› Preface - Quiet Talks on Following the Christ
S. D. Gordon
Author of "Quiet Talks On Power," "Quiet Talks on Prayer," "Quiet
Talks On Our Lord's ...read |
› 1 - The Lone Man Who Went Before - part 1 - A Call to Friendship.
One day I watched two young men, a Japanese and an American, pacing the deck of a Japanese liner bound for San Francisco. The ...read |
› 1 - The Lone Man Who Went Before - part 2 - A Father-pleasing Life.
The second trait in His upward relation was this--He chose to live a Father-pleasing life. I use those words because He use ...read |
› 2 - The Long, Rough Road He Trod - The Book's Story.
It wasn't always a rough road, of course. But as you look at it from end to end, the roughness of it is what takes your eye most, ...read |
› 3 - The Pleading Call To Follow - Hungry for the Human Touch.
God hungers for the human touch. There's an inner hesitancy in saying this, and in hearing it. We feel it can hardly be ...read |
› 4 - A Look Ahead - Saltless Salt.
The Lord Jesus never tried to make things look easier than they are. He wanted you to see the road just as it is, and asked you to l ...read |
› 5 - The Main Road--Experiences of Power And Privilege - The Bethlehem Birth.
There were four of these experiences in our Lord's life. At the very beginning came the Bethlehem Birth. That meant for Him a ...read |
› 6 - The Valleys--experiences of Suffering And Sacrifice - part 1 - The Never-absent Minor.
Here the road begins to drop down into the valleys. It runs sharply down, and on, through some wild gulches and ravines thi ...read |
› 6 - The Valleys--experiences of Suffering And Sacrifice - part 2 - The Underground Road.
And hard following this came the Burial in Joseph's Tomb. "Christ died for our sins and ... He was buried."[78] "Joseph took ...read |
› 7 - The Hilltops--Experiences of Gladness and Glory - Valley Music.
There was a third group of experiences in our Lord Jesus' life. But it will be good for us to remember that the third comes after the ...read |
› 8 - Shall We Go? - The Deeper Meaning of Friendship.
A friend in need is a friend indeed. Our Lord Jesus was our friend in our need. It was a desperate need. It could ...read |
› 9 - Finger-Posts - The Parable of the Finger-Posts.
Waiting is harder work than working. It takes more out of you. And it puts more into you, too, of fine-grained, st ...read |
› 10 - Fellow-Followers - God's Problem.
God needs men. That is the tremendous fact that stands out in every generation. There never has been a corner since Adam walked out ...read |
› 11 - The Glory Of The Goal,--Face to Face - "With You Always.".
Have you ever seen Christ? No, I don't mean have you been to some uplifting convention, and been tremendously caught by some ta ...read |
› 12 - Footnotes - [1] John i. 1, 2, 14, 18; Colossians i. 15; II Corinthians iv. 4; Philippians ii. 6; Hebrews i. 3.
[2] John xv. 15; Psalm xxv. 14; Isaiah xli. 8; II ...read |