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Secret Power: 38: Not Easily Offended

By D.L. Moody

      In the 119th Psalm and the 165th verse, we find "Great peace have they who love thy law: and nothing shall offend them." The study of God's Word will secure peace. You take Christians who are rooted and grounded in the Word of God, and you find they have great peace; but it is these who don't study their Bible, and don't know their Bible, who are easily offended when some little trouble comes, or some little persecution, and their peace is all disturbed; just a little breath of opposition, and their peace is all gone.

      Sometimes I am amazed to see how little it takes to drive all peace and comfort from some people. some slandering tongue will readily blast it. But if we have the peace of God, the world can not take that from us. It can not give it; it can not destroy it. We have to get it from above the world; it is peace which Christ gives. "Great peace have they which love Thy law, and nothing shall offend them." Christ says "blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in Me." Now, if you will notice, wherever there is a Bible taught Christian, one who has the Bible well marked, and daily feeds upon the Word by prayerful meditation, he will not be easily offended.

      Such are the people who are growing and working all the while. But it is these people who never open their Bibles, these people who never study the Scriptures, who become offended, and are wondering why they are having such a hard time. They are the persons who tell you that Christianity is not what it has been recommended to them; that they have found it was not all that we claim it to be. The real trouble is, they have not done as the Lord has told them to do. They have neglected the Word of God. If they had been studying the Word of God, they would not be in that condition. If they had been studying the Word of God, they would not have wandered these years away from God, living on the husks of the world. But the trouble is, they have neglected to care for the new life; they haven't fed it, and the poor soul, being starved, sinks into weakness and decay, and is easily stumbled or offended.

      I met a man who confessed his soul had fed on nothing for forty years. "Well," said I, "that is pretty hard for the soul - giving it nothing to feed on!" And that man is but a type of thousands and tens of thousands today; their poor souls are starving. This body that we inhabit for a day, and then leave, we take good care of; we feed it three times a day, and we clothe it, and take care of it, and deck it, and by and by it is going into the grave to be eaten up by the worms; but the inner man, that is live on and one, and on forever, is lean and starved.

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See Also:
   1: It's Source
   2: Identity and Personality
   3: Agent and Instrument
   4: Secret of Efficiency
   5: Reservoir of Love
   6: Right Overflow
   7: The Triumphs of Love
   8: The Boon of Victory
   9: Power In and Upon
   10: Praising God with One Heart
   11: What is Needed
   12: None of Self
   13: The Greatest Weapon
   14: Spiritual Irrigation
   15: Outflowing Streams
   16: Why Some Fail?
   17: Fresh Supplies
   18: Green Fields
   19: Master and Servant
   20: Witnessing in Power
   21: What is Testimony?
   22: Greater Work
   23: The Sure Guide
   24: Rappings in the Dark
   25: Spirits that Peep and Mutter
   26: The Unerring Guide
   27: An Aid to Memory
   28: Long and Short Sight
   29: The Faithful Friend
   30: The Climax Sin
   31: Power in Operation
   32: That Gospel Sermon on The Blessed Hope
   33: What Wins
   34: Power of Love
   35: Love's Wonderful Effects
   36: Critics Beware
   37: After Love, What?
   38: Not Easily Offended
   39: Sweet Words
   40: Peace Declared
   41: Secret of Joy
   42: Joy is Unselfish
   43: Joy in Persecution
   44: Power Hindered
   45: The Unpardonable Sin
   46: What It Is Not
   47: The Faithful Friend 2
   48: The Church Grieves the Spirit
   49: Worldly Amusements
   50: Unconverted Choirs
   51: What is Success?
   52: Shipwrecks
   53: Quench Not
   54: Emblems of the Spirit


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