Chapter 1 - The Gospel of the Infancy - We look for the glory of the life of Jesus, in His manhood's years. Then He wrought great miracles, revealing His divine power. Then He spoke His wond
   Chapter 2 - The Mother and the Child - The picture of the Virgin Mother and the Holy Child has wrought itself inextricably into the life of Christendom. It is a blessed evangel wherever it
   Chapter 3 - The Watchfulness of God - Does God watch over the lives of little children on the earth? Does He keep guard over imperiled infancy? The story of the flight of the Holy Family t
   Chapter 4 - The Youth of Jesus Christ - Although it is so little, enough is told us of the youth of Jesus Christ, to enable us to fill out a very beautiful picture. One of the charms of chil
   Chapter 5 - The Shadow of the Cross - The Cross did not come to Jesus as a surprise--its shadow rested on Him in the brightest, busiest days. There was no hour when He did not see what the
   Chapter 6 - "Not Dead--But Sleeping" - This is a charming story. Probably Jairus had not sought to know Jesus hitherto. Probably he would not have sought Him now--but for his distress. Trou
   Chapter 7 - "Lord, Save Me!" - Those who was one of the strangest nights of our Lord's life. In the evening He sent the disciples out upon the sea alone. Then He went up into the mo
   Chapter 8 - The Teacher by the Sea - Jesus loved the Sea of Galilee. It is only a small lake, and yet no other body of water on the earth is so sacred. It is associated with many holy mem
   Chapter 9 - Christ at the Door - Perhaps no other great picture ever painted is richer in its spiritual teachings, than Holman Hunt's "Light of the World." It is a gospel in itself. T
   Chapter 10 - The Lord is my Shepherd - "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep!" John 10:11 The shepherd is a favorite Scriptural picture of the divin
   Chapter 11 - The Compassion of Christ - Every revealing of Christ, showed His sympathy with the weak and the wronged. That is not the way of the world in His day. The strong oppressed the we
   Chapter 12 - Unrequited Love - Jesus came as the Messiah of His people--but His own received Him not. A few individuals received Him, among them the Twelve and a little company of m
   Chapter 13 - The Coming of the King - It was only five days before the crucifixion. This day Jesus was the people's idol. Was He Himself deceived by this popular outpouring and acclaim? Di
   Chapter 14 - Remember Jesus Christ - "Do this in remembrance of Me." 1 Corinthians 11:25 Our Master craved to be remembered. None of us want to be forgotten. We want to live in the hea
   Chapter 15 - The Lesson of Service - "I am among you as one who serves." Luke 22:27 Serving is not an easy lesson to learn. But it is a lesson we must learn--if ever we would become li
   Chapter 16 - The Refuge in Sorrow - One of life's great questions, is where to go in sorrow. For there are none to whom sorrow does not come at some time. The Master, whose footprints ar
   Chapter 17 - "Could You Not Watch One Hour?" - One of the saddest elements in the Gethsemane experience, was our Lord's disappointment in His disciples. He chose the three best loved of them all, a
   Chapter 18 - Why Did Peter Fail? - One of the saddest disappointments of the story of our Lord's last days, is Peter's denial of his Master. If the gospel narrative were fiction, this e
   Chapter 19 - "What Shall I do with Jesus?" - Pilate's was a most unenviable distinction. No doubt he felt honored when he was made procurator of Judea. But the honor brought him a responsibility
   Chapter 20 - "Behold the Man!" - It was Pilate's last appeal. He hoped that the spectacle of Jesus wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe would so move the people to pity, th
   Chapter 21 - The Great Mystery of Love - The Cross was the culmination of divine love. The life of Christ was all love. He was the love of God come down to earth, interpreted in a human life,
   Chapter 22 - Last at the Cross, First at the Grave - Mary Magdalene's devotion to Christ, is one of the most beautiful stories in the Gospels. Tradition has branded her as a great sinner--but there is re
   Chapter 23 - The Women Friends of Jesus - Woman's devotion and fidelity shine out very brightly in the Gospel story. There is no mention of any woman ever showing unkindness to Jesus. A man de
   Chapter 24 - The Walk to Emmaus - "When He was at the table with them, He took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognize
   Chapter 25 - The Pathos of Divine Love - "Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep--and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep unti
   Chapter 26 - The King and His Kingdom - Jesus in His teaching, spoke much of His kingdom. On the evening of the day He died, however, it did not seem probable that He would found a kingdom,
   Chapter 27 - The Parting Blessing - The last walk was along a familiar way. The Master and His disciples had often gone over it before, and every foot of it had its sacred associations f

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