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The Lordship of Christ

By James A. Stewart

Table of Contents

   1: Preface and Dedication - DEDICATED TO My Older Brother David who was 'in Christ before me' and who, in my early days in Christ, 'expounded unto (me) the way of God more
   2: Shifting the Emphasis - DURING THE PAST THIRTY YEARS we have noticed a gradual, subtle shift in the emphasis of the 'Gospel of the glory of Christ,' which amounts to a comple
   3: The True Emphasis - WHAT THEN IS THE TRUE EMPHASIS in the message of the evangel? The very appellations of the Gospel clearly convey its message; viz, the lordship of Chr
   4: The True Motive - The grand design of the blessed Gospel is the glorifying of God and the exalting of His beloved Son. When William C. Bums was leaving Scotland for Chi
   5: True Repentance - THERE ARE MANY who want to be saved from the consequences of their sin, who do not want to be saved from the love of it. Many want to be delivered fro

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