By Jacob Boehme
On the Inter-action of the Saints below with the Saints above.
32. That men in Popery have invocated great Saints that are dead, and that they also have appeared to men, and wrought Wonders [Margin Note: or Miracles], we acknowledge it, and it is true; and although it be now taught against, it is by those that are indeed quite ignorant in it: It hath another A.B.C. which all of them on both sides do not at all understand.
33. The Faith of one receives the Faith of another; the Faith of the living took hold on the Faith of the Saints departed, and the Faith, [Margin Note: viz. the will that is strong], has wrought Wonders.
34. Yea it is so powerful, that it can throw down Mountains! Shall then the pure Faith of the Saints in the Faith of the living be able to do nothing? Indeed it could even dissolve [Margin Note: or break in pieces] the whole World, if God would but suffer it.
35. As he has permitted it to work so far sometimes, that the Heathen have been converted by such means, when they have seen such Wonders wrought at the Death [Margin Note: or departure or burial] of the Saints.
36. Should not a soul in Heaven be willing to put forth its Faith for the glory of God, and the working of wonders for him? This is done by the Holy Ghost, who hath wrought the Wonders by the Faith of both parties; and they are only the Wonders of God and his Children.
37. But this is wholly cast to the Ground; and now there is so learned a school, that it condemneth all God's Wonders [Margin Note: or miracles]: but it is Babel, and not the Spirit of God; it is envious Pride; they stand up and cry: Come ye all to me; here is Christ, here is the Gospel: indeed there is Pride, Covetousness, Ambition, Self-seeking, and Vain-glory, an exaltation of proud Babel.
38. It is even the Old Antichrist, and they are young Twigs sprung out of the old Tree, and they have stirred up the Turba with their strong wrathful Sap: which Turba shall root up the whole Tree, for God hath cursed it: it is wholly evil, and worm-eaten; it must fall.
39. For there is a young Tree grown out of the Root, out of the old Root, which shall discover what the old Tree hath been in its Wonders.
40. Yet we would not upbraid any, but only speak of our Wonders; and say that the Servant shall enter into the House, and be free; for the Time is at hand, that he should eat with the Son, and be merry and rejoice with him.
41. Thus we answer this your Question summarily, that indeed, the holy Souls do certainly know of our holy Works, and approve of them; but they do not at all regard false works; for they dwell in another Principle, into which no evil Work can come, neither do they look upon or regard it; they do not enquire after that which belongs to the Devil; they know nothing but that which reaches to their Principle.
42. Children, Parents, Friends, and Strangers are alike to them; for in Heaven we are all Brethren: they take no greater care of Parents, or Children, than they do of others, unless they serve God; and then their service of God is acceptable and joyful to them; but they enter not into their Turba [Margin Note: the Evil which they do or suffer justly].
43. For after the last Day, honest Parents shall know nothing of their Children which are in Hell; therefore it is sufficiently and plainly known to us, that they now also take no care about wicked matters.
Extract from Jacob Boehme's "Forty Questions concerning the Soul",
From: " The Works of Jacob Behmen, The Teutonic Theosopher."
Reverend William Law's Edition: Volume Two; London, 1764,
Printed for M. Richardson, in Pater-noster Row.
From the 26th Question, paragraphs 32 to 43.