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Nuggets of Gold: Introduction

By George Kulp

      For the Use of Preachers, Teachers, and All Workers
      Gathered Here and There Through
      Over Thirty Years of Active Ministry

      By George Brubaker Kulp
      Pastor of Immanuel Holiness Church
      Battle Creek, Michigan

      With an Introduction
      By M. G. Standley of "God's Revivalist"

      God's Revivalist Office
      "Mount of Blessings"
      Cincinnati, Ohio

      Printed Book Copyright 1908
      By God's Revivalist Office


      A physician having been called to wait upon a member of our family, he went to much trouble in arranging details which, to us, seemed utterly unnecessary. Asked the reason, he replied, "I owe much of my success as a physician and surgeon to hard work and attention to details. I always prepare for any emergency that may arise. I cannot afford to imperil the life of any of my patients by neglect."

      Why did Jesus say, "The children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light"? The reason is obvious. Take for example the scientists, bankers, lawyers, physicians, merchants, and even the farmers. They realize that, in order to successfully meet and overcome opposing forces, they must equip themselves.

      The author of this book, after years of toiling and gleaning in many fields, has put into our hands that which will enable us, not only as ministers and laymen, but as children of God and co-workers with Him, to become more efficient in soul winning.

      Those who have heard Brother Kulp preach, realize that, like the Savior, he makes use of many incidents from life to illustrate and fasten the truth he is preaching on the hearts of his hearers. Through years of successful soul winning, the Holy Spirit has wonderfully used these illustrations to help awaken and persuade the impenitent to seek God, the believer to know what the will of the Lord is, and be "filled with the Holy Spirit," and the saint to realize his privilege and enlarge the place of his habitation.

      "He that winneth souls is wise." "They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness, as the stars for ever and ever." Therefore, we send this book on its mission for His glory, that, as followers of the lowly Nazarene, we may become more effective soul winners.

      M. G. Standley

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See Also:
   Chapter 1: God's Care
   Chapter 2: Prayer
   Chapter 3: Witnesses for God
   Chapter 4: Victory
   Chapter 5: Consecration
   Chapter 6: Salvation
   Chapter 7: Missions
   Chapter 8: Jesus
   Chapter 9: Promises of God
   Chapter 10: The Gospel
   Chapter 11: Church Amusements
   Chapter 12: Folly of Infidelity
   Chapter 13: Soul Saving
   Chapter 14: Experience
   Chapter 15: Conscience


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