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Secret Of Guidance

By F.B. Meyer

Table of Contents

   1 - THE SECRET OF GUIDANCE - Many children of God are so deeply exercised on the matter of guidance that it may be helpful to give a few suggestions as to knowing the way in which
   2 - WHERE AM I WRONG? - This is thy eager question, 0 Christian soul, and thy bitter complaint. On the faces and in the lives of others who are known to thee, thou hast disce
   3 - THE SECRET OF CHRIST'S INDWELLING - It is meet that the largest church in the greatest Gentile city in the world should be dedicated to the Apostle Paul, for Gentiles are under a great o
   4 - FACT! FAITH! FEELING! - These three words stand for three most important factors in character and life. We all have to do with them in one form or another, but it is above al
   5 - WHY SIGN THE PLEDGE? - The feeling in favor of Total Abstinence from Strong Drink is rapidly growing. By the efforts and self-sacrifice of tens of thousands, a strong public
   6 - BURDENS, AND WHAT TO DO WITH THEM - Do you keep the Sabbath? Not indeed the literal seventh-day rest, but the inner rest of which that day was the blessed type. The pause in the outward
   7 - HOW TO BEAR SORROW - You are passing through a time of deep sorrow. The love on which you were trusting has suddenly failed you, and dried up like a brook in the desert no
   8 - IN THE SECRET OF HIS PRESENCE - In one sense God is always near us. He is not an Absentee, needing to be brought down from the heavens or up from the deep. He is nigh at hand. His Be
   9 - THE FULNESS OF THE SPIRIT - "Be Filled with the Spirit." Ephesians v:18. Nothing can compensate the Church, or the individual Christian, for the lack of the Holy Spirit. What

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