Not dated. From Grosart's 'Unpublished Writings.' It will be observed from the facsimile that [this] Sketch of a Sermon is written on the leaf of a letter. Very many of Edwards's MSS. are thus written on all manner of kinds and scraps of paper.
Doc[trine.] 'Tis a hard thing to find the right way to Heaven.
I. There is a way to Heaven.
God has opened a door.
II. There is but one right way.
III. 'Tis a hard thing to find this one right way.
Appears: In that there are so few that find the way.
Tho[ugh] all have so much need to find.
Tho[ugh] so many desire to find and seek after it.
Tho[ugh] so many think they have found. many are mistaken.
That many of those that do find it, first take a great deal of pains.
Some for a long time.
Many prayers.
Many difficulties.
Reason: Negatively, not that [God] hasn't [has not] called us.
' ' very plain in itself.
Many wrong ways.
Like traveling through a great wilderness.
Full of difficulties...dangers....
But one right way.
[A] narrow way.
Many wrong ways.
Mention some of the wrong ways.
Do right in some things only.
Outward Religion only.
Affections that go away.
Religious out of regard to men.
Religious only out of fear of hell.
........from self-love.
Don't love God for Himself.
Trust in their own righteousness.
Depend on the good opinion of others.
Apt to think themselves convicted when they are not.