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Selections from the Journal of James Caughey: Chapter 4 - Onward Movement of the Revival

By James Caughey

      In the afternoon prayer-meeting there were sixty-eight souls saved, of whom forty were pardoned, and twenty purified.

      Crowds upon crowds last night, and hundreds had to go away, for want of room. About three thousand people filled the spacious temple in every part, aisle and all, thick as they could stand. The power of God was present, to "kill and make alive" in a wonderful manner. Indeed, during the last eight days the success has amazed us all. Over one hundred and fifty have been converted, and about one hundred sanctified throughout spirit, soul and body. -- 1 Thess. 5:23.

      All glory be to God! The work is his, and man is as nothing -- only as an axe in the hand of the hewer. The axe has nothing to glory in; to the arm that sets it on belongs the glory. This is one of God's own illustrations -- Isaiah 10:15, -- "Shall the AXE boast itself against him that heweth therewith? or shall the SAW magnify itself against him that shaketh it? as if the ROD should shake itself against them that lift it up, or as if the STAFF should lift up itself, as if it were no wood." No, no; why should they? The axe and the saw might have been left to be devoured with inglorious rust, had not the hewer employed them; and the rod and the staff to rot and perish, but for the hand that lifted them up. Lord Jesus, thou hast used me as an axe, a saw, a rod, and a staff, upon the souls of sinners; but, O, forbid that my soul should lift up itself and glory! No; "God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of my Lord Jesus Christ." Yet, my Lord, let it not offend thee that I record thy wonderful doings among this people, even as we have heard and known, and our fathers have told us, of the wonderful works thou didst perform in their day. -- Ps. 78:3, 4. These thy works are worthy, O Lord, to be had in everlasting remembrance.

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See Also:
   Chapter 1 - Sketch of the Life of James Caughey
   Chapter 2 - A Week of Agonizing Conflicts
   Chapter 3 - A Characteristic Discourse
   Chapter 4 - Onward Movement of the Revival
   Chapter 5 - The New Convert Exhorted to Holiness
   Chapter 6 - Justified Persons Desire Purity
   Chapter 7 - Personal Experience -- The Revival
   Chapter 8 - Warnings to Sinners -- A Sermon
   Chapter 9 - Notes of the Huddersfield Revival
   Chapter 10 - Extracts from the Journal


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