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LETTER - To Thomas Ellwood

By Isaac Penington


      Great hath been the Lord's goodness to thee, in calling thee out of that path of vanity, and death, wherein thou wast running toward destruction; to give thee a living name, and an inheritance of life, among his people: which certainly will be the end of thy faith in Him, and obedience to Him. And let it not be a light thing in thine eyes that He now accounteth thee worthy to suffer among his choice lambs, that He might make thy crown weightier, and thine inheritance the fuller. O that that eye and heart may be kept open in thee, which knoweth the value of these things! and that thou mayst be kept close to the feeling of the life, that thou mayst be fresh in thy spirit in the midst of thy sufferings, and mayst reap the benefit of them: finding that pared off thereby, which hindereth the bubblings of the everlasting springs, and maketh unfit for the breaking forth and enjoyment of the pure power! This is the brief salutation of my dear love to thee, which desireth thy strength and settlement in the power; and the utter weakening of thee, as to thyself. My love is to thee, with dear Thomas Goodyare, and the rest of the imprisoned Friends.

      I remain thine in the Truth, to which the Lord my God preserve me single and faithful.

      I. P.

      From Aylesbury Jail, 14th of 12th month, 1660

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