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The Secret of Spiritual Power

By Aaron Hills

Table of Contents

   1. What Christ Said About Holiness - Pentecost filled the world with its fame. It was an epochal hour in Christian history. It might almost be said to have revolutionized the spiritual ac
   2. What Paul Said About Holiness, part 1 - Paul wrote the Thessalonians as Christians, unquestionably declaring them to be such in the first chapter; and in the third chapter he as certainly pr
   3. What Paul Said About Holiness, part 2 - The Apostle Paul is the wisest interpreter and expounder of the gospel of Christ that the ages have produced. It becomes supremely important to learn
   4. What Paul Said About Holiness, part 3 - We have seen in the previous two chapters that the chief of the apostles wrote to the Thessalonians his first epistle, urging them in the most explici
   5. What Paul Said About Holiness, part 4 - The apostle writes to the Philippians, his best-loved church. He cannot get through the first chapter without a prayer for their sanctification in the
   6. What Peter Said About Holiness - We have seen in previous chapters how highly Jesus and St. Paul estimated the importance of Pentecost. Paul was the wisest interpreter and greatest th
   7. What James and John Said About Holiness - We have already seen in previous chapters what Jesus and Paul and Peter seemed to think of the importance of the Pentecostal experience. The evidence
   8. What Holiness Is - We have seen in the foregoing discussion how very much is said about this Pentecostal experience in the New Testament. The verb "sanctify" is used twe
   9. It Brings Power - Power is universally coveted. Men love to gratify ambition and be dominant. Achievement will bring notoriety and publicity; conquest will be succeeded
   10. Holiness Rejected Makes Strange Bedfellows - In my rounds in many states I have observed a remarkable spirit of union and fraternity among people who seemingly would have no bond of union whateve
   11. Holiness Rejected Produces a Worldly and Barren Ministry - Every worthy man will seek to magnify his calling and make it honorable. Every true soul craves success. The nobler the occupation, the more honorable
   12. Holiness Rejected Produces a Godless Christianity - The phrase "A Godless Christianity" sounds like a meaningless contradiction; an absurdity of speech. But let us not be too sure that it is meaningless
   13. The Heavenly Vision - In spite of the stares of the wise, and the world's derision, Dare travel the star-blazed road,dare follow the Vision. The world is a vapor, and o

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