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The Hebrew Republic

By E.C. Wines

Table of Contents

   Chapter 1: The Unity of God - It is the proper function of the sciences to arrive at general principles; that is to say, primary, or general facts, in which all secondary, or parti
   Chapter 2: National Unity, Liberty, Political Equality - A second fundamental principle of the Hebrew government was national unity. This idea was, in that age, as new and startling as the doctrine of the
   Chapter 3: Elective Magistracy, People's Authority in the Enactment of Laws, The Responsibility of Public Officers to Their Constituents - A magistracy elected by the people, the public officer chosen by the public voice, was another of those great principles, on which Moses founded his c
   Chapter 4: A Cheap, Speedy, and Impartial Administration of Justice, Peace, Agriculture - A cheap, speedy, and impartial administration of justice was another of those great ideas, on which Moses founded his civil polity. Under the Hebre
   Chapter 5: Universal Industry, The Inviolability of Private Property, The Sacredness of the Family Relation, The Sanctity of Human Life - Again, the Hebrew state was founded on the industry of all the citizens. This was the eleventh of those fundamental principles, which lay at the basis
   Chapter 6: Education - A fifteenth fundamental principle of the Hebrew government was education--the education of the whole body of the people, especially in the knowledge o
   Chapter 7: Social Union, Balance of Powers, Enlightened Public Opinion - Another of those great ideas, ova which Moses founded the Hebrew government, was union. I refer here, not so much to those civil ties which bound t
   Chapter 8: Special Designs of the Hebrew Government - In order to lay down a true plan of the Hebrew government, it will be necessary to inquire whether, besides the common ends of government--the protect
   Chapter 9: Idolatry - These observations naturally lead us to the inquiry, whether the suppression of idolatry was a design worthy to engage the care of the divine mind--in
   Chapter 10: The Nation's Magistrates - The political equality of the people, without either nobles or peasants properly so called, was, as we have seen, a fundamental principle of the Mosai
   Chapter 11: The Tribes - Let us now direct our attention to the tribes themselves in their individual capacity, in their relation to one another, and in their legislative func
   Chapter 12: Legislature, Courts, Levites, Prophets - As the twelve tribes, though independent and sovereign for local purposes, yet formed but one political body for the care and promotion of the common
   Chapter 13: The Hebrew Chief Magistrate - Moses did not, by an express law, unalterably determine in what sort of magistrate the supreme executive authority of the Israelitish state should be
   Chapter 14: The Constitution - Besides that original and fundamental law, which we have just been examining, a special capitulation was sworn to by the kings of Israel. The compact
   Chapter 15: The Hebrew Senate - This was another department of the Hebrew government and one of the bonds of union between the tribes of Israel. The study of this part of the constit
   Chapter 16: The Hebrew Commons - In treating this subject, three inquiries present themselves, viz. 1. Whether a house of commons, or popular assembly, formed a part of the Hebrew con
   Chapter 17: The Hebrew Oracle - The fact that the original sovereignty of the Hebrew state, though by the free consent and suffrage of the people, was vested in Jehovah, distinguishe
   Chapter 18: The Hebrew Priesthood - I use the term "priesthood" here in an enlarged sense. I include, under that designation, the whole tribe of Levi, as possessing a sacerdotal or sacre
   Chapter 19: The Hebrew Prophets - The right understanding of the prophetical office among the Hebrews will throw much light on the Mosaic constitution, and strikingly evince the popula
   Conclusion - In the foregoing pages, I have offered an analysis of the Hebrew constitution, such as I conceive it to have been, when it came from the hand of the i

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