By S.B. Shaw
When the Lawrence Mills were on fire a number of years ago--I don't mean on fire, but when the mill fell in--the great mill fell in, and after it had fallen in, the ruins caught fire. There was only one room left entire, and in it were three Mission Sunday-school children imprisoned. The neighbors and all hands got their shovels, and picks, and crowbars, and were working to set the children free. It came on night, and they had not yet reached the children. When they were near them, by some mischance a lantern broke, and the ruins caught fire. They tried to put it out, but could not succeed. They could talk with the children, and even pass to them some coffee and some refreshments, and encourage them to keep up. But, alas, the flames drew nearer and nearer to this prison. Superhuman were the efforts made to rescue the children; the men bravely fought back the flames; hut the fire gained fresh strength, and returned to claim its victims. Then piercing shrieks arose when the spectators saw that the efforts of the firemen were hopeless. The children saw their fate. They then knelt down and commenced to sing the little hymn we have all been taught in our Sunday school days, oh! How sweet "Let others seek a home below, which flames devour and waves overflow." The flames had now reached them; the stifling smoke began to pour into their little room, and they began to sink, one by one, upon the floor. A few moments more and the fire circled around them, and their souls were taken into the bosom of Christ. Yes, let others seek a home below if they will, but seek ye the Kingdom of God with all your hearts. --Moody's Anecdotes
THE DYING CHILD'S PRAYER FOR HER DRUNKEN FATHER. A child from a poor family had an intemperate father, who often used to abuse his wife and children. This child had been to the Sunday-school -- had become pious. The physician told the father that his little girl would die. No he did not believe it. Yes, she will -- she must die in a few hours. The father flew to the bedside; would not part with her, he said.
"Yes, father, you must part with me, I am going to Jesus. Promise me two things. One is, that you won't abuse mother any more, and will drink no more whisky."
He promised in a solemn, steady manner. The little girl's face lighted up with joy.
"The other thing is, promise me that you will pray," said the child.
I cannot pray; don't know how," said the poor man.
"Father, kneel down, please. There, take the words after me, I will pray; I learned how Jo pray in Sunday-school, and God has taught me how to pray too, my heart prays, you must let your heart pray. Now say the words."
And she began in her simple language to pray to the Savior of sinners. After a little he began to repeat after her; as he went on his heart was interested, and he broke out into an earnest prayer for himself; bewailed his sins, confessed and promised to forsake them; entered into covenant with God; light broke out upon him in his darkness; how long he prayed he did not know; he seemed to have forgotten his child in his prayer. When he came to himself he raised his head from the bed on which he had rested it; there lay the little speaker, a lovely smile was upon the face, her little hand was in that of the father, but she had gone to be among the angels. --Power of Prayer, by Prime.
A PREVAILING PRAYER OF MRS. VAN COTT In 1868, Mrs. Maggie Newton Van Cott held a revival meeting at Stone Ridge, Ulster Co., N. Y. At the opening of the meeting, she announced, under the influence of the Spirit as she believed, that there would be a glorious revival, and that two hundred souls would be converted. Some were shocked at the prediction; and some of the very best people in the church were grieved, for they felt certain that she was doomed to disappointment. She labored for more than a week with little fruit. Her strength began to give way. Her warmest co-workers began to tremble for her. One morning she remarked to the lady at whose residence she was staying "I am going into the parlor to settle this church-matter with the dear Master. Please do not allow any one to come near me. If I do not come out in time for dinner, do not call me. If I am not with you in time for the afternoon meeting, you may call in the friends. I shall, in the name of God, this day have victory or death."
