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Denny Kenaston

Showing 21 to 22 of 22 items.


SermonThe Spirit of Law and the Spirit of Grace
      There are many areas that the spirit of law or the spirit of grace can affect, but this booklet will address mostly how it affects relationships--relationships between husbands and wives, with one another, with children, and with God. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his n
SermonWalking in the Overwhelming Presence of God
      Good morning, in Jesus' name. Well, it's the last day of the feast. And we can't build three tabernacles and stay here. And we don't want to either, bless God. Why don't you stand to your feet. You know that little song we sang yesterday on our knees? I know some of you probably don't know it, but that's all right, I think we'll sing that a

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