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Sermon preached before King Edward

By Hugh Latimer

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   The 1st , March 8, 1549. - Quaecunque scripta sunt, ad nostram doctrinam scripta sunt. -- Romans xv. 4. Whatsoever things are written aforetime, are written for our learning;
   The 2nd , March 15, 1549. - The Second Sermon of Master Hugh Latimer, which he preached before the King's Majesty, within his Grace's Palace at Westminster, the fifteenth day of
   The 3rd , March 22, 1549. - Quaecunque scripta sunt, ad nostram doctrinam scripta sunt. -- Romans xv. 4. All things that are written, are written to be our doctrine. All th
   The 4th , March 29th, 1549. - Quaecunque scripta sunt, ad nostram doctrinam, &c. -- Romans xv. 4. All things that are written, are written to be our doctrine. The parable tha
   The 5th , April 5, 1549. - Quaecunque sunt, ad nostram doctrinam scripta sunt. -- Rom. xv. 4. All things that are written, they are written to be our doctrine. What doctri
   The 6th , April 12, 1549. - Quaecunque scripta sunt, ad nostram doctrinam scripta sunt. -- Rom. xv. 4. All things that are written, they are written to be our doctrine. Wha
   The 7th , April 19, 1549. - Quaecunque scripta sunt, ad nostram doctrinam scripta sunt. -- Rom. xv. 4. All things that be written, they be written to be our doctrine. By oc
   The 8th and Last VI - A Most Faithful Sermon preached before the King's Most Excellent Majesty and his Most Honourable Council, in his Court at Westminster, by the Reverend

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