It was a bitter cold day in February, and no fire had been kindled in that room all winter, and the frost was thick on the window-panes. She wrapped a large shawl around her, and bowed before God; and presented the promises covered with the blood of the Savior, and in them there could be no failure. "Ask, and ye shall receive," stood before her as in characters of living fire. Also "If ye abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you." "Whatsoever ye shall ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son." "If ye shall ask anything in My name, I will do it." It was the same voice that awoke slumbering chaos, and new-made worlds teeming with life, glorious and grand. An hour passed - another followed - she had grappled in with God's Word, and in the anguish of her spirit, as she afterwards declared, she could in a certain degree understand the Scripture, where it describes the Master's agony in the garden, when He sweat great drops of blood. In those hours of the most intense struggle of spirit, the great drops of sweat rolled from her brow. The tempter suggested: "Give it up, God will not give the answer today." "Then today, on this spot, I die," was her answer. The agony increased. The prayer became a struggle as for life. "I will not let Thee go. Thy word is truth. Thou hast said, "Now is the time." O God, now send the answer; now my Father, hear me for the sake of souls - for the two hundred. Christ has paid the price of their redemption. I plead His merits -- I will not yield -- I will not move - I will not let go my hold - Thou canst not turn me away Behold Thine own dear Son pleads - the Spirit intercedes Give, O give the answer."
That moment a sweet ripple of peace floated over her soul, and soon shouts of rapture flooded her spirit.
That night twenty seekers bowed at the altar of prayer. In less than five weeks two hundred and thirty-five persons professed faith in Christ.
Thus it ever is, "The fervent, effectual prayer of the righteous availeth." -- The Harvest and the Reaper.
A GREAT REVIVAL IN A SINGLE NIGHT. One of the most remarkable experiences we have had in seventeen years of evangelistic work, occurred in the spring of 1890. It will be remembered that at this time the United Brethren Church was sadly divided on the secrecy question, and in many places two pastors were employed-one by the "Liberals " and another by the "Radicals" of the same congregation. In our travels we stopped to visit an old friend, who was the "Radical" pastor in such a place as these to whom we have referred. We had no thought of stopping only over the Sabbath, and never did we get into a place where the people had less anticipations of a revival. Much hard feeling had existed, and many unkind, unchristian things had been said and done.
Sunday evening our friend invited us to preach for him. God gave us unusual liberty in prayer and in preaching His word, and opened the very windows of heaven, and showers of blessing fell upon that dry and barren land. In spite of circumstances so utterly forbidding, in one short hour, the people found themselves in the midst of a powerful revival. We never witnessed so much confession in so short a time. Many in tears asked each other's forgiveness, and then came to the altar together, and prayed that they might regain their first love; and God heard and answered their prayers. The "Liberal" pastor was not present, but the "Liberal" presiding-elder was; and he and the "Radical" pastor had had little confidence in each other; but under 'the mighty power of the Spirit, their hearts were united, and they embraced each other in tears.
Thus did God manifest His power, and get to His own name glory; and to Him alone be praise, both now and forever, for in His hands are the hearts of the children of men. -- Editor.
WILLIAM CLOWES, THE SPIRITUAL MOUNTAINEER. This man of God was one of the founders of the Primitive Methodist denomination Rev. George Lamb, in his memorial of him, says:
"On a certain missionary tour he walked one day twenty-four miles, and while on the road, he says: "I fell into a profound meditation on the fall of man, his departure from original holiness, the depth of iniquity into which sin had sunk him, and the impossibility for any power but that of God to restore him. These reflections I pursued in my mind until I was brought into great sorrow, and distress of soul. I felt the travail in birth, and experienced an internal agony on account of the millions of souls on the earth, who were posting on in the way of death, whose steps take hold on hell. I wept much, and longed for some convenient place on the road, where I might give vent to my burdened soul in prayer. In a short time I arrived on the borders of a wood; and then I gave way to my feelings, poured out my soul, and cried like a woman in the pangs of childbirth. I thought the agony into which I was thrown would terminate my life.
"This was a glorious baptism for the ministry; the glory of God was revealed to me in a wonderful manner; it left an unction on my soul which continues to this day; and the sweetness which was imparted to my spirit, it is impossible for me to attempt a description of."
