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Practice of Piety 8 - Blessedness of the Regenerate

By Lewis Bayly

      Now let us see how happy a godly man is in his state of renovation, being reconciled to God in Christ.

      The godly man whose corrupt nature is renewed by grace in Christ and become a new creature, is blessed in a threefold respect-First, in his life; Secondly, in his death; Thirdly, after death.

      I. His blessedness during his life is but in part, and that consists in seven things:-

      1. Because he is conceived of the Spirit (John iii. 5), and is born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God (John i. 13), who in Christ is his Father (Gal. iv. 6, 7; 2 Cor. ix. 8:) so that the image of God his Father is renewed in him every day more and more (Ephesians 4:2,3,13; Col. iii. 10.)

      2. He has, for the merits of Christ's sufferings, all his sins, original and actual, with the guilt and punishment belonging to them (Rom. iv. 8, 25; viii. 1, 2; 1 Pet. ii. 24), freely and fully forgiven him; and all the righteousness of Christ as freely and fully imputed to him (Rom. iv. 5, 19;) and so God is reconciled to him (2 Cor. v. 19;) and approveth him as righteous in his sight and account (Rom. viii. 33, 34.)

      3. He is freed from Satan's bondage (Act. xvi. 18; Eph. ii. 2), and is made a brother of Christ (John xx. 17; Rom. viii. 20), a fellow-heir of his heavenly kingdom (Rom. viii. 17), and a spiritual king and priest (Rev. i. 6), to offer up spiritual sacrifices to God by Jesus Christ (1 Pet. ii. 5; Mal. iii. 17.)

      4. God spareth him as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. And this sparing consists in,

      (1.) Not taking notice of every fault, but bearing with his infirmities (Exod. xxxiv. 6, 7.) A loving father will not cast his child out of doors in his sickness.

      (2.) Not making his punishment, when he is chastened, as great as his deserts (Psal. ciii. 10.)

      (3.) Chastening him moderately when he seeth that he will not by any other means be reclaimed (2 Sam. vii. 14, 15; 1 Cor. xi. 32.)

      (4.) Graciously accepting his endeavours, notwithstanding the imperfection of his obedience; and so preferring the willingness of his mind before the worthiness of his work (2 Cor. viii. 12.)

      (5.) Turning the curses which he deserved to crosses and fatherly corrections; yea, all things, all calamities of this life, death itself, yea, his very sins, to his good (Rom. viii. 28; Psal. lxxxix. 31, 33; cxix. 71; Heb. xii. 10; 2 Cor. xii. 7; 1 Cor. xv. 54, 55; Hebrews 2:14,15; Luke xxii. 31, 32; Psal. li. 13, 14; Rom. v. 20, 21.)

      5. God gives him his Holy Spirit, which,

      (1.) Sanctifies him by degrees throughout (1 Thess. v. 23), so that he more and more dies to sin and lives to righteousness (Rom. viii. 5, 10.)

      (2.) Assures him of his adoption, and that he is by grace the child of God (Rom. viii. 16.)

      (3.) Encourages him to come with boldness and confidence into the presence of God (Heb. iv. 16; Eph. iii. 12.)

      (4.) Moves him without fear to say unto him, Abba, Father (Gal. iv 6; Rom. viii. 15, 16.)

      (5.) Pours into his heart the gift of sanctified prayer.

      (6.) Persuades him that both he and his prayers are accepted and heard of God, for Christ his mediator's sake.

      (7.) Fills him with, 1st, Peace of conscience (Rom. v. 1; xiv. 17;) 2d, Joy in the Holy Ghost (Rom. xiv. 17:) in comparison whereof all earthly joys seem vain and vile to him.

      6. He has a recovery of his sovereignty over the creatures (Psal. viii. 5, &c.; Heb. ii. 7, 8), which he lost by Adam's fall; and from thence free liberty (Rom. xiv. 14; 1 Tim. iv. 2, &c.) of using all things which God hath not restrained (1 Cor. ix. 19, 20), so that he may use them with a good conscience (1 Cor. iii. 22, 32; Heb. i. 7.) For to all things in heaven and earth he hath a sure title in this life (1 Cor. iii. 22;) and he shall have the plenary and peaceable possession of them in the life to come (Matt. xxv. 34; 1 Pet. i. 4.) Hence it is that all reprobates are but usurpers of all that they possess, and have no place of their own but hell (Acts i. 25.)

      7. He has the assurance of God's fatherly care and protection day and night over him; which care consists in three things:

      (1.) In providing all things necessary for his soul and body, concerning this life (Matt. vi. 32; 2 Cor. xii. 14; Psal. xxiii; xxxiv. 9, 10), and that which is to come; so that he shall be sure ever either to have enough, or patience to be content with that he hath.

      (2.) In that God gives his holy angels, as ministers, a charge to attend upon him always for his good (Heb. i. 14; Psal. xxxiv. 7; xci. 11;) yea, in danger to pitch their tents about him for his safety wherever he be: yea, God's protection shall defend him as a cloud by day, and as a pillar of fire by night (Isa. iv. 5;) and his providence shall hedge him from the power of the devil (Job i. 10.)

      (3.) In that the eyes of the Lord are upon him, and his ears continually open, to see his state (Psal. xxxiv. 15; Gen. vii. 1), and to hear his complaint, and in his good time to deliver him out of all his troubles (Psal. xxxiv. 19.)

