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Quiet Talks About the Healing Christ

By S.D. Gordon

Table of Contents

   Preface - Some Principles of Healing as taught in God's Word, directly and indirectly: 1) It is God's first will that men be pure in heart, clear in mind
   Chapter 1: The Christ Healing - Humanly Impossible Christ did impossible things, when He was down here. That is, they were impossible to others. He did them. They were things th
   Chapter 2: Is It Christ's Will To Heal Our Bodies To-Day? - The World Is Sick Is it Christ's will to heal our bodies of sickness and disease and weakness to-day? He can, of course He has the power Is He wi
   Chapter 3: Does God Send Sickness And Disease? - Essentials and Incidentals Christ was a man of power, and is. This is His distinctive characteristic. It was power under the driving control of l
   Chapter 4: How Does Christ Heal? The Conditions, The Method, The Use Of Means - Natural and Supernatural God is chary of the supernatural. He is lavish in nature. Nature is God in action. He loves nature's roads. He made them
   Chapter 5: How Far May Christ's Healing Be Expected? Christ's Giving and Man's Taking - Healed but Limping How far may Christ's power be expected to meet our bodily needs? We commonly say that there is no limit to His power to meet o
   Chapter 6: The Human Side Of Healing And Health - Health? or Healing Health is more than healing. There's more of it. It calls for more of the Creator's power. It means more to a man. And it will
   Chapter 7: God's School Of Suffering: Can We Hasten Graduation Day? - Guard Your Strong Points Experience is the best teacher, and charges the biggest fee. It insists on being paid, day by day, as you go along. No b

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