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Truths that Transfigure: Introduction

By George Kulp

      Faith Tonics

      By George B. Kulp

      Author of
      Callused Knees
      Nuggets of Gold
      King's Allowance
      Voice From Eternity
      The Departed Lord

      Fifteen sermons for the saints published
      at request of laity and ministry

      "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

      God's Revivalist Press
      Ringgold, Young and Channing Sts.,
      Cincinnati, Ohio, U. S. A.

      Printed Book Copyright, 1927
      God's Bible School and Revivalist


      A layman of experience and interest in Christian work wrote me a letter in which he said, "Brother Kulp you have a number of books of sermons that are for preachers and sinners. Why not give us some of your sermons to the saints? I will take two hundred copies and dispose of them if you will." A minister, one of the most successful pastors in the Holiness ranks in Ohio, said that if I would have them printed, he would take one hundred copies. I also have received numerous requests for a book of my poems which have been published in the last ten years in the Revivalist. In answer to the call, which I believe is in the Divine approval, I herewith, by the grace of the Publishers of God's Revivalist, send forth these sermons with an eye that is single to the glory of God. May His blessing rest on every reader of these messages and may such derive comfort and blessing is the humble prayer of

      Your Brother and Servant in Christ,
      George B. Kulp.

Back to George Kulp index.

See Also:
   Sermon 1: Citizenship in Heaven
   Sermon 2: The Discipline of Suffering
   Sermon 3: The Program of Jesus
   Sermon 4: Have You the Vision?
   Sermon 5: The Saints' Attendants
   Sermon 6: It Is Written
   Sermon 7: There is Corn in Egypt
   Sermon 8: The Life Abundant
   Sermon 9: The Triumphal Procession
   Sermon 10: The Only Remedy for Sin
   Sermon 11: How Readest Thou?
   Sermon 12: Apostolic Practices
   Sermon 13: The Cross of Christ
   Sermon 14: The Optimism of Faith
   Sermon 15: Sons of God


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