›Chapter 3 - The Transitional Period - ...Is the Church of The Acts the Body of Christ?
HERE is perhaps nothing about which the ultradispensationalists are more certain, according to the ...read
›Chapter 5 - Further Examination of the Epistles - PASSING over for the present the Apostle Paul's presentation of the sevenfold unity of Christianity in Ephesians 4, and his identification of the Body ...read
›Chapter 6 - Is the Church the Bride of the Lamb? - ONE of the first positions generally taken by the ultra-dispensationalists is that it is unthinkable that the Church should be the Body of Christ, and ...read
›Chapter 8 - Concluding Remarks - IN closing this review of the system of teaching which we have had before us, I do not think it necessary to go into the questions at any length of So ...read