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God's Way of Holiness

By Horatius Bonar

Table of Contents

   Preface - God's Way of Holiness 1864. by Horatius Bonar, D.D. Preface The way of peace and the way of holiness lie side by side, or rather, they are o
   Chapter 1 - The New Life - It is to a new life that God is calling us; not to some new steps in life, some new habits or ways or motives or prospects, but to a new life. For the
   Chapter 2 - Christ For Us, The Spirit In Us - We noticed, in our last chapter, the difference between the divine and the human sides of Bible truth; we would, in this, advert to another distinctio
   Chapter 3 - The Root And Soil Of Holiness - Every plant must have both soil and root. Without both of these there can be no life, no growth, no fruit. Holiness must have these. The root is "pea
   Chapter 4 - A Strength Against Sin - Men live in sin, and yet they have the secret thought that it ought not to be so, that they ought to get rid of it. Even those that have not the law,
   Chapter 5 - The Cross and Its Power - Before I can live a Christian life, I must be a Christian. Am I such? I ought to know this. Do I know it, and in knowing it, know whose I am and whom
   Chapter 6 - The Saint and the Law - "God imputeth righteousness without works," says the Holy Spirit, speaking through Paul (Rom 4:6); and he who is in possession of this righteousness i
   Chapter 7 - The Saint and the Seventh Chapter of Romans - I do not see how any one with a right insight into the apostle's argument, without a theory to prop up, or with any personal consciousness of spiritua
   Chapter 8 - The True Creed & the True Life - The alphabet of gospel truth is that "Christ died for our sins" (1 Cor 15:3). By this we are saved, obtaining peace with God, and "access...into this
   Chapter 9 - Counsels and Warnings - That which among men so frequently takes the name of holiness is very unlike the Bible reality. Whether used in connection with the hardness of a life

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