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The Attraction of the Cross

By Gardiner Spring

Table of Contents

   1. The Narrative of the Cross - by Gardiner Spring, 1845. The story of the cross is related in the Holy Scriptures. They uniformly teach us to look upon Christ's death in a light
   2. The Truth of the Cross - "What is truth?" The poet well replies, "Twas Pilate's question put to Truth itself." There never was but one individual who could stand forth before
   3. The Cross an Effective Propitiation for Sin - Men must have a religion; and if they reject the religion of the Bible, they will devise one for themselves. What the religion is which they thus devi
   4. The Cross the Only Propitiation - It is a truth universally received among Christians, that there is no other propitiation for sin except that offered by the Son of God on the cross. T
   5. The Actual Purpose of the Cross - There are good reasons in the Divine mind for all those expressions of his holy and inscrutable sovereignty which are made in his works of creation, p
   6. The Cross Accessible - It is one of the plainest truths in the Bible, that there is no man, be he who he may, but has a right to repair to the cross for salvation. Among oth
   7. The Cross a Completed Justification - Pardon through the blood of the cross is preliminary to advancement through its righteousness. The criminal who is pardoned by the state, is not on th
   8. Faith in the Cross - Unless we adopt the most dangerous error, we cannot deny that the cross saves only those who believe. Until a man believes the gospel, he is under the
   9. The Inquiring Sinner Directed to the Cross - It is no uncommon occurrence for people of every age, and every rank, in human society, to look at the subject of religion with interest and solicitud
   10. A Stumbling-block Removed - In vindicating the claims of the cross, I have been more anxious to illustrate and enforce the great truths which it discloses, than to reply to the c
   11. The Greatness of Sin No Obstacle - Salvation by the Cross Is the fact, that a man is a great sinner, any reason why he may not, and should not, be a partaker of the salvation whi
   12. The Holiness of the Cross - The doctrine of the cross, as it has been exhibited in the preceding chapter, is "so far removed from the common conceptions of men, that it is not wo
   13. The Religion of the Cross, in Distinction - ...from Religions That Are False and Spurious Religion consists in conformity to God, and the cross of Christ alone produces that conformity. It is i
   14. The Cross the Test of Character - The eternal state of men is decided by their character. The Scriptures teach us, that in the day of judgment, God "will render to every man according
   15. The Cross the Preservation from Final Apostasy - Such is the attraction of the cross, that what it once secures it holds fast forever. Those who are once interested in it never lose that interest. On
   16. Full Assurance of Hope at the Cross - Nothing is more natural, or more reasonable than that the strength and ardor of hope should be regulated by the importance and magnitude of the object
   17. The World Crucified by the Cross - It were a gorgeous description to speak in appropriate words and befitting imagery of the things of time and sense. All that can please the eye of man
   18. All Things Tributary to the Cross - The subject on which we propose to submit a few thoughts, in the present chapter, is one which is intimately connected with the great principles of Ch
   19. The Cross the Admiration of the Universe - The cross of Christ furnishes a subject of interesting contemplation, most certainly, to men. But there are other intelligent beings in the universe b
   20. The Triumphs of the Cross - I proceed now to speak of the triumphs of the cross. Triumph supposes a previous contest. Ever since that revolution in heaven, which resulted in the
   21. The Sinner's Excuses Refuted by the Cross - God has constituted men capable of judging what is right, not only in respect to other men, but in respect to their own character and conduct. He ofte
   22. The Cross Rejected, the Great Sin - As the present chapter closes this volume, I propose to devote it to some considerations which I may not withhold from those of my readers who have lo
   23. Conclusion - I bring to a close this series of observations on the attraction of the cross. The day is fast approaching when the writer and the reader will stand b

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