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The Hidden Life of Prayer

By D. M. McIntyre

Table of Contents

   Chapter 1: The Life of Prayer - "My God. Thy creature answers, Thee." -Alfred de Musset. 'The love of Christ is my prayer-book." -Gerhard Tersteegen. "Prayer is the key of
   Chapter 2: The Equipment - "Remember that in the Levitical Law there is a frequent commemoration and charge given of the two daily sacrifices, the one to be offered up in the m
   Chapter 3: The Direction of the Mind - "Thou oughtest to go to prayer, that thou mayest deliver thyself wholly up into the hands of God, with perfect resignation, exerting an act of faith,
   Chapter 4: The Engagement: Worship - "We praise Thee...We give thanks to Thee for Thy great glory, O Lord God." -Book of Common Prayer. "Were there nothing else For which to praise
   Chapter 5: The Engagement: Confession - "The garden of spices is sprinkled with red flowers." -Heinrich Seuse. "It is a great and rare thing to have forgiveness in God discovered unto a
   Chapter 6: The Engagement: Request - "Make me sensible of real answers to actual requests, as evidence of an interchange between myself on earth and my Saviour in heaven." -Thomas Chalm
   Chapter 7: The Hidden Riches of the Secret Place - "Prayer is the means by which we obtain all the graces which rain down upon us from the Divine Fountain of Goodness and Love." -Laurence Scupoli.
   Chapter 8: The Open Recompense - "Jesus, Lord God from all eternity, Whom love of us brought down to shame, I plead Thy life with Thee, I plead Thy death, I plead Thy name. Jesus

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