›with the Holy Ghost: The First Tour: Part 1 - Object -- The salvation of sinners and that Christians might be sanctified wholly.
Beginning January 2, 1901 -- Ending When and where the Lord will ...read
›with the Holy Ghost: The First Tour: Part 2 - We then began to eat and a little orphan brought me a pancake and some greens, and I ate with them and they thought it was great fun. After I had take ...read
›with the Holy Ghost: The First Tour: Part 3 - When we reached the river, we could not get to the place the way we desired, as the rains had raised the water, and we could not pass. A fishing boat ...read
›with the Holy Ghost: The Second Tour: Part 1 - In beginning the account of the second tour around the world with the precious wife God has given me during my stay in the home land, I would acknowle ...read
›with the Holy Ghost: The Second Tour: Part 2 - After being out about a week we encountered a typhoon in the China sea, which resembles a cyclone on land. The storm got heavier and heavier, and the ...read