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Secret Power

By D.L. Moody

Table of Contents

   1: It's Source - "Without the soul, divinely quickened and inspired, the observances of the grandest ritualism are as worthless as the motions of a galvanized corpse."
   2: Identity and Personality - In 1st John 5:7, we read: "There are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one." By the Fath
   3: Agent and Instrument - The Holy Spirit is closely identified with the words of the Lord Jesus. "It is the Spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing, the words that
   4: Secret of Efficiency - I can not help but believe there are many Christians who want to be more efficient in the Lord's service, and the object of this book is to take up th
   5: Reservoir of Love - We read that the fruit of the Spirit is love. God is love, Christ is love, and we should not be surprised to read about the love of the Spirit. What a
   6: Right Overflow - I remember the morning I came out of my room after I had first trusted Christ, and I thought the old sun shone a good deal brighter than it ever had b
   7: The Triumphs of Love - In the fifteenth chapter of Romans, thirteenth verse, the Apostle says: "Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you ma
   8: The Boon of Victory - The next thing the Spirit of God does is to give us liberty. He first imparts love; He next inspires hope, and then gives liberty, and that is about t
   9: Power In and Upon - The Holy Spirit dwelling in us, is one thing; I think this is clearly brought out in Scripture; and the Holy Spirit upon us for service, is another th
   10: Praising God with One Heart - We find, the very moment that Solomon completed the Temple, when all was finished, they were just praising God with one heart - the choristers and the
   11: What is Needed - Nine-tenths, at least, of the church members never think of speaking for Christ. If they see a man, perhaps a near relative, just going right down to
   12: None of Self - Then you will find all through the Scriptures, when men were filled with the Holy Spirit, they preached Christ and not themselves. They preached Chris
   13: The Greatest Weapon - The sword of the Spirit is the Word of God, and what we need specially is to be filled with the Spirit, so we shall know how to use the Word. There wa
   14: Spiritual Irrigation - It is possible a man may just barely have life and be satisfied; and I think that a great many are in that condition. In the 3rd chapter of John we fi
   15: Outflowing Streams - I would like to see some one just full of living water; so full that they couldn't contain it; that they would have to go out and publish the Gospel o
   16: Why Some Fail? - We read in John 20:22: "And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost." Then see Luke 24:49: "An
   17: Fresh Supplies - Turn to Acts 4:31, and you will find He came a second time, and at a place where they were, so that the earth was shaken, and they were filled with th
   18: Green Fields - When I was out in California, the first time I went down from the Sierra Nevada Mountains and dropped into the Valley of the Sacramento, I was surpris
   19: Master and Servant - There is a very sweet story of Elijah and Elisha, and I love to dwell upon it. The time had come for Elijah to be taken up, and he said to Elisha, "Yo
   20: Witnessing in Power - The subject of witness-bearing in the power of the Holy Ghost is not sufficiently understood by the Church. Until we have more intelligence on this po
   21: What is Testimony? - If we keep back the Gospel of Christ and do not bring Christ before the people, then the Spirit has not the opportunity to work. But the moment Peter
   22: Greater Work - The witness of the Spirit is the witness of power. Jesus said, "The works that I do shall ye do also, and greater works than these shall ye do because
   23: The Sure Guide - Turn to the sixteenth chapter of John, in the thirteenth verse, and read: "Howbeit, when He, the Spirit of Truth is come, He will guide you into al
   24: Rappings in the Dark - I want to say right here, that I think in this day a great many children of God are turning aside and committing a grievous sin. I don't know as they
   25: Spirits that Peep and Mutter - There is another passage which reads, "And when they shall say unto you, seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep and mut
   26: The Unerring Guide - I am told by people who have been over the Alps, that the guide fastens them, if they are going in a dangerous place, right to himself, and he just go
   27: An Aid to Memory - It is a great comfort to us to remember that another office of the Spirit is to bring the teaching of Jesus to our remembrance. This was our Lord's pr