Space will not allow us to follow this apostolic man as he went through the principal counties, and cities, and towns of England; nor to detail the wonderful displays of Divine power which took place under his ministry. Persecution raged against him, his name was cast out as evil, and he had to endure many and severe hardships. But wherever he went the work of God broke out in power, sinners were converted, believers sanctified, and classes organized. At every session of their Annual Conference, for years, their net increase amounted to four or five thousand, and not unfrequently the annual increase was ten thousand.
"Mr. Clowes was very remarkable for his power in prayer. He abounded largely in 'the grace of supplication.' It has never fallen to my lot to experience such baptisms, as I never failed to feel, while kneeling with him before the mercy-seat. Perhaps it will be seen, in the light of eternity, that much of the success which has crowned the labors of the Connexion was graciously vouchsafed in answer to his fervent and effectual prayers.' The results of the midnight devotions which he rendered to God, and of his wrestlings 'until break of day,' when; 'as a prince, he had power with God and prevailed,' are yet to be revealed; the witness of these holy exercises is in heaven, and their record on high.
"Streaming eyes, broken hearts, cries for mercy, and joyful deliverances, were ordinary effects produced when he drew nigh to God in public prayer. I was present at a love feast conducted by him and his friend, the Rev. I. Holliday, in Mill Street chapel, Hull, at the conclusion of which about forty souls were professedly converted to God.
"Great as Mr. Clowes was in the pulpit, and mighty as he was in prayer, he was equally conspicuous for his strong and unwavering faith. ' I have believed, I do believe, and I will believe,' he would say; and he soared to what he called the 'mountains of frankincense, and the hills of myrrh,' and regaled himself with fruits and flowers in the garden of the Lord; bathed in its crystal fountains of purity; and basked in its blissful bowers of holy serenity and heavenly joy. His strong faith enabled him to make his constant abode where only a few of even good men pay an occasional visit; he lived at a great spiritual altitude, a sort of Pisgah's mountain-life, on lofty banks of high and holy regions. If ever he pitched his tent, he shifted it higher still; he was a spiritual mountaineer. 'His religious life appears to have been one rapid ascent from grace to grace.' No wonder that one who the walked with God in spiritual climes, where peace sheds its balm, hope bends its rainbow, and the soul dwells at ease," should be able to say, as did he, and to the honor of grace and the glory of God, be it recorded: "'I have never had a doubt for forty years."
"In the social circle he was serious without gloom, cheerful without levity; and perhaps no man could have passed half an hour in his fellowship without feeling-that he was breathing in an atmosphere of holiness, in contact with a spirit near of kin to just men made perfect,' and living for the time on the verge of heaven
"John Nelson, in describing his introduction to Clowes, says : "There was a most impressive gravity in his demeanor when he received me. His eyes were devoutly lifted up to heaven, while he implored a blessing upon me. "Let us pray a minute," said he; and the next moment he was upon his knees, pouring out the desire of his soul for me, in a manner which I cannot fully describe, nor shall lever forget. Among other things which he fervently asked, this was one-that the Spirit which used to come upon Samson at times in the camp of Dan, might, in all its energy, come upon me; and that, aided by that power, I, too, might so smite the Philistines, that they might fall before me, heaps upon heaps. While he thus pleaded, the fire of the Holy Ghost fell upon me, and I was more fully endued with a power which, to a greater extent, prepared me for the work for which I was ill-fitted, and from which I had shrunk with trembling apprehensions."
"Mr. Clowes had several prominent characteristics; but the most prominent of all was his constancy and power in prayer. In all things through which he was called to pass, he had one never-failing resource, and that was prayer. -- Shining Lights
HOW CARVOSSO PREVAILED WITH GOD FOR HIS CHILDREN Carvosso, noted for the earnestness and faith of his prayers, tells as follows of the conversion of his children:
"I had always prayed for my children, but now I grasped the promise, with the hand of faith, and retired daily at special seasons to put the Lord to His word. I said nothing of what I felt or did, to any one but the Searcher of hearts, with whom I wrestled in an agony of prayer."
