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Nuggets of Gold

By George Kulp

Table of Contents

   Introduction - For the Use of Preachers, Teachers, and All Workers Gathered Here and There Through Over Thirty Years of Active Ministry By George Brubaker Kulp Pa
   Chapter 1: God's Care - THE FATHER'S HOUSEKEEPER I know one of God's children who has been shut in for ten long years or more, and in these years has learned such lessons
   Chapter 2: Prayer - NO SIZE IN PRAYER I remember hearing it said of a godly man, "Mr. So and-so is a gracious man, but he is very strange; for the other day he prayed
   Chapter 3: Witnesses for God - BEING TRUE TO GOD WON An eminent preacher relates the following: "There was once a young man who had begun to pray, and his father knew it. He said
   Chapter 4: Victory - THE SECRET OF SUCCESS Complaints are often made, and surprise expressed by individuals who have never found a blessing rest upon anything they have
   Chapter 5: Consecration - TO PREVENT BIAS Bismarck said something in a speech which has a very wide application: "There have been times when I thought it possible to hold fo
   Chapter 6: Salvation - IS GOD HERE? A young man had been extremely profane and thought little of the matter. After his marriage to a high-minded, lovely wife, the habit a
   Chapter 7: Missions - SELF-SACRIFICE A brilliant Oxford student was giving himself to the Wesleyan Missionary Society for African service. His tutor remonstrated. "You a
   Chapter 8: Jesus - THE LIVING FOUNTAIN In a village on the Welsh coast, the people fetch all their water from a well. "Is this spring ever dry?" I inquired. "Dry? Y
   Chapter 9: Promises of God - THE CLASS-LEADER'S METHOD Carvosso had seen all his children converted but one. Borne down with anxiety for her, he sought counsel of his class-lea
   Chapter 10: The Gospel - DON'T BE A DUCK In a famous ecclesiastical trial in Virginia, a number of years ago, it was said by someone that the preaching of the party on tria
   Chapter 11: Church Amusements - AMUSEMENTS A FAILURE The mission of amusement utterly fails to effect the desired end among the unsaved, but it works havoc among the young convert
   Chapter 12: Folly of Infidelity - HE PROVED IT Recently the evangelist, E. L. Hyde, was conducting a revival meeting at B___, in New Jersey, and in the course of his remarks said "h
   Chapter 13: Soul Saving - MODERN PREACHING The law of God and His wrath against sin, the sanctions of the law, the eternal punishment of the finally impenitent, are not so p
   Chapter 14: Experience - TO SAVE HIS MOTHER We have had a German baron among us, Baron von Karlstein, who has written a book about New York and its inhabitants. One of his
   Chapter 15: Conscience - "Good-bye," I said to Conscience, 'Good-bye, for aye and aye;" And I put her hands off harshly And turned my face away; And Conscience, smitten sorely

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