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The Attraction of the Cross: 23. Conclusion

By Gardiner Spring

      I bring to a close this series of observations on the attraction of the cross. The day is fast approaching when the writer and the reader will stand before the Son of man--he to answer for the motives and the manner in which he has endeavored to magnify the cross of Him who is "despised and rejected of men;" they, for the reception they have given to these great truths. As I take my leave of this interesting subject, allow me to inquire, Have you found in the preceding pages, any delineation of your own character, or any response to the attractions of the cross within your own bosom? If you contemplate these attractions without interest, without conviction, without love and confidence, without hope; must you not fill your own bosom with self-reproach? You may turn away from the cross of Christ, but wherever you turn will find "no more sacrifice for sin." Behold, then, this "Lamb of God, which takes away the sins of the world!" Often has he been "lifted up," and "evidently set forth crucified among you." Other efforts of his power and love you may have resisted; but there remains this highest, this last--the love and power of the cross. This is the last remaining barrier in your path to perdition. Heaven's tenderest mercy is even now beseeching you to stop at the cross of its bleeding Son. Ho! all you that pass by, stop and kneel at the cross!

      Christian reader! call your thoughts and affections often around the cross. Let it ever be your refreshment and joy. He "that lives and was dead," and is "alive forevermore,'' has said--what has he said--"BECAUSE I LIVE, YOU SHALL LIVE ALSO!" I do not know a more delightful assurance in all the Bible than this. Oh, it is a touching thought, that the death was his, and the life is yours; his the sorrows, the weeping--yours the relief, the smiles, the joy; his the agony, the shame, the curse--yours the pardon, the honor, the glory, the immortality; his, too, the restored life, the life that shall never die--yours, to live and reign forever with the Lord! Be your pilgrimage long or short, never pitch your tent but in sight of the cross. More and more will it be to you the "pearl of great price," your glory, and the crown of your rejoicing. More and more will you rest upon it the whole burden of your sins, and the whole weight of your eternity, and, with a confidence alike humbled and cheerful, ascribe present and unceasing honor to Him who was "lifted up from the earth." Say of it--

      "The cross my all,
      My theme, my inspiration, and my crown!
      My strength in age, my rise in low estate!
      My soul's ambition, pleasure, wealth, my world!
      My light in darkness, and my life in death!
      My boast through time--bliss through eternity,
      Eternity too short to speak its praise!"

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See Also:
   1. The Narrative of the Cross
   2. The Truth of the Cross
   3. The Cross an Effective Propitiation for Sin
   4. The Cross the Only Propitiation
   5. The Actual Purpose of the Cross
   6. The Cross Accessible
   7. The Cross a Completed Justification
   8. Faith in the Cross
   9. The Inquiring Sinner Directed to the Cross
   10. A Stumbling-block Removed
   11. The Greatness of Sin No Obstacle
   12. The Holiness of the Cross
   13. The Religion of the Cross, in Distinction
   14. The Cross the Test of Character
   15. The Cross the Preservation from Final Apostasy
   16. Full Assurance of Hope at the Cross
   17. The World Crucified by the Cross
   18. All Things Tributary to the Cross
   19. The Cross the Admiration of the Universe
   20. The Triumphs of the Cross
   21. The Sinner's Excuses Refuted by the Cross
   22. The Cross Rejected, the Great Sin
   23. Conclusion


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