About two weeks after he was called from his work, to pray with his daughter, who became a seeker of Christ. His oldest son was converted at the same time.
Regarding his younger son he says: "I laid hold, by faith, on the promise which I had while pleading for my other children. One day while I was wrestling with God, in mighty prayer for him, these words were applied with power to my mind: "There shall not a hoof be left behind." Soon after he yielded, and obtained the knowledge of salvation by the remission of sins.
"A dull and careless way of praying for our friends will avail nothing. It may conceal hypocrisy, or strengthen deception concerning our own piety, but it will not move God nor convert a single soul. Our friends know that we are not in earnest, and care little for it. But, let us take hold of the matter in a spirit corresponding to the magnitude of the object to be secured, and there will be a movement!" -- Prevailing Prayer, by Wigle.
NEW ENGLAND SAVED IN ANSWER TO PRAYER. At an early date in our history, 1746, the French fitted out a powerful fleet for the destruction of New England. This fleet consisted of forty ships of war, and seemed to all human judgment a sufficient force to render that destruction certain. It was put under the command of the resolute and experienced Duke d 'Anville, and set sail on its terrible errand, from Chedabucto, in Nova Scotia.
In the meantime, our pious forefathers, apprised of danger, and feeling that their safety was in God, appointed a season of fasting and prayer, to be observed in all their churches.
While the Rev. Mr. Prince was officiating in Old South church (Boston), on this fast-day, and praying most fervently to God to avert the dreaded calamity, the wind suddenly rose (the day had till now been perfectly clear and calm), and became so powerful as to rattle violently all the windows in the building. The man of God, startled for a moment, paused in his prayer, and cast a look round upon the congregation. He then resumed his supplications, and besought Almighty God to cause that wind to frustrate the object of their enemies, and save the country from conquest and popery. The wind increased to a tempest, and that very night the greater part of the French fleet was wrecked on the coast of Nova Scotia. The Duke d'Anville, the principal general, and the second in command, both committed suicide. Many died with disease, and thousands were consigned to a watery grave. The small number that remained alive returned to France without health and without spirits. The enterprise was abandoned, and never again resumed. -- Present Conflict of Science with Religion.
THE ESCAPE OF THE SPREE. Mr. D. L. Moody and others, who were on the disabled steamer Spree, believe that the vessel was providentially saved in answer to prayer. In the midst of a severe storm, on November 27, 1892, the main shaft broke, and plunged through the bottom of the ship. The water-logged vessel rolled fearfully, and the decks were washed by the waves. The passengers became greatly alarmed, the indications being that the vessel would sink before help could reach it.
On Sunday, at Mr. Moody's suggestion, a prayer-service was organized. Every person on board attended, except the officers and crew, who could not leave their posts.
Gen. O.O. Howard, who was one of the passengers, says: "It was the most impressive religious gathering any of us ever attended. Jews, Catholics, and all others forgot differences in creeds and denominations. There was no room for them in such an hour. Mr. Moody read the ninety-first and one hundred and seventh Psalms, which one of the Germans translated verse by verse for his countrymen. Mr. Moody offered a most fervent prayer, and made a short address. God heard us and answered us. I went to my stateroom to rest after the meeting, and I was asleep when some one touched me. I awoke to find a sweet, fond little German girl, the daughter of one of the passengers, by my cot. She could not understand a word of English, but my daughter had drilled her to speak four English words, which was the message she brought me, "The steamer is coming," and then she added her German "hallelujah.""
