THE CALLUSED KNEES A Man Sent From God Whose Name Was John
By George B. Kulp
Author of Nuggets of Gold A Voice From Eternity Etc.
"Men ought always to pray, and not faint." -- Luke 18:1
"Pray without ceasing." -- I Thess. 5:17
"This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles." -- Psalms 34:6
"He that winneth souls is wise." -- Prov. 11:30
God's Revivalist Office "Mount of Blessings" Cincinnati, O. Printed Book Copyright, 1909
While but a boy less than ten years old I heard my father speak of a book that he prized highly, and quoted frequently, because it told of one who was much gifted in prayer, and who through prayer achieved mighty results for God. I long tried to secure a copy of that book, but found it had gone out of print. I regretted this very much; more especially so, as the book would be an inspiration and blessing to any child of God. Within the last two years, having providentially discovered a copy in the home of an old English saint, I have been impressed that I should put at least a portion of this book before the public such excerpts as would portray this man of God on his knees. "The gift of the knees" comes through practice; Heaven's choicest blessings await the man who waits on God. My earliest recollections are a blessing to me, as I recall the stalwart men who would pray until the heavens would bend, tears start, and shouts ascend to the God who heard and answered.
This work is sent forth in humble faith and prayer that it may prove an inspiration to men and women to ''pray without ceasing," knowing by experience "they that wait upon the Lord do renew their strength, they mount up with wings as eagles, they run and are not weary, they walk and are not faint." "And when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up into a mountain apart to pray, and He was there alone." Who will go with him?