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The Life of Jesus: Chapter 24 - The Walk to Emmaus

By J.R. Miller

      "When He was at the table with them, He took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized Him!" Luke 24:30-31

      It was a wonderful walk that the two friends took that afternoon. The Man who joined them, seemed only to be a common stranger. He had a kindly manner, and the three were soon talking familiarly. He opened to them the meaning of great Scripture words, saying many things His companions could never forget. They were so pleased with His company, that when they reached the end of their journey, they urged Him to become their guest, and he consented.

      It was at their evening meal together, that the stranger revealed His identity. Perhaps, as He took the bread and was in the act of breaking it, they saw His hands with the print of the nails in them. We do not know just how it happened; we only know that it was while they were at their plain, simple evening meal--that "then their eyes were opened and they recognized Him!"

      It is in life's common experiences, that Christ usually reveals Himself to us. One of His disciples asked Him to show them the Father. He desired some remarkable revealing, a great glory, like the Sinai splendor. Jesus said, "Have I been with you these three years, and have you never known Me? I have been showing you the Father all the while!" He had been doing this in sweet, gentle living, in patience, in kindness, in thoughtfulness, in purity and simplicity of life. The disciples had seen all these beautiful things in their Master, day after day--but they had not dreamed that these were divine revealings, that in them He was revealing God!

      It is the same now. Some people say that if Christ would work miracles, if He would do startling things, they would believe on Him. Men are looking too far away to find Christ. In his quest for the Holy Grail the knight wandered over all lands in vain, finding it at last, when he came back, by his own gate! We do not need to go far away to find opportunities to serve Christ; He is waiting continually in the poor who need us, in the sick who long for our visits, in the lonely who crave friendship, in the tempted who cry out for a hand to help them stand. In doing kindnesses to His little ones--we will show our love for Him--and He will reveal Himself to us in joy and peace.

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See Also:
   Chapter 1 - The Gospel of the Infancy
   Chapter 2 - The Mother and the Child
   Chapter 3 - The Watchfulness of God
   Chapter 4 - The Youth of Jesus Christ
   Chapter 5 - The Shadow of the Cross
   Chapter 6 - "Not Dead--But Sleeping"
   Chapter 7 - "Lord, Save Me!"
   Chapter 8 - The Teacher by the Sea
   Chapter 9 - Christ at the Door
   Chapter 10 - The Lord is my Shepherd
   Chapter 11 - The Compassion of Christ
   Chapter 12 - Unrequited Love
   Chapter 13 - The Coming of the King
   Chapter 14 - Remember Jesus Christ
   Chapter 15 - The Lesson of Service
   Chapter 16 - The Refuge in Sorrow
   Chapter 17 - "Could You Not Watch One Hour?"
   Chapter 18 - Why Did Peter Fail?
   Chapter 19 - "What Shall I do with Jesus?"
   Chapter 20 - "Behold the Man!"
   Chapter 21 - The Great Mystery of Love
   Chapter 22 - Last at the Cross, First at the Grave
   Chapter 23 - The Women Friends of Jesus
   Chapter 24 - The Walk to Emmaus
   Chapter 25 - The Pathos of Divine Love
   Chapter 26 - The King and His Kingdom
   Chapter 27 - The Parting Blessing


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