Mr. Moody says of the rescue: "There never was a more earnest prayer to God than that of those seven hundred souls on that helpless, almost sinking ship in mid-ocean, Sunday evening, November 27th, when we met in the saloon to implore God's help; and God answered us, as I knew He would. He sent us a rescuing ship, and He calmed the sea so that for a week it was as smooth as it is in this harbor, though there were storms all around us. It was the grandest test of prayer I ever knew. My son was with me. He is a student in Yale College, and the learned professors there have instilled in him some doubts about God's direct interference in answer to prayer. After we had prayed that Sunday night, I had reached a point where I cared not whether it was God's will that we should go up or down. I determined to go to rest as though we were sailing safely on our way. My boy couldn't rest. We were fast drifting out of the track of vessels, and our peril was extreme. About 2:15 o'clock he came and woke me, telling me to come on deck. There he pointed out an occasional glimpse of a tiny light that showed over the waves as our ship rolled heavily from side to side. "It is our star of Bethlehem," he cried, "and our prayers are answered." Before daylight the Huron, whose masthead light it was, had reached us, and the waves were stilled and the winds were hushed by Divine command, while we were drawn out of the direst peril to this safe haven.
The Spree arrived at Queenstown December 2, with her stern thirty feet in the water, notwithstanding her pumps had been steadily worked from the moment of the disaster. -- Northwestern Christian Advocate.
THE SAILOR AND THE PICTURE OF CHRIST. The following is stated by Rev. B. Fay Mills: "Some of you have seen the great picture that was painted by Muncakszy, of the Christ. That picture was being exhibited in Canada, at Toronto, I think, and there came a wild, rough, wicked sailor to see it. He entered the room, at the time of day when there were no others there; and, paying his money to the woman who sat inside the room, he came in and stood for a moment looking at the canvas as though he would glance at it and go away. But as he looked he could not turn. He stood there with his eyes fixed on the central figure of majesty and love. In a few minutes he took off his hat and let it fall on the floor. After a few minutes more he sat down upon a seat, and there he reached down and picked up a book that described the picture, and began to read, and every few seconds his eyes would turn towards the canvas, and toward the picture of Christ. The lady who sat by the door, saw him lift up his hand and wipe away the tears. Still he sat, till five, ten, fifteen, sixty minutes went away; and still the man sat there, as though he could not stir. At last he rose, and, coming softly and reverently toward the door, he hesitated, to take one last look, and said to the woman who sat there: "'Madam, I am a rough, wicked sailor. I have never believed in Christ; I have never used His name except in an oath; but I have a Christian mother, and my old mother begged me today, before I went to sea, to go and look at the picture of the Christ. To oblige her I said I would come. I did not believe that any one believed in Christ; but as I have looked at that form, and that face, I have thought that some man must have believed in Him; and it has touched me, and I have come to believe in Him, too. I am going out from this time to be a believer in Jesus Christ -- and a follower of Him." O that we may be changed into the same image from glory to glory." -- Prevailing Prayer.
A PERSECUTOR'S AWFUL END. The following is from the Journal of George Fox, the founder of the Society of Friends. Fox says of this wonderful occurrence
"Then I came again to Thomas Taylor's, within three miles of Halifax, where was a meeting of about two hundred people, amongst which were many rude people, and divers butchers, several of whom had bound themselves with an oath before they. came out, that they would kill me (as I was told); one of these butchers had been accused of killing a man and a woman. They came in a very rude manner, and made a great disturbance in the meeting. The meeting being in a field, Thomas Taylor stood up, and said unto them: "If you will be civil, you may stay, but, if not, I charge you to be gone off my ground."