   28: Long and Short Sight - He brings to our mind what God has in store for us. I heard a man, some time ago, speaking about Abraham. He said "Abraham was not tempted by the well
   29: The Faithful Friend - The Holy Spirit tells a man of his faults in order to lead him to a better life. In John 16:8 we read: "He is to reprove the world of sin." Now, there
   30: The Climax Sin - That is the sin of the world. Why, a great many people think that unbelief is a sort of misfortune, but do not know, if you will allow me the expressi
   31: Power in Operation - The power we have been considering is the Presence of The Holy Spirit. He is omnipotent. Power in operation is the actions of the Spirit or the fruit
   32: That Gospel Sermon on The Blessed Hope - A Sermon delivered by D. L. Moody, the Evangelist, at the Great Chicago Tabernacle, Jan. 5, 1877. Repeated in the Boston Tabernacle, April 29th. In
   33: What Wins - A great many parents have inquired of me how to win their children. They say they have talked with them, and sometimes they have scolded them and have
   34: Power of Love - Love is the badge that Christ gave His disciples. Some put on one sort of badge and some another. Some put on a strange kind of dress, that they may b
   35: Love's Wonderful Effects - "Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up. Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not
   36: Critics Beware - Love will rebuke evil, but will not rejoice in it. Love will be impatient of sin, but patient with the sinner. To form the habit of finding fault cons
   37: After Love, What? - After love comes peace. I have before remarked, a great many people are trying to make peace. But that has already been done. God has not left it for
   38: Not Easily Offended - In the 119th Psalm and the 165th verse, we find "Great peace have they who love thy law: and nothing shall offend them." The study of God's Word will
   39: Sweet Words - In the 6th chapter of Numbers and 22d verse we read: "And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto Aaron and unto his sons, saying, On this wi
   40: Peace Declared - When France and England were at war, a French vessel had gone off on a long voyage, a whaling voyage; and when they came back, the crew were short of
   41: Secret of Joy - Remember, then, that love is power, and peace is power; but now I will call attention to another fruit of the Spirit, and this too is power - the grac
   42: Joy is Unselfish - Now, there are three kinds of joy; there is the joy of one's own salvation. I thought, when I first tasted that, it was the most delicious joy I had e
   43: Joy in Persecution - It says in Luke 6:22: "Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and ca
   44: Power Hindered - Israel, we are told, limited the Holy One of Israel. They vexed and grieved the Holy Spirit, and rebelled against His authority, but there is a specia
   45: The Unpardonable Sin - Then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil, blind, and dumb: and he healed him, insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and saw. And all
   46: What It Is Not - I admit there is such a thing as resisting the Spirit of God, and resisting till the Spirit of God has departed; but if the Spirit of God has left any
   47: The Faithful Friend 2 - Let us now consider the sin of "Grieving the Spirit." Resisting the Holy Ghost is one thing, grieving Him is another. Stephen charged the unbelieving
   48: The Church Grieves the Spirit - I think that if we search, we will find something in the Church grieving the Spirit of God; it may be a mere schism in the church; it may be some unso
   49: Worldly Amusements - Then, another thing, I think, that grieves the Spirit, is the miserable policy of introducing questionable entertainments. There are lotteries, for in
   50: Unconverted Choirs - Paul tells us not to speak in an unknown tongue, and if we have choirs who are singing in an unknown tongue, why is not that just as great an abominat
   51: What is Success? - The Gospel has not lost its power; it is just as powerful today as it ever has been. We don't want any new doctrine. It is still the old Gospel with t
   52: Shipwrecks - Alas! how many young converts have made shipwreck against such churches. Instead of being a harbor of delight to them, they have proved false lights,
   53: Quench Not - In 1st Thessalonians, 5th chapter, we are told not to Quench the Spirit. Now, I am confident the cares of the world are coming in and quenching the Sp
   54: Emblems of the Spirit - But I would further call attention to the emblems of the Holy Spirit. An emblem is something that represents an object; the same as a balance is an em

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