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Discussion Concerning Predestination: Chapter 23 - Twenty-second Proposition of Arminius

By Jacobus Arminius

      First, it presents to the Deity, in the act of election, of non-election, of predestination, and of preterition, man as created, and created of such a character as did not in fact pertain to him, while the first theory presents to the Deity, in the act of predestination and of reprobation, man as to be created, and to be created such as he was, in fact, afterwards created.


      That this difference is not real, we have sufficiently demonstrated in answering the sixth and tenth propositions. The decree has reference to man to be created, considered generally; and its execution to man as created according to his various relations.


      I affirmed that the second theory was less probable than the first, and proved it by five reasons. We proceed to a more extended consideration of them, and, in the first place, we examine the first, that is, the one presented in this proposition.

      The theory of Calvin regards the Deity, as engaged, in the decree of predestination, with an object identical with the object of the execution of that decree, but the second theory regards the Deity as having reference, in the decree of predestination, to man as he is considered in a purely natural state, which can effect nothing supernatural or divine, while, in its execution, He can not have reference to man in such a condition, since no man ever existed wholly without a participation of supernatural endowments, either by creation or superinfusion. It should be observed that predestination does not intervene between creation and superinfusion, and that superinfusion is not the work of predestination, as was previously demonstrated. The answer which you present does not seem to be relevant. For though the decree was made before the creation of man, yet predestination, explained according to the second theory, had reference only to man considered as created. Creation is not a result of the execution of the decree of predestination, understood in that sense, and though the execution of the decree may, according to this theory, refer only to man as created, yet the question is to be answered--whence did the first act of execution take its origin? Let those things be examined which are said in reply to your answer to the 6th and 8th propositions.

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See Also:
   Chapter 1 - Arminius And Junius' First Correspondence
   Chapter 2 - First Proposition of Arminius
   Chapter 3 - Second Proposition of Arminius
   Chapter 4 - Third Proposition of Arminius
   Chapter 5 - Fourth Proposition of Arminius
   Chapter 6 - Fifth Proposition of Arminius
   Chapter 7 - Sixth Proposition of Arminius
   Chapter 8 - Seventh Proposition of Arminius
   Chapter 9 - Eighth Proposition of Arminius
   Chapter 10 - Ninth Proposition of Arminius
   Chapter 11 - Tenth Proposition of Arminius
   Chapter 12 - Eleventh Proposition of Arminius
   Chapter 13 - Twelth Proposition of Arminius
   Chapter 14 - Thirteenth Proposition of Arminius
   Chapter 15 - Fourteenth Proposition of Arminius
   Chapter 16 - Fifteenth Proposition of Arminius
   Chapter 17 - Sixteenth Proposition of Arminius
   Chapter 18 - Seventeenth Proposition of Arminius
   Chapter 19 - Eighteenth Proposition of Arminius
   Chapter 20 - Ninteenth Proposition of Arminius
   Chapter 21 - Twentyth Proposition of Arminius
   Chapter 22 - Twenty-first Proposition of Arminius
   Chapter 23 - Twenty-second Proposition of Arminius
   Chapter 24 - Twenty-third Proposition of Arminius
   Chapter 25 - Twenty-fourth Proposition of Arminius
   Chapter 26 - Twenty-fifth Proposition of Arminius
   Chapter 27 - Twenty-sixth Proposition of Arminius
   Chapter 28 - Twenty-seventh Proposition of Arminius


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