But they were the worse, and said they would make it like a common; and they yelled, and made a noise, as if they had been at a bear-baiting. They thrust Friends up and down; and Friends, being peaceable, the Lord's power came over them. Several times they thrust me off from the place I stood on, by the crowding of the people together against me; but still I was moved of the Lord to stand up again, as I was thrust down. At last I was moved of the Lord to say unto them: "If they would discourse of the things of God, let them come up to me one by one; and if they had anything to say or to object, I would answer them all, one after another;" but they were all silent and had nothing to say. And then the Lord's power came so over them all, and answered the witness of God in them, that they were bound by the power of God; and a glorious, powerful meeting we had, and his power went over all; and the minds of the people were turned by the Spirit of God in them to God, and to Christ their teacher. The powerful word of Christ was largely declared that day; and in the life and power of God we broke up our meeting; and that rude company went their way to Halifax. The people asked them why they did not kill me, according to the oath they had sworn; and they maliciously answered, that I had so bewitched them, that they could not do it. Thus was the devil chained at that time. Friends told me, that they used to come at other times, and be very rude; and sometimes break their stools and seats, and make frightful work amongst them; but the Lord's power had now bound them. Shortly after this, the butcher that had been accused of killing a man and a woman before, and who was one of them that had bound himself by an oath to kill me, killed another man, and then was sent to York jail. Another of those rude butchers, who had also sworn to kill me, having accustomed himself to thrust his tongue out of his mouth, in derision of Friends when they passed by him, had it so swollen out of his mouth that he could never draw it in again, but died so." -- Shining Lights.
REVIVAL AT HARVEY, ILLINOIS. During the spring of 1892, we held a five-weeks revival meeting in the Methodist Episcopal Church, in Harvey, the new temperance town near Chicago, Ill. A series of meetings had closed but a few weeks before, and the church was divided, and some were doing all in their power to undermine and destroy the influence of the godly pastor. From a human standpoint, it looked almost like presumption to commence a protracted effort under such unfavorable circumstances. Yet, in spite of the discouragements, we felt the call was from God, and were given an inspiration of prayer for the town. We prayed especially for help, and God sent two devoted sisters from Chicago, and one from Rockford, to our aid.
After a few days of great burden of soul for the work, the Lord moved in power among the people, and from that time they came in great crowds. The work done was thus reported by Evangelist Sarah A. Cooke (one of the workers mentioned above), in the Highway and Banner of Holiness;
"Harvey has never had such a shaking up as this before,' said the janitor of the Methodist church, as we looked on the display of the Lord's power moving on the people. Night after night the altar has been filled with seekers, and deep conviction has taken hold of many, long hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. In one of the factories they have commenced a noonday prayer-meeting, and another in the academy; the principal of which has been gloriously sanctified during the revival, and, like a fire in his bones, the love of God has burned. 'I believe,' he said in a testimony, a few nights ago, 'I can claim the whole academy for Christ.' Twenty-three the other afternoon professed they had found the Lord.
"No church is preached, no creed (save the apostles'), no dogma, just, 'All have sinned and come short of the glory of God;' 'Except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish;' and the faithful saying: 'Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners, even the chief;' and God, as ever honors His own word. Brother S.B. Shaw, of Michigan, is in charge. Weeping between the porch and the altar, realizing the awful responsibility of standing between the living and the dead, and by faith taking hold of God by the mighty arms of faith and prayer, he leads the work on gloriously."
Of the same meeting, Sister Abbie Mills, author of "Quiet Hallelujahs" and "Whispers of the Comforter," wrote to the Christian Witness:
"I am here beholding the works of the Lord. In this place, known to all that are afar off, as well as to them that are nigh, the people of God are getting clear titles to the reserved inheritance, incorruptible, undefiled, and that will endure when Harvey is no more. I came here on Thursday, thinking to make a very short stay, but found the people engaged in a holiness meeting, under the leadership of Brother Shaw, of Michigan. The interest is growing, and some are getting clean hearts, and being filled with the Holy Ghost daily. Yesterday (Sabbath) was a day of much blessing. The class meeting at the noon-hour was glorious. Several crossed over into Beulah-land, one aged brother leaving his tobacco behind. At 3 P. M., Sister Cooke, of Chicago, held a children's meeting. In the evening the church was very full. After the sermon by Brother Shaw, the altar filled twice, while first on one side, then on the other, the cleansed would arise to testify and give their place to others. Far out in the congregation also, there were some on their knees, seeking a God who was not afar off. I had thought my work for the winter about over, but am constrained to tarry here this week, and hope to see an increased outpour or downpour of salvation."
