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Harry A. Ironside
1876 - 1951

      Few preachers had more varied ministries than this man. He was a captain in the Salvation Army, an itinerant preacher with the Plymouth Brethren, pastor of the renowned Moody Memorial Church in Chicago, and conducted Bible conferences throughout the world. Sandwiched between those major ministries, Ironside preached the Gospel on street corners, in missions, in taverns, on Indian reservations, etc.

      Never formally ordained and with no experience whatever as a pastor, Ironside took over the 4,000-seat Moody Memorial Church in Chicago and often filled it to capacity for 18 1/2 years. A seminary president once said of him, "He has the most unique ministry of any man living." Although he had little formal education, his tremendous mental capacity and photographic memory caused him to be called the "Archbishop of Fundamentalism."

      Preaching--warm, soul-saving preaching--was his forte. Special speakers in his great church often meant nothing; the crowds came when he was there. He traveled constantly at his prime, he averaged 40 weeks in the year on the road--always returning to Moody Memorial for Sunday services.

      His pen moved, too; he contributed regularly to various religious periodicals and journals in addition to publishing 80 books and pamphlets. His writings included addresses or commentaries on the entire New Testament, all of the prophetic books of the Old Testament, and a great many volumes on specific Bible themes and subjects.

      In 1951, Dr. Ironside died in Cambridge, New Zealand, and was buried there at his own request.

Showing 1 to 17 of 17 items.


Biography The Life and Ministry of Harry Allen Ironside
       BORN: October 14, 1876 Toronto, Canada DIED: January 15, 1951 Cambridge, New Zealand Ironside was one of the greatest Bible teachers the world has ever known. For some 50 years he went up and down America teaching and preaching the Word of God. He was the ultimate in his field. Coupled with this was his successful ministry as pastor of
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Eternal Security of the Believer: Part 2
       A Dangerous Doctrine? People say, "If you preach this doctrine of the eternal security of the believer, men will say, 'Well, then it doesn't make any difference what I do, I will get to heaven anyway.'" It makes a tremendous difference what you do. If you do not behave yourself, it shows that you are not a real Christian. I know that a real Ch
Eternal Security of the Believer: Part 3
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Full Assurance - Table of Contents
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      I was between eighteen and nineteen years of age when I began to entertain serious doubts as to my actually having attained so high a standard of Christian living as I had professed, and as the Army and other Holiness movements advocated as the only real Christianity. What led to this was of too personal and private a nature to publish; but it resu
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       What Is Meant by the Term "The Great Tribulation"? The careful student of the prophetic scriptures cannot fail to observe that in both the Old and New Testaments the Spirit of God speaks of a trial involving the pouring out of divine wrath on men. This is known as... ...."the great tribulation," ...."the time of Jacob's trouble," ..
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Wrongly Dividing the Word of Truth - Table of Contents
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