"A humble, obscure Irish preacher in Western Vermont (James Caughey) one day wrote in his diary, 'No man has ever been signally successful in winning souls to Christ without the help of the Spirit. With it the humblest talent may astonish earth and hell by gathering thousands for the skies, while without it the most splendid talents are comparatively useless.' With this conviction he sought the baptism with the Holy Ghost, and then saw in six years over twenty thousand souls accepting Christ at the altar."
The remarkable favor with which the religious public have received "Methodism in Earnest," and "Revival Miscellanies," has induced us to publish another volume from the quaint, pithy, and profitable pen of Mr. Caughey. We believe the present work to be as intrinsically valuable as either of its predecessors; and that it will be equally useful, should it chance to find as many readers. Like those works, it is quite miscellaneous in its character. It takes up the detail of Mr. Caughey's personal history where it was left at the close of "Methodism in Earnest," and follows him through the remarkable work of God which attended his labors in Huddersfield (Eng.) during the winter of 1845-6. The introductory sketch of Mr. Caughey's life conducts the reader down to that point in his history. So that the work now issued, though in one sense a sequel to "Methodism in Earnest," is, nevertheless, complete in itself. Choosing the incidents of the Huddersfield revival to be as a silver thread running through his book, Mr. Caughey has woven into it a variety of thoughts, illustrations, hints, discourses, etc., which cannot but be profitable to every earnest man who will be at the pains to peruse them. Confident of its value as a stimulant to the true religious life, we give this work to the public, believing that, when we enter the spirit world, the fact of its publication by our hands will be among those pleasant memories of the past we shall love to cherish there; and that it will prove the means of imparting help and good cheer to many a pilgrim on his way to the Celestial City.