GEORGE MULLER, OF BRISTOL, ENGLAND. This mighty man of faith is too well known to the Christian world to need any introduction from us. We quote the following from a brief sketch of his life
"The support of his orphanage amounts to $230,000 annually. The milk-bill amounts to $10,000 yearly! He has sometimes paid out as much as $27,500 in one day. In all, Mr. Muller has received for his orphanage and other works of a Christian and benevolent kind, a total of $4,275,000; and he declares that he never asked a human being for a sixpence! He has made it his uniform rule to go in prayer to Him who has the hearts of all men in His hands, and ask Him for all needed supply and men have been moved to give it; some giving out of their abundant wealth, and some out of their poverty. He has received as high as $45,000 in one donation, and scores of times $5,000. A principle of his has been never to contract a debt in connection with his orphanage. Often the last sixpence has been spent, and within a few hours either money must come or starvation but the money came without fail, and never were the children sent hungry to bed. Hundreds of times he has held two prayer-meetings in a day with his helpers, beseeching God to send them supplies for the next meal of food for the orphans; and in every case the Lord has graciously answered their prayer. In eleven years, he had received five thousand answers to prayer. In the course of his life he has received some thirty thousand answers to prayer within the same day of asking; and that for some things he had been praying every day for over thirty years, and the answer had not come as yet. He mentioned these things to encourage Christians patiently to wait on God. He had received answers after waiting fifteen, twenty, and thirty years. When in the deepest poverty, he never gives any human being the least intimation of his needs, either by word or look, but always carries every matter great and small to God, and continually rejoices in the Lord. He declares that his countenance never looks sad or anxious when in need, as he considers that would be dishonoring to God, and inconsistent with a perfect trust in Him.
"He says: 'When I first began allowing God to deal with me, relying on Him, taking Him at His word, and set out, over half a century ago, simply to rely on Him for myself, family, taxes, traveling expenses, and every other need, I rested on simple promises.'
I believed the word. I rested on it and practiced it. I 'took God at His word.' A stranger, a foreigner in England, I know seven languages, and might have used them perhaps as a means of remunerative employment; but I had consecrated myself to labor for the Lord. I put my reliance in the God who has promised, and He has acted according to His word. I've lacked nothing --nothing. I have had my trials, my difficulties, and my empty purse, but my receipts have aggregated tens of thousands of dollars, while the work has gone on all these years. " -- Shining Lights.
JOHN WESLEY HEALED IN ANSWER TO PRAYER. An illustrious example of constancy and power in prayer, we find in John Wesley : "It is said that 'as a matter of habit and rule, John Wesley's ordinary private praying consumed two hours a day.' At times he would gather his company and pray all night, or till the power of God came down. Nothing was considered too great or too small to take to the Lord. Seized with a pain in the midst of his preaching, so that he could not speak, 'I know my remedy,' he says, and immediately kneeled down. In a moment the pain was gone, and the voice of the Lord cried aloud to sinners. Being seized with a pain, fever and cough, so that he could scarcely speak, 'I called on Jesus aloud to increase) my faith. While I was speaking my pain vanished away, my fever left me, and my bodily strength returned.'
"The elements, as well as sickness, were often in his way, and prayer removed the hindrances. 'Just as I began to preach the sun broke out and shone exceedingly hot on my head. I found if it continued I should not be-able to speak long, and I lifted up my heart to God. In a minute or two it was covered with clouds which continued till the service was over.' And he says: 'Let any one who please call this chance, I call it an answer to prayer.' It was raining, and Wesley and his congregation were crowded out of the church, and the rain ceased the moment they came out. He says in regard to this incident: ' How many proofs must we have that there is no petition too little, any more than too great, for God to grant?'