      Thus far of the blessed state of the godly and regenerate man in this life: Now of his blessed state in death,

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See Also:
   Practice of Piety 1 - Directing a Christian How to Walk, that He May Please God.
   Practice of Piety 2 - A Plain Description of the Essence and Attributes of God
   Practice of Piety 3 - Meditations of the Misery of a Man Not Reconciled to God in Christ.
   Practice of Piety 4 - Meditations of the Miseries of Man from Infancy to Old Age.
   Practice of Piety 5 - Meditations of the Misery of the Soul in this Life.
   Practice of Piety 6 - Meditations of the Misery of the Body and Soul in Death.
   Practice of Piety 7 - Meditations of the Misery of a Man after Death.
   Practice of Piety 8 - Blessedness of the Regenerate
   Practice of Piety 9 - Meditations of the blessed state of a Regenerate Man in his Death.
   Practice of Piety 10 - Meditations of the blessed state of the Regenerate Man after Death.
   Practice of Piety 11 - Meditations of the blessed state of a Regenerate Man in Heaven.
   Practice of Piety 12 - Of the Prerogatives which the Elect shall enjoy in Heaven.
   Practice of Piety 13 - Of the Effects of those Prerogatives.
   Practice of Piety 14 - Meditations directing a Christian how to apply to himself.
   Practice of Piety 15 - Meditations on the Hindrances which Keep a Sinner from Piety.
   Practice of Piety 16 - How a Private Man Must Begin the Morning with Piety.
   Practice of Piety 17 - Meditations for the Morning.
   Practice of Piety 18 - Brief Directions How to Read the Holy Scriptures Once A Year
   Practice of Piety 19 - A Prayer for the Morning.
   Practice of Piety 20 - Meditations to stir us up to Morning Prayer.
   Practice of Piety 21 - Another short Morning Prayer.
   Practice of Piety 22 - Farther Meditations to stir up to Prayer in the Morning.
   Practice of Piety 23 - A brief Prayer for the Morning.
   Practice of Piety 24 - Meditations Directing a Christian How To Walk All the Day with God
   Practice of Piety 25 - Secondly, for thy Words.
   Practice of Piety 26 - Thirdly, for thy Actions.
   Practice of Piety 27 - Meditations for the Evening.
   Practice of Piety 28 - A Prayer for the Evening.
   Practice of Piety 29 - Another shorter Evening Prayer.
   Practice of Piety 30 - Meditations for Household Piety.
   Practice of Piety 31 - Morning Prayer for a Family.
   Practice of Piety 32 - The Practice of Piety at Meals, and the Manner of Eating.
   Practice of Piety 33 - Grace before Meat.
   Practice of Piety 34 - The Practice of Piety at Evening.
   Practice of Piety 35 - Evening Prayer for a Family.
   Practice of Piety 36 - Meditations of the True Manner of Practising Piety on the Sabbath-Day.
   Practice of Piety 37 - Ten Reasons demonstrating the Commandment of the Sabbath to be moral.
   Practice of Piety 38 - The True Manner of Keeping Holy the Lord's Day.
   Practice of Piety 39 - A Morning Prayer for the Sabbath-day.
   Practice of Piety 40 - Duties in the Holy Assembly.
   Practice of Piety 41 - A private Evening Prayer for the Lord's day.
   Practice of Piety 42 - Of the Practice of Piety in Fasting.
   Practice of Piety 43 - Of the Public Fast.
   Practice of Piety 44 - Of the Practice of Piety in Holy Feasting.
   Practice of Piety 45 - Of Preparation.
   Practice of Piety 46 - Of the Worthiness of the Sacrament.
   Practice of Piety 47 - Of the first End of the Lord's Supper.
   Practice of Piety 48 - Of the second End of the Lord's Supper.
   Practice of Piety 49 - Of the third End of the Lord's Supper.
   Practice of Piety 50 - Of the fourth End of the Lord's Supper.
   Practice of Piety 51 - The fifth End of the Lord's Supper.
   Practice of Piety 52 - The sixth End of the Lord's Supper.
   Practice of Piety 53 - Of the seventh End of the Lord's Supper.
   Practice of Piety 54 - A Confession of Sins before the receiving of the Holy Communion.
   Practice of Piety 55 - Of the Means whereby thou mayest become a worthy Receiver.
   Practice of Piety 56 - Of the Second sort of Duties which a worthy Communicant is to perform
   Practice of Piety 57 - A sweet Soliloquy to be said between the Consecration and Sacrament.
   Practice of Piety 58 - Duties After Communion.
   Practice of Piety 59 - The Practice of Piety in Glorifying God in the Time of Sickness or Death
   Practice of Piety 60 - A Prayer when one begins to be sick.
   Practice of Piety 61 - A Prayer before taking of Medicine.
   Practice of Piety 62 - Meditations for the Sick.
   Practice of Piety 63 - Meditations for One That Is Like to Die.
   Practice of Piety 64 - A Prayer to Be Said of One That Is Like to Die.
   Practice of Piety 65 - Meditations against Despair, or doubting of God's Mercy.
   Practice of Piety 66 - An Admonition to them who come to visit the Sick.
   Practice of Piety 67 - A Prayer to be said for the Sick by them who visit him.
   Practice of Piety 68 - Consolations Against Impatience in Sickness.
   Practice of Piety 69 - Consolations Against the Fear of Death
   Practice of Piety 70 - Seven Sanctified Thoughts and Mournful Sighs of a Sick Man Ready to Die.
   Practice of Piety 71 - Of the Comfortable Assurance of God's Forgiveness of Sins.
   Practice of Piety 72 - Meditations of Martyrdom.
   Practice of Piety 73 - A Divine Colloquy Between the Soul and Her Savior
   Practice of Piety 74 - The Soul's Soliloquy, ravished in contemplation of the Passion of our Lord.


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