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Living Without Worry: Chapter 29 - The Birthday of the New World

By J.R. Miller

      The world is growing old. We date time from the birth of Jesus Christ, as if there had been no years before he was born. The truth is, there were many long centuries before that time--no one knows how many. But somehow centuries without Christ do not count for much. The years seem like long rows of ciphers, with no numeral preceding them to give them value. At least, from the day Christ was born into this world--all things had a new meaning.

      Perhaps we do not think often of the real significance of the abbreviations A.D., which we use continually in noting time. They tell us that the years in which we are living and all the years that have passed since Jesus was born are years of our Lord. They are years of his stay in this world. The birth of Jesus was indeed a new beginning of time. From that day forward there was something in this world that never had been in it before. It was not merely new teaching, although "no man ever spoke like this man." The words of Jesus have been seeds of blessing, all these nineteen centuries. It was not merely the life of a great man, like other men whose names have immortal honor, whose influence is imperishable. The birth of Jesus Christ was the coming of God into this world. We all stand with uncovered head beside the manger in the little town of Bethlehem, for he who sleeps his first sleep there, is Emmanuel--God with us. That is why we write Anno Domini in all our dates. These are years of our Lord. Whatever of good, beauty, joy, and hope there was in the centuries before Jesus was born, it was indeed a new beginning of time when he came.

      We need not say that this was not God's world before Christ came. "The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof." Nor is it true that he was not in it then. The Old Testament tells of divine appearances. But they were rare, and gave scarcely more than glimpses of ineffable presence. There were divine revealings--but they were only flashes or gleams of glory. We do well to reckon time from the birth of Jesus Christ, for in his incarnation all the fullness of the divine life was brought down among men.

      We may say, for example, that love was given a new meaning when Jesus came into this world. Of course, there was love here before. Mothers loved their children. Friend loved friend. Some of the rarest friendships of history, belong n the centuries before the beginning of the Christian era. But Jesus illustrated in his life, the love which reaches out beyond all lines of kinship and natural affection. "What do you do more than others?" was the test question the Master put to his disciples. Anybody can love his friends, and be kind to those who are kind to him, and graciously greet those who greet him. Even the heathen loved in this way. Jesus said, "I say unto you, Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you; that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven." Forgiving injuries is not an expression of natural affection--but the love which Jesus taught prays, "Forgive us--as we forgive others."

      The ancient law said, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself"; Christ law of love requires, not "as yourself," but more than we love ourselves. We are to give our own life, if need be, in love's service. The parable of the Good Samaritan is our Lord's own illustration of the way we are to love our neighbor. He may be an enemy--it was so in the story--but the man who did us a cruel wrong yesterday, if we find him in need today--is our neighbor. The love we are to show is not merely pity--but help to the uttermost, whatever the cost may be.

      But a lofty teaching was not all that Jesus brought to earth. People might have said that no one could live up to the standards which he gave, that no one could realize the splendid ideals of his teaching. But Jesus lived up to his own standards, and realized every one of his own ideals. He brought into the world, not merely new interpretations of the duty of loving--he brought love itself! Some scientific men, in trying to account for the beginning of vegetable life in this world, have suggested that possibly some fragment of a bursting planet may have been hurled to our globe, bringing with it its roots and seeds, and that thus life began here. We need not give the fancy any thought--but it illustrates the way love came to our earth. Out of heaven came One who himself was the infinite and eternal Love. In bringing life, he brought love--for life is love, and love is life. All the love that is in this world today, and all that has been here since Christ was born, was kindled from the one flame which burned in the heart of Jesus.

      For not only was he the very love of God brought to earth in the incarnation--but he came to give that same love to others, to put it into the heart of everyone who would believe on him. It is not impossible for men, therefore, to attain the lofty standards of living which Jesus gave for his friends. He came not to teach lessons merely--but to give life--and to give it abundantly.

      Everyone who touched Jesus, carried away in his own heart a new warmth, which by and by transformed his life. Then everyone whose life was kindled at this flame of love, in turn kindled other lives. So the work has gone on through these nineteen centuries. Through all human strifes and contentions, amid cruelty, injustice, and oppression, love has wrought persistently, winning its victories. Everyone who endures wrong patiently, who keeps his heart sweet under harshness or insult--is helping in the triumph of love. Everyone who does a kindly deed, makes the wintry air a little warmer.

      It is such deeds as these, which are the truest interpretation of the love which had its earthly incarnation that first Christmas night. We can best prepare for the coming of the kingdom of Christ in its full glory, by letting love have its victories in us over all that might make us bitter or resentful--the love which bears all things and endures all things, and by doing ever the gentle deeds which comfort lonely hearts and relive suffering and distress.

      We can make Christmas worthy of its sacred meaning, only by love. We need not seek far for opportunities--all about us are those whose hearts we can warm, whose lives we can inspire and enrich, simply by bringing to them the love of Christ.

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See Also:
   Chapter 1 - Living Without Worry
   Chapter 2 - Starting Right
   Chapter 3 - Thinking and Turning
   Chapter 4 - Sins of Omission
   Chapter 5 - The Lesson of Joy
   Chapter 6 - Can We Learn to Be Contented?
   Chapter 7 - Building Our Life on God's Plan
   Chapter 8 - Enlarge the Place of Your Tent
   Chapter 9 - Help for the Common Days
   Chapter 10 - The Beautifying of Imperfect Living
   Chapter 11 - Are the Beautiful Things True?
   Chapter 12 - The New Kind of Love
   Chapter 13 - As I Have Loved You
   Chapter 14 - Divine Use of Human Cooperation
   Chapter 15 - Converted Tongues
   Chapter 16 - Speak It Out
   Chapter 17 - The Summer Vacation
   Chapter 18 - Launch Out Into the Deep
   Chapter 19 - The Basis of Helpfulness
   Chapter 20 - Helping by Not Hindering
   Chapter 21 - Bearing One Another's Burden
   Chapter 22 - The Ministry of Suffering
   Chapter 23 - Your Will Be Done
   Chapter 24 - The Cost of Carelessness
   Chapter 25 - Jesus Consecrating All Life
   Chapter 26 - How to Get Help From Church Services
   Chapter 27 - The Value of Devotional Reading
   Chapter 28 - The Value of Communion With God
   Chapter 29 - The Birthday of the New World
   Chapter 30 - Christmas After Christmas Day
   Chapter 31 - The Problem of Christian Old Age


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