"Wesley moved things mightily, because he moved God mightily. He became the prince of evangelists, because he was the prince of prayers. He stirred the world with the -fire of his zeal, because he had stirred heaven by the fire of his prayers. His pleas had access to men's consciences, because they had access to God. If more men prayed as John Wesley prayed, there would be more of John Wesley's thoroughly spiritual work done. " -- Prevailing Prayer, by Wigle.
PRAYER ANSWERED FOR A DEBT OF NINETY DOLLARS. A few years ago we owed a-man ninety dollars. When it came due we were unable to pay it. We went to him and asked his forgiveness, telling him our circumstances. He was a Christian, and manifested a Christian spirit in telling us not to worry over it, that he was not uneasy. Some time after this, we became greatly burdened on account of the debt, and were led out to pray God to open the way for us to meet the obligation, or to influence him to donate it, as he was a man of means.
Soon after this, a brother minister came to us, and told us how he was impressed to pay the obligation for us. He said he had told his wife of his feelings, and she remarked that she had had the same conviction for some time.
This minister, living in the same neighborhood, went and offered the money, or part of it, which the man took. But a short time after, he was so burdened over it that he could not sleep, and was compelled to take the money back to the minister, Brother K., in the night. He went to the home of Brother K----., and called him up, and in tears told him how the Lord had appeared to him in the night, and compelled him to return the money. He said it seemed that forks were sticking in him, and he was impressed to donate the money to us, instead of allowing our friend, Brother K----. to pay the obligation. Thus God answered our prayer in a time of special need, as he always does those that call upon Him in the right spirit. -- Editor.
CORN THE FROST COULD NOT KILL. By our request, Brother L.G. Whitney, a reliable Christian man, of Hemlock, Mich., writes us of a remarkable interposition of Providence in reference to his field of corn. This is his story:
"Two years ago, the seed-corn in this part of the country proved poor -- not having sufficiently ripened the previous year. I saw an advertisement of a ninety-days corn, and sent to Pennsylvania and obtained enough to plant eleven acres. It grew rapidly, and became tall and stout. When other corn was out of the way of the frost, mine was just beginning to fill. One day as I was walking through it, I realized that it could not come to maturity. I fell on my knees, and talked to my heavenly Father about it. I well remember how I addressed Him, saying: "Father, I have been deceived in this corn; according to the season and the nature of the corn it cannot ripen. But, Father, it is in Thy hands, I have given myself and all I have into Thy care. It is only by Thy power that this field of corn can ever ripen. Thy will be done. I will not complain" While I was thus addressing Him, heavenly peace filled my soul. Frost after frost came, and froze ice as thick as a window-glass. My neighbors would say: ' What is the matter with Whitney's corn that the frosts do not kill it?' It stood like a green forest through all the frosts till it ripened. I never had such a crop of corn before or since. I know the Lord will answer the prayers of the faithful in heart, and 'no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.'
THE DYING BOY But I have another anecdote to tell. It was Ralph Wallace who told me of this one. A certain gentleman was a member of the Presbyterian Church. His little boy was sick. When he went home his wife was weeping, and she said:
"Our boy is dying; he has had a change for the worse. I wish you would go in and see him." The father went into the room, and placed his hand upon the brow of his dying boy, and could feel that the cold, damp sweat was gathering there; that the cold, icy hand of death was feeling for the chords of life.
"Do you know, my boy, that you are dying?" asked the father.
"Am I? Is this death? Do you really think I am dying?"
"Yes, my son, your end on earth is near."
"And will I be with Jesus tonight, father?"
"Yes, you will be with the Savior."
"Father, don't you weep, for when I get there I will go right straight to Jesus, and tell Him that you have been trying all my life to lead me to Him."
God has given me two little children, and ever since I can remember I have directed them to Christ; and I would rather they carried this message to Jesus that I had tried all my life to lead them to Him-than have all the crowns of the earth; and I would rather lead them to Jesus than give them the wealth of the world. If you have got a child, go and point the way I challenge any man to speak of heaven without speaking of children. "For of such is the kingdom of heaven." -- Moody's Anecdotes