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The Witness of the Spirit: Introduction & Foreward

By George Ridout

      As Taught by the Wesleys and the Early Church

      By George Whitefield Ridout
      Cor. Editor of the Pentecostal Herald


      We need a revival of the doctrines of the "Witness of the Spirit" and "Entire Sanctification." This book sets forth important aspects of these experiences, and I believe it will stir many professing Christians to examine themselves as to whether they enjoy this inner "Witness" and the definite "Sanctified Experience."

      I think many dwell upon past experiences. They have lost the keen edge off of their experience -- the glow is gone! They can say and sing:

      "Where is the blessedness I knew
      When first I saw the Lord?
      Where is the soul refreshing view
      Of Jesus and His Word.?"

      Truth is, they have lost the "witness," and the sure way to get back the lost blessing is to seek earnestly for the "witness" again.

      The author has searched diligently in the writings of scholarly and saintly men for strong proof and illustrations of the doctrines of the "Witness of the Spirit" and "Entire Sanctification."

      May many be blessed as they read this earnest presentation of these blessed truths.

      George W. Ridout,
      Cor. Editor of the "Pentecostal Herald"


      This book is dedicated to the people of every name who believe in the Bible doctrine of holiness as taught by the Rev. John Wesley.

      It is largely a compilation of quotations from Mr. Wesley and other holy men who taught and experienced the blessing of heart purity.

      In this day of spiritual dearth and "falling 'away" from those Scriptural standards held by John Wesley and others, it seems necessary to renew our acquaintance with these fundamental doctrines by reviewing the words of these mighty men of God.

      May God again raise up a group of faithful men and women who will go forth and proclaim these vital truths to a lukewarm and sleeping church, is the prayer of

      The Author.

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See Also:
   The Witness of the Spirit: Introduction & Foreward
   The Witness of the Spirit: Part 1 - The Witness of the Spirit
   The Witness of the Spirit: Part 2 - How a State of Entire Sanctification may